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  • LG UN73 UHD TV review: Beautiful screen with a laggy operating system

    Why not simply Over Ride the LG Web 5.0 Operating System by plugging in your Macintosh through HDMI.  You get the best of both worlds.  Depending on your Mac you may even get better colours or at least customize it to your preference, and save it.  Also hard wire the TV with Ethernet, that's huge for lag.
  • Fatal helicopter crash likely caused by dropped iPad

    chadbag said:
    AppleZulu said:
    This is irresponsible reporting. The headline and lede make it seem like this was somehow a failure on the part of the iPad itself. It was not.

    Read on, and you'll understand that the issue was that, once dropped, the iPad became a wedged-in obstruction to flight control mechanisms. The same would've been the case if the dropped item had been a Microsoft Surface, or a paper notebook in a rigid binder. There is no fault in the hardware design or software operation of the iPad itself.
    The headline is 100% correct.  Nothing in the headline implies that it was a failure of an Apple product.  The headline couldn’t have been simpler and more correct. 

    I’m as Rah Rah for Apple as the next guy but this sort of comment is funny and ridiculous at the same time.  Of course it could have been a MS Surface or a book or binder.   And the headline would have been “Fatal Helicopter Crash Likely Caused by Dropped Book”.  No one would think that the content or color of the book would have been related to the crash.  Why would you think a software error on a dropped iPad was the cause here?  It plainly states that the fact the iPad was dropped was a cause. 

    Fully agree.  A can or bottle can get stuck underneath the breaks of a motor vehicle.  It actually happens lots.   It happened to us at 18 - no joke.   iOS CANNOT interfere with the robot language of a helicopter.
  • IAM CORE files another unfair labor practice charge against Apple with NLRB

    Apple is awesome on this.  Don't even try to negotiate with a Trillionaire.  Continuously showing up late - That melts my heart - Best tactic.  Apple should just send their Sons and Daughters to the table, and not even show up. Hey Kids, lets build up our Resumes today.
  • New macOS malware steals bank info, crypto wallets & much more

    Marvin said:
    BiCC said:
    How do you steal a Blockchain wallet remotely - you need the eleven random passwords made randomly and the passcode you create - as for a physical wallet like Ledger it only has 250 bites so no possible physical room for malware.  Plus the random words and so on... Blockchain is unhackable.  I once read the odds are one trillion to the exponent one million.  
    They steal credentials like private keys. There are a number of things they can do:

    They can replace or modify a crypto browser extension to look like the official one and get you to enter the seed phrase.
    They can also try to extract data from the extension, people don't need to input the seed phrase every time they use a browser crypto wallet so some extensions are storing authentication details and that can be stolen to access the wallet.
    They can intercept wallet communication so the next time a transaction is made, it can send a different amount to a different destination.
    They can compromise emails that are used to access online crypto exchanges, maybe some emails have QR codes.
    They can put keyloggers in place to track any time a seed phrase is pasted somewhere.

    But they are not hacking the Blockchain, they are tricking stupid people.  Hacking a system and Tricking illiterates are Apples and Oranges.  Pick-Pocketing and voluntarily giving away your wallet would be the nearest comparison.  Why would you put your words on your device?  And you can't even do that on a Hard wallet.  It's not Malware.  Ledger gives you a beautiful little note pad to WRITE the 11 words down.  And who walks around with 80k on their Hard wallet?  Always connected?  Why would you make transactions in Public?  It's simply fake news.
  • New macOS malware steals bank info, crypto wallets & much more

    How do you steal a Blockchain wallet remotely - you need the eleven random passwords made randomly and the passcode you create - as for a physical wallet like Ledger it only has 250 bites so no possible physical room for malware.  Plus the random words and so on... Blockchain is unhackable.  I once read the odds are one trillion to the exponent one million.  