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  • Apple asks permission in Health app to anonymously collect workout data for improvements

    A fanboy for years, only got round to an iPhone this spring.  Got my SE to finally go from phone + pocket camera to 1 device.  Total success.  And though I've been gradually losing weight, regaining younger levels of fitness since retiring over a decade ago - Essey is a "bully" who keeps me on a nice nerdy path to even more.  So, average walk is 1/2 mph quicker, distance avg up 50%, weight loss this year triple the usual.

    Feel good, enjoying the ability to oversee everything from calories to pace.  Apple makes it easy.  If and when 2-lens camera comes available, I'll get a new SE.
  • Oppenheimer: Apple 'lacks the courage to lead the next generation of innovation'

    ceek74 said:
    Yet another ploy to lower APPL stock values for future investments.
  • FBI director calls for restart of smartphone encryption debate

    Mail me a penny postcard when Comey goes to Congress and demands they get off their welfare king-and-queen couches and do something - anything - that reflects the needs of the blind fools who put them in office.  Not the creeps who pay for their endless backslapping campaigns.  I mean the taxpayers who pick up 99% of the tab.
    apple ][mac_doghoodslide
  • Actually, there is something new about Apple's upcoming iPhone 7

    Best critical article dealing with Talking Heads and preconceptions founded in wishes and whines - I've seen in a long while.

    My family uses Apple products pretty much throughout the available range.  For my limited resources - a retired cranky old geek - Apple is one of the few firms where I maintain price targets based upon the manipulated range I see from hedge funds and the even-more-devious.  In fact, with the recent crash-an-burn over the vote from a British public as delusional and ignorant as the average Trump supporter, Apple was one of the two firms I was ready to pull the trigger on going into the predictable furor.

    The other firm was a better deal.  I bought in twice on the way down and sit looking at a current price sufficiently higher than both buys.  That doesn't take away Apple's value in the trading marketplace.  Anyone listening to the few analysts who actually know about tech - and sales - instead of satisfying editors with blunt axes, makes money investing in Apple.

    I chuckled the other day in an email discussion with a few blogging peers when I went back to see what I bought re-entering the market after Bush's Great Crash and Recession.  I got back in 3 months before the official bottom in March 2009.  The first 2 stocks I bought were Apple and Baidu.  Between splits and improved value, I couldn't have done better.
    wetlanderintrepidfostercaliai46jdunysDan Andersen
  • Apple TV won't get Amazon Prime Video until Apple agrees to 'acceptable business terms'

    The Amazon video app for iOS is acceptable.  That"s about all.  The app they provide for "smart" TVs is total crap.  If and when they offer an app for my Apple TV, I hope they've asked someone at Apple to provide a few hints on look and feel.