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  • Judge clears way for $500M iPhone throttling settlements

    This is just fallout from the Apple Inc. culture of secrecy. As many have noted, had they just given advance notice, or even a contemporaneous technical bulletin, it would have saved them some pocket change. We have two phones affected, so I'm guessing we'll get $5-10 each.
  • Upgrading an Apple Silicon Mac mini SSD is possible, but a slog

    At the beginning of every episode of the late, lamented best show ever on TV, Mythbusters: "Don't try this at home!"
    And their famous motto: "Failure is always an option."

    Average melting temperature of solder used in circuit boards is 361° F. A soldering iron heats up to 480°. That's enough to destroy the circuitry inside that SSD. Sure, you're taking it out and don't care (except for destroying the surrounding chips), but now you have to solder the new one in. And you have to solder not just one, but dozens of them.

    This is done by robotics at the factory where they're made, that use an entirely different process to solder everything on the logic board at the same time, in less than second. Until you can buy one of those robots, your chances of success are slim and none. And Slim just left the building.

    Just buy an external drive.
  • Latest macOS Ventura update brings a location services bug

    dewme said:
    Sounds like Apple’s regression testing missed this one. It happens. Humans still have their place.
    As public beta testers! The couple thousand real alpha, beta and gold testers can in no way predict the different ways hundreds of millions of consumers are going to use their devices!
  • Apple to donate to Maui and Hawaii relief and recovery efforts

    hexclock said:
    mayfly said:
    hexclock said:

    Absolute devastation! And scary how quickly it overwhelmed. Hawaii is known as "paradise" to most of the world, but today it's something else that starts with "h".

    To the deniers ... I have no kind words.
    Importing all those non-native grasses and shrubs certainly didn’t help. And how long before investigators determine it to be caused by arson or careless human activity , as is often the case in these wildfires. 
    That's all speculation on your part, with no evidence to substantiante it at this point. Most wildfires in Hawaii are the result of lightning strikes, followed by volcanic eruptions.

    There are no active volcanoes on Maui. Lighting stikes and downed power lines, sure. Blaming it all on climate change is the speculative part.

    “According to the Hawaii Wildfire Management Organization, a nonprofit that works with communities to mitigate fire risk, a larger percentage of Hawaii burns on an annual basis than any other state. The group notes that the vast majority of the state's fires are caused by dry brush or human activity.”

    "Over 98% of wildfires are human caused," the group states on its website. "Human ignitions coupled with an increasing amount of nonnative, fire-prone grasses and shrubs and a warming, drying climate have greatly increased the wildfire problem."

    I'd prefer to keep the polemic out of this forum.
    But since you brought it up, "the vast majority of the state's fires are caused by dry brush or human activity." Climate change is caused by human activity. We've compressed and accelerated geologic cycles from 10,000 years to 150.
    Bart Y
  • Suppliers compete for share of 2025 iPhone SE 4 screen orders

    wood1208 said:
    With many versions of previous releases of iPhones in secondary market for consumers to buy at cheaper price; need for SE4 will go away. More and more high tech going into every new iPhone release; so it will be challenge for Apple to balance between features and price in SE4. Consumers always welcome discounted iphone.
    There's no need for it, but several of us want it, due to the size. For instance, bicyclists. The SE is the only iPhone that fits sideways in a cycling jersey pocket. That keeps it from bouncing out and either breaking, or getting lost when you hit a bump. Used iPhones have three problems, maybe 4, that keep me buying new:
    1) worn batteries
    2) size, as mentioned
    3) at some point, no more support for iOS updates, including security updates
    4) little or no warranty, and of course no AppleCare option.