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  • Compared: M1 Max 16-inch MacBook Pro versus Mac Pro

    Appleish said:
    I know that there are a lot of use cases out there for some to need the new Intel Mac Pro, but knowing the M1 MBPs were coming, how many could have just waited.

    All those Mac Pros out there can't be upgraded to Apple Silicon. What a waste. Flame away...

    Where I work 9 Edit rooms networked on Fiber channel work just fine on 2019 Mac Pros. It will be 5 years before any are replaced, so no waste. All producers use MacBooks
    but that's their decision to make to upgrade and their wallet.
  • ProRes in 4K limited to iPhone 13 models with 256GB of storage or more

    A minute of 4K ProRes 422HQ is 6GB
    A minute of 4K ProRes 4444HQ is 8GB

    Whichever flavor of ProRes it is, it's gonna suck up storage really quickly. The only other possible reason is the storage in the 128 isn't fast enough to keep up, but that seems unlikely.
    Are you using 4K-2160 that's 7.94 GB
    or 3072 that's 11.29 GB
    or Academy that's 8.74? GB

    So many 4K setups.
  • 2022 Mac Pro said to use Intel Ice Lake Xeon W-3300 CPU

    Marvin said:

    Like I say though, the tower form factor hasn't made much sense for Apple to keep making it for at least a decade and it makes less sense now than ever with such efficient hardware. Apple has stated repeatedly their goal was always to make the hardware disappear, that's why the new iMacs are so compact. The Mac Pro has stuck around as an ugly wart on that goal for far longer than necessary and this was only due to the failings of Intel, Nvidia and AMD over the years. Now they can go it alone and build exactly the hardware they want.

    I would have to disagree, if it wasn't for the pro towers they would not have the Pro market where I work. The infrastructure where I work requires PCI slots. There's a lot of 32 gigabit fiber-optic networking for video editing and all the apps or Adobe and Avid. If Apple ever put out another product like the trashcan my employer may never approve an Apple  product again no matter what chip is in it.
  • House unveils sweeping antitrust legislation that takes aim at tech giants

    foad said:
    I always thought it was interesting that Microsoft would really get into this battle. They thought that they wouldn’t get caught in the same crosshairs? Same goes for Epic and Spotify. Acquiring the Joe Rogan show and making it exclusive can even fall under scrutiny because Spotify is the platform and now they have exclusive content. Most of this stuff isn’t going result in anything because it wants to unravel basic business ideas.

    Microsoft tried to used a third party, SCO, to sue IBM over Linux. A total misuse of the judicial system.
  • Apple currently limiting M1 iPad Pro apps to 5GB RAM each

    Per the internet, it sounds like the next version of iPadOS will likely eliminate the 5GB only barrier.

    Or give you a choice so you can set the limit would be nice.