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  • Samsung rumored offering foldable display samples to Apple for future iPhones

    Johan42 said:
    wood1208 said:
    Stop this baseless talk. I would not even consider fold-able iPhone for next few years if the price is what it is. Has to come down under $1500.
    It could be $3000 but you’d still buy it ‘cause Apple.
    Silly comment that sounds like it was written by an Android sheep.
  • Samsung rumored offering foldable display samples to Apple for future iPhones

    Apple needs at least 200-250 million units of these screens a year if they were to buy these. At the bare minimum even the iPhone X in its lifespan sold 60 Million.
    LOL. are you just being completely sarcastic and silly?
  • Editorial: Apple's waiting game on foldable iPhones is no surprise

    "Unfailingly, Apple is always either late or incredibly late to the party. In every single case, though, Apple is better."

    That is an old paradigm.  Things have changed.  Apple isn't the disruptor it used to be.  They were late to music streaming and after 4yrs  Spotify is still #1.  Their big hope is to try and bleed Spotify out of cash, as opposed to having a better service that everyone wants.  4 yrs into the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, they were the dominate player.  They were late the smart speaker market and got crushed by Amazon and Google.  They're late to the video streaming space and that looks like a major uphill fight.  They completely missed out on web services that turned Microsoft and Amazon into behemoths.

    Even on the products that they were early on, they're struggling.  Siri is way behind the other assistants and Apple TV became a high priced streaming box with minimal market share.

    I don't know if folding phones are the future.  I do know that Apple isn't competing against the likes of RIM,Nokia, and FitBit anymore.  They need to get faster at getting new products to market as well as faster at updating already existing products.  The game has changed, they need to evolve with it.

    The services business is something that for the most part is outside of Appel's set of strengths, and with the glaring exception of iTunes and its close sibling the App Store, I have trouble thinking of anywhere Apple has done really well, At the same time, apparently Apple is making a huge amount of money off their services. As for Apple TV, the devices that have done really well overall are very cheap ones, and so it's not like Apple has really missed out on anything. The home speaker market is a problem for Apple, but they aren't going to succeed at everything. As for Siri, Apple's privacy safeguards have hampered it, and I'd rather have a privacy minded Apple with a weaker Siri than the Android offerings.
  • Compared: Samsung's Galaxy S10 range vs. Apple's iPhone XS and iPhone XR

    pedling said:
    genovelle said:
    So no FaceID type tech?
    Yes.. but not well secured and they ditched Iris Scan.... But I think the UltraSonic fingerprint scanner is more secure than FaceID, it scans not only fingerprint, but also pores and it has to detect blood flow before unlocking...
    There is no reason to think Ultrasonic is more secure than Face ID.
  • How Apple addressed the 'beautygate' effect in iOS 12.1

    lkrupp said:
    Now it shows my freckles! Fire Tim Cook! I'm switching to droidz! #AppleisDoomed
    You’re being sarcastic but I think there will be that exact reaction eventually. Trashing Apple no matter what they do is a cottage industry and YouTubers have actually successfully monetized it. 
    Oh I've seen them criticize Apples security and claim it's better for terrorists so it's bad. The sad part is you can no longer tell if someone's being sarcastic online. I've literally seen people post like this with bad spelling and grammar.

    They also defend data mining and ads.....
    I like the way some of the Android fanboys make it seem like Apple is the evil empire while Google is some noble company, and data mining is fine. They don't get that some people may be troubled by it.