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  • Review: Apple TV 4K is an impressive extension of the iTunes ecosystem to the living room

    US content providers continue to be crap. 4K has tested and run OTA in Japan for a few years, now. In the UK, you can be in your 2nd season with the Premier League via PPV, 4K.

    I'm still happy with uprezzing on my 1st gen 4K-Vizio; but, I'm not buying new for HDR until a fair piece of day-to-day content is available in 4K. C'mon, folks! Recover some of those wasted 3D production dollar$ and give us something that works on all the sets now being bought.
  • Review: DJI's Mavic Pro is the best iPhone-connected drone you can buy

    Are they licensing the name - or not selling within the EU? Mavic, in France, is a company founded in 1889. And they have had products labeled Mavic Pro for cycle racing from time to time.
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook says globalization is 'great for the world' in China speech

    Sigh.  Nothing like verifying Americans can be as parochial as any Ukrainian kulak, Mongolian herder or UK Midlands Brexiteer.  I figured out there's more to gain for our species when I decided I'm a citizen of Earth -- not a city or state, clan or ethnicity.  Old fashioned enough to understand I have more in common with folks working to feed themselves and family, advance lifestyles with better health and education - in any other nation - than I might ever wish to have with the politicians, pundits and profiteers running economic life in my home patch.

    That was over 60 years ago.  Never voted for creeps like Nixon, Reagan or Trump.  Rarely encountered leading Democrats "on my side" for longer than an election cycle or two.  The leaders of many of the trade unions I joined and worked to improve were often as easily bought off by useless promises and/or dollar$ as any state politician.  At the same time, I was fortunate enough to march alongside women and men of all colors and convictions with lifetime commitments to change.  Ready to risk their lives in dissent.  Just as ready to understand solidarity is as global as shares in software startups and likely to be more rewarding to an ethical conscience.

    Yup.  Long-winded as ever.  Just saying, look over your country's favorite wall, your neighborhood's barrio boundary, you might discover some enjoyable new food for your belly - or heart and mind.
    apple jockeyspice-boySolirotateleftbyteelectrotechroundaboutnowration aldewme
  • How to use MyFitnessPal on your iPhone to track calories and eat better

    Healthier nutrition, measured incremental reductions in meal size and the same for increases in exercise have helped me lose 25 lbs in several months.  Most of that since we got a Taylor scale that talks to iPhones and started tracking food in detail with this app.

    i don't use the exercise gimme for calories because the increase has become part of my ordinary lifestyle, anyway.  Not an extra which might be dropped.

    Biggest help is the ease of all of this via iOS, Healthkit and my wee SE - always with me, now.

    Not too shabby for a cranky old geek.
  • Lawsuit blames Apple's 'less safe' FaceTime implementation for fatal traffic accident

    Let the Texas Christian implementation of natural selection have its course - and the bereaved can murder the dolt who drove into their car.
    apple jockeytallest skil