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  • AI computer showdown - MacBook Air vs. Microsoft Surface Laptop Copilot+ PC

    I don’t even need to read the story to know that at the end, they will say, “of course this all depends on whether your a Windows or MacOS is the deciding factor.  As a Mac user, nothing about the Microsoft product is going to compel me to switch. My wife’s business uses windows, so her boss will likely opt for a new Windows device when upgrading.     
  • Apple's 'Crush' iPad Pro ad sparks intense backlash from creatives

    Lighten up artists.  It was not your kit that was destroyed. It was a cartoon.  For people like me who could never do art with paint and brushes, the idea that I could create with iPad is inspiring. The art community needs to get over itself.  It’s just an a silly ad. And I bet many of the complainers will happily create on the iPad considering the cost involved in buying art supplies.  I left York University after one year because I couldn’t stand the elitism and pretentiousness of the “artists.”
  • The Worst of WWDC - Apple's biggest missteps on the way to success

    What is it people want Siri to do?  I use Siri multiple times per day and haven’t thought, oh, would be nice of Siri told me what to eat for dinner or recommended the one and only restaurant I should dine at.  I don’t need an assistant that draws me a picture of a unicorn on a unicycle balancing a plate shrimp scampi on the tip of its horn while pooping skittles.  It seems that the things other assistants do better than Siri are mostly time wasters and things for giggles and shits that no one really needs.  Like Memoji!  But I am willing to be educated and open minded.  Probably won’t be downloading ChatGPT any time soon.  My experience with that has been more underwhelming x 10 than the worst of anything from WWDC.
  • Congo demands that Apple prove iPhone doesn't use conflict materials

    The burden of proof is always on the accuser. How does someone prove a negative.  Legally they must show evidence that Apple or any other manufacturer is using conflict materials.  It’s like asking someone to prove they have never spit on the sidewalk or run a red light, or stolen something from a store.  There is not much they can do about it if Apple shows them their supply chain records.  They must show evidence that the accused as commuted the infraction. Not ask for proof they didn’t.  
  • US DOJ attacks nearly every aspect of Apple's business in massive antitrust suit

    I’m not sure when Apple forced me to become part of their Ecosystem.  I do so of my free will.  I am also a developer with apps on both iOS and Android.  I’ve used Macs since the early days. But I’ve also used PCs and other non Apple products when that’s all that was offered to me.  Consumers have a clear choice between Android and iOS and a few other options.  Why isn’t Microsoft being sued?  If you don’t want to us Macs your only other realistic choice is Windows.  What about Google?  It’s the only real search engine in town worth using.  And as far as paying a commission to the “storefront” hosting your product, 30% is pretty standard.  I’ve sold books, art and photographs in art galleries. Guess what they take?  30%!  And I’ve done commission sales. Guess what I get paid?  Oh, right 25-30%. A world without Apple and their innovations would look vastly different.