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  • Apple Music debuts new algorithmic Discovery Station radio

    Ofer said:
    mayfly said:
    Maybe I'm a dinosaur, but I don't want some algorithm telling me what "I may like" or what I want to hear next. I choose.
    Well here’s the magic part: you don’t have to listen to that station. Amazing, right?
    Good point! I guess I'll keep that Sirius XM radio account after all. That "Deep Tracks" (less known tracks by well known bands) station never tells me what I might like. And I don't like everything they run. But I get to hear hundreds of great tunes I've never heard before.
  • YouTuber converts Apple Watch to run mechanically

    Mama said, "Son, just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD."
  • Apple Pay launches in Vietnam

    I wish more vendors in the U.S.A. accepted Apple Pay. Especially at more gas pump and restaurants. Pretty much all of northern and western Europe already does.
  • SEC sues Apple Car exec over securities rules at former employer

    Hopefully, Tim Cook is smart enough to look at the graveyard of great American automakers like Packard, Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg and Studebaker, and literally hundreds more, and realize that making some new must-have technology that the Big Three are forced to adopt to maintain their customer loyalty is smarter than a startup. And charge them up the wazoo for it!
  • Apple's valuation will fall to less than $3 trillion for the worst reasons

    Xed said:
    mayfly said:
    What if Apple is buying back stock in order to kill it so that sooner or later it will take itself private?

    From what I can see Apple's stock has been manipulated regularly based on rumours and innuendo instead of actual product releases. What if Apple is sick and tired of idiot analysts that are trying to ruin Apple's reputation?

    Going private also makes huge sense for Apple. If there is no financial benefit to leaking Apple products before release then Apple can once again "WOW" people rather than have the rug pulled from underneath their feet.

    Of course, what if some of those senseless rumours that have been released to drive down Apple's stock is Apple's doing to be able to buy more back for cheaper? Thus allowing their move to private to happen sooner? That one would be dodgy because that's insider trading but if Apple was to go private then would they be beholden to SEC governance?

    But I don't know because I'm not a stock guy but Apple could very well be in a position to remove itself from the stock exchange and do whatever the hell it wants without being answerable to anyone.

    Is it possible?
    A publicly traded company cannot "take itself private." Existing shareholders own the company. A buyback of a few million shares per quarter is one thing. Buying the entire company in this case would require raising just shy of $3 Trillion, and by whom? What investment group, hedge fund or lender group has that capacity? And do you want Apple Inc. to be owned by a trio of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley? Not me.
    It's not going to happen, but I don't think Apple would have to raise that much. They have deep coffers and they could probably borrow a great deal simply based on their earnings and other investments. Those that backed Musk to buy Twitter will never see their money, but those that would be willing to back Apple would be fine. That said, it's not going to happen.
    You're right, it won't. But Apple does have to repurchase every single share or the $3 Trillion worth owned by current shareholders. I wouldn't let mine go for the current price. I'd want at LEAST a 35-50% premium. Neither would most shareholders. $3-5 Trillion dollars is probably more than the total assets of the top 25 investment banks in the world. COMBINED.

    So I'm calling this one impossible. And no one, but no one, wants to see Apple owned by a bunch of investment banks, whose only concern is quarterly results and servicing the $3-4 Trillion in debt they incurred in the purchase.