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  • Spotify raising premium plan prices in US to try to stay profitable

    red oak said:
    Spotify has never posted an annual profit in it’s 15 year history 

    In 2022, it lost $470 million 

    Just the facts 

    That is a fun fact!!!!!!! I read that to the misses and she spat out her drink!!!! Thank you for sharing.  Losing half a billion is a pretty big hit!!! Ouch. 
    red oakwilliamlondonwatto_cobra
  • AI companies pledge to safety commitments at White House, but Apple's absence raises eyebr...

    mknelson said:
    BiCC said:
    Apple should not show up and did not. The government should be visiting Apple. Real Presidents visit an assembly line of Apple production.  I'm not political - just stating a Fact.  Slow Joe would need a stretcher. 
    And Donald would need a paddy wagon.

    You capitalized Fact like it's a title or a trademark not like a noun.

    President Trump actually stood beside CEO Cook at the assembly line in Texas.  Where was Slow Joe.  Not there my friend.  No politics in technology.  As an outsider, who is the President of America.  Crack pipe biden or President Trump.The article simply read who showed up and did not show up.  Apple did not show up.  Why...
  • AI companies pledge to safety commitments at White House, but Apple's absence raises eyebr...

    Apple should not show up and did not. The government should be visiting Apple. Real Presidents visit an assembly line of Apple production.  I'm not political - just stating a Fact.  Slow Joe would need a stretcher. 
  • Apple's AirTag helps a magician find his lost bag at Newark airport

    eriamjh said:
    Anilu_777 said:
    Lol United Airlines intelligence disappeared. 
    Once again, exposing the incompetence of airlines.   They have a strange inability to think outside of their terrible procedures.  

    Lets not go so hard on them.  They just fly airplanes.  The incompetence of Airlines banks Facebook coin.  Who doesn't have at least three stories.  Every comment in this thread is actually amusing. And true.
  • TSMC delays Arizona plant, blames US labor shortage

    danox said:
    blastdoor said:
    They are FOS. I feel no pain for them. They chose Arizona, which in 5 years will be burned to a crisp and uninhabitable. 

    And their water demands will only further its demise.
    My understanding is that Arizona is actually very appealing due to geological stability and lack of hurricanes/tornadoes. 

    It is also my understanding that while a fab uses a lot of water, it's mostly recycled water. The analogy I've heard is that it's like a swimming pool -- it holds a lot of water, but then it just mostly recycles it. 

    And in terms of water use furthering the demise of Arizona -- I've read the biggest culprit is ALFALFA farmers. Yes, alfalfa. Somehow, people are growing one of the most water intensive crops there is in the middle of a desert. 

    Far better to turn those alfalfa fields into solar farms that power a Fab that's filled with water once, and then use the vast quantity of water saved from alfalfa farming to, you know, drink. 

    TSMC could have built the facility somewhere near/close to the Columbia river basin in eastern Washington or Oregon, and certainly not in water less Arizona. Another good location would’ve been somewhere in British Columbia just north of the US Canadian border within 50 miles of the border and within 50 miles of the Pacific Ocean.

    Anywhere in the Pacific northwest near the Pacific ocean close to vast amounts of hydroelectric power (45% of the USA’s total Hydro electric output) and plenty of water. With the added bonus of having a better post secondary educational system and Microsoft and Boeing nearby.

    Being in Arizona, long-term is not good because of the lack of water means you’re gonna have to duplicate your efforts in building another facility within 5 to 10 years in an area with water.

    TSMC, did a bad job in scouting. Whatever they were going to build should’ve been within 50 miles of the pacific ocean between Vancouver and San Diego, the best schools, the largest population of Asians in the United States, and the best companies in Tech are all along the Pacific Coast from San Diego to Vancouver, Qualcomm in the south, and Microsoft and Boeing in the north, with Silicon Valley in the middle.

    Apple can build anywhere they want.  TSMC will get licensed.  I'll keep this short, Apple contracts TSMC to make for Apple.  Do the Logic.