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  • Apple TV+ review: 'Palmer' starring Justin Timberlake is an effective Southern drama

    cloudguy said:
    Another thing: 

    Tim Cook. From Mobile, Alabama. B.S. in industrial engineering from Auburn University in 1982. MBA from Duke University in 1988. 
    You know something? The southeast played a huge role in the development of Internet and web 1.0 and was the single most important region for it - companies like Hayes Microcomputer, U.S. Robotics, Scientific Atlanta and Mindspring - until the dot.com crash and the web 2.0 relocating to Silicon Valley. Not only does Tim Cook know this but he almost certainly went to school with some of the people who made it happen as well as worked with some of them during his time at IBM! Yet he allows his company to traffic in these same stereotypes that he personally knows are not true.

    Mindspring, now there’s a name I haven’t heard of in a long time. Somewhere I have a brand new, unwrapped Visor in a box. They were the bomb at one time.

    You nailed the “coastal, progressive feminist audience.” The only program I can get in to on AppleTV+ is Ted Lasso which somehow managed to slip by the required stereotypes. Even Amazing Stories had to have progressive storylines artificially injected in to it. Our family went and watched the original series in anticipation of the new one and it went from a great family experience, to something radically different.

    Until this mindset changes the service will continue to flounder. There are a lot of normal people that live between the two progressive coastlines that aren’t interested in what Apple has to offer.
  • Major news publishers association joins the Coalition for App Fairness

    larryjw said:

    And, these are the reputable papers, not Fox, or Alex Jones, etc. 

    Any of those reputable papers bother to cover the Hunter Biden story when the news first broke, as to kind of covering it now? Any of them bother to investigate the election corruption charges (2020 not 2016) that had tons of affidavits and evidence instead of immediately writing it off (pun intended) as fake news? How about the AMA's recent retraction of its previous stance against prescription of Hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 patients? Hundreds of thousands of people needlessly died from that one.

    These "reputable papers" are a joke.
  • Facebook attacks Apple over iOS 14 ad privacy program in full-page newspaper ads

    tommikele said:
    Facebook is just like Trump - stands up for no one but themselves and tells bald faced lies trying to convince you they will protect you.

    Jail for Zuckerberg.
    And only 4 posts in. Good job! If Trump gets you that much your head is going to explode if Biden manages to get in. His entire life has been nothing but a lie working in government for 50 years.
  • Apple releases $35 bi-directional Lightning to 3.5mm Audio Cable

    seankill said:
    Is it me or is Apple getting ridiculous with their prices? 
    At a minimum you have at least one other person that agrees with you.
  • Backbone One review: turn your iPhone into a powerful handheld game console

    n2itivguy said:
    This is why Apple needs to come out with a first-party traditional controller. They could call it a Pro controller that can be used for all iDevices including Apple TV. They really should’ve done this when they pushed gaming for Apple TV. 
    Yep. As soon as Apple decided to not release their own branded controller I knew the gaming initiative they had for the redesigned AppleTV was dead on arrival.