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  • M4 Mac minis in a computing cluster is incredibly cool, but not hugely effective

    I wonder if daisy chaining the Mac minis would work?

  • Apple's browser rules deemed anticompetitive, says UK competition body

    ssfe11 said:
    Well this clueless regulation nonsense bullying will stop with the new USA administration. The USA will fight back and the EU and UK companies will soon be requesting that their govts please ease up on Apple etc. Watch this ridiculous regulation suddenly all go away lol. 
    You're assuming that agent orange knows what he's doing.
  • Apple beats patent troll, wins suit over Secure Enclave tech

    If they had won, then every time you login, you'll be logging in on a machine that violated the Patent.
    It's good that they lost.
  • The best hard drive enclosures you need for your Mac

    charles1 said:
    I bought a Thunderbay 8 and put 8x 10Tb drives in it, for a usable RAID5 of ~70Tb. I could not get backups to work on a RAID5 with hard drives, it really needs APFS which requires SSDs. NAS does not work well either, even advanced disk formats like ZFS are unsuitable for MacOS backups.
    I figured that to back up my Mac Studio M2U with 4Tb internal SSD, I could just clone the drive with a 1:1 backup since I don't run it close to full. I bought an OWC Express 1M2, and put in a low cost but fast 4Tb SSD. The 1M2 enclosure promises bandwidth up to 3151MB/sec and the SSD promises >6500, I got 3090, very close to the limit! Apparently it runs via USB4 and not Thunderbolt, I don't quite understand the tech but I like it! Right now I'm running backups hourly in Carbon Copy Cloner, the first backup (~3Tb) took about 2.5 hours but hourly incremental backups run in ~15 seconds. I am considering switching over to Time Machine, but 4Tb probably isn't big enough for that. 
    You can't get Raid5 APFS volume to  to work with her machine.  Strange because that's what I'm using Thunderbay four with a 4 TB RAID5 volume as  APFS using Time Machine.
  • Russia forces Apple to remove VPN apps from the App Store

    rob53 said:
    At this point, Apple needs to stop selling anything in Russia. Let Russia try and make their own computing devices. There are plenty of honest people in Russia but until their crazy people in charge are no longer there, it's not worth the minor amount of money Apple makes in Russia. Hopefully, the USA doesn't follow Russia's lead because if they do, I'll be looking for another country to live in and I see Apple and a lot of other companies doing the same thing. 

    That's assuming that Russians are using iPhones bought in Russia, and not outside Russia.