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  • Apple Watch Series 9 will get a big speed boost from S9 chip

    ApplePoor said:
    I don't need a faster watch. I am getting older fast enough.
    Amen, brother!
    mac daddy zeegatorguyAlex1N
  • What to expect from Apple's Q3 2023 earnings report

    Frankly, I don't care what Apple's earnings are for the previous quarter. I've owned Apple stock since the return of Steve Jobs, and it's responsible for my comfortable retirement (disclaimer: I worked for Apple from 2004 until I retired in 2015, and bought additional shares with every paycheck). Anyone who invests in or sells a company based on one quarter of earnings is going to have a history of long term losses. If you're not content to build wealth slowly, you're bound to get poor in a hurry.

    Here are some relevant quotes from the second greatest investor of all time (after his friend Warren Buffett), Peter Lynch, who outperformed the S&P index the entire time he managed the Magellan Fund, the largest fund in the world at that time:
  • iPhone 15 rumors: Thinner bezels, USB-C, and more expensive

    Xed said:
    mayfly said:
    Let me get this straight. Apple removes a proprietary connector and replaces it with a cheaper industry standard that's made on a scale thousands of times larger than Lightning, but charges their customers more.

    Wish I'd thought of that! Wish Apple Jobs had thought of that 4 years ago. Is Lightning the last Apple-proprietary connector?
    1) That's if you assume that a price increase is for moving to USB-C and not, ya know, the several hundred other possible ways in which the device can incur a higher cost.


    edit: To be more clear, I can think of two Apple connectors still being sold today on new products: the iPad Pro's Smart Connector, and the Mac notebook's MagSafe connector.
    LOL Well, ya shot me in the foot real good there! I totally forgot the MagSafe, since I have the 13" MacBoook Air, and I've never even seen an iPad Pro! Probably time to say Sayonara to them, too!

    I thought about the improvements adding cost, but then I remembered Moore's Law: "Moore's Law states that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years. The law claims that we can expect the speed and capability of our computers to increase every two years because of this, yet we will pay less for them." So far, that has been pretty consistent.
  • Apple Watch Series 9 will get a big speed boost from S9 chip

    Why on earth do I need a faster watch? Mine keeps perfect time right now.
    tenthousandthingsjfabula1appleinsideruserwatto_cobrahcrefugeemac daddy zeedewmeAlex1N
  • AirTag assists in rescue of bicycle after airline lost it

    One day, the airlines will pull their collective head out their ass and recognize that AirTags actually DO have the location of your lost luggage, and go get it for you right away. Or some of them will. The rest will lose their customers to those that do.