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  • Sherlocked by Sequoia: What apps Apple may have killed in macOS and iOS 18

    Don’t forget Gentler Streak for iOS and WatchOS. Definitely on the chopping block. After receiving 2 Apple Awards non the less. 
  • RenAIssance: How Apple will drag Siri into the modern era

    chasm said:
    Maybe I’m the anomaly, but Siri has always worked very well for me for the basic reminder, calendar, weather conditions, currency exchange/math problems, calling, texting, “what song is this” and similar “life organization” tasks I throw at it. The only and only thing that drove me up a wall with Siri was working out the exact wording needed to get it to play my college radio station.

    Finally, I discovered that “Play WPRK 91.5 FM on Tune In” was the magic combination of words that worked every time. If you left out any part of this phrase, it would mysteriously play an unrelated rap track of some kind, which was infuriating!

    So I am in no way suggesting that Siri is somehow secretly better than the other vocal assistants in this area, or that the rest of you must be “using it wrong,” as I have no direct experience with any other vocal assistants. I just know that Siri works pretty well for me most of the time, but my requests are not very far-ranging and random, either.

    That aside, I have noticed in the past few months that Siri is already getting “smarter.” On the rare occasion I need to venture outside of the categories above, I get a lot less “here’s something I found on the web” or some similar non-answer than I did before.

    The other day, I idly asked “what is the chemical composition of steel?” and to my astonishment it gave me the correct one-sentence summary answer.

    So at least SOME “AI” is already at work, and none of my Apple devices are recent, so it’s not just doing this on new items.
    You're not an anomaly, it's just that there exists a very vocal group of negative nellies that rush into every Siri thread to denounce it cuz trolls gotta troll.
    It’s great Siri works for you. But for a lot of users, including myself, it’s utterly useless. Basic stuff like asking driving directions to a nearby supermarket gets you to another continent, asking to turn off lights fails without explanation, sending a message is an exercise in frustration as Siri insists on calling, etc. Something that works one day completely fails for the next two weeks, etc etc. Appel definitely needs to completely rethink Siri. 
  • Russian kangaroo court fines Apple two seconds of profit over News row

    igorsky said:
    I don’t know why Apple is still in Russia but I bet there’s a lot of Russian citizens who don’t agree with Russian politics

    You would lose that bet.  There is ample evidence online that Russians by and large gleefully support Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, just as they’ve supported Russia’s past military actions. 

    You could be right. That’s what you get when there’s no free press. Or when the free press gets undermined like what happened in the US.  Half the country lives in a completely delusional phantasy world, only believing what Trump and the GOP tell them.  Very dangerous. 
  • Apple Music violates EU antitrust laws, $39 billion fine possible

    rob53 said:
    I agree. It’s time Apple tells the EU to take a hike. $39B is a joke. 

    Who would end up getting this money? Lawyers and EU management? Would any actually go to the "affected" people? Probably not. From what the article appears to say it's all about Apple preventing iOS users from knowing about alternative music subscriptions. That's not worth $39B. The EU needs to be investigated for frivolous lawsuits but of course they won't because they are the government monopoly in Europe. I think Apple, and the US, should challenge the validity of the EU instead dealing directly with the governments of each sovereign country. The EU is simply a cartel.
    You seem to be living in a dreamworld. First, in the EU it’s very common to put consumers before profit and companies. So this (possible) fine was a long time coming. 

    Second, If Apple does business in the EU then the “validity of the EU” (whatever that means) is obvious and it’s not up to foreign companies to choose whether they want to deal with countries or the union. 

    Third, fines are usually added to the EU budget, directly and indirectly impacting the lives of millions of EU citizens. 
  • Apple backs down on CSAM features, postpones launch

    mike54 said:
    Its not about child protection, it all about getting US Gov surveillance software framework on Apple devices and Apple's best bet on getting this accepted is to use CSAM as the excuse.  Their multi-million dollar privacy campaign, in the  attempt to distinguish them from Google Android, is washed down the toilet with this single act.
    If that were the case, wouldn’t Google also be planning this?

    And would the US gov not need to pass a law to make this mandatory? Or keep it a secret so no one knows. 

    But only Apple combined with a public announced makes it completely unlikely the US gov is behind this. 
    [Deleted User]elijahgrobaba