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  • Eager customers line up for iPhone XS, Apple Watch Series 4 as first shipments arrive

    matrix077 said:
    lkrupp said:
    So much for the “too expensive” narrative we hear from the usual nattering nabobs of negativism on AI. 
    I believe the narrative of this year is “too expensive and nothing exciting”.  :)
    When is that not the narrative of a new Apple product?
  • iPhone X versus Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Which phone for 'Fortnite' gaming?

    CobraGuy said:
    Looks like both do pretty well.

    the next iPhones showing tomorrow should take it to another level over the Samsung.

    some do not care for over saturated screens as do I for phots and videos but they are actually pretty good for games.
    Maybe that's because oversaturated screens like the Samsung ones look like games.
  • Beyond the new 'iPhone Xs,' what to expect from Apple's Sept. 12 'Gather round' special ev...

    lkrupp said:
    sumergo said:
    eightzero said:
    A phone company announces its annual event for its latest phones. It also announces it will no longer make computers as they are a sideline business, and takes up too much time, few sales, and have lost interest in making the best computers. Making phones is easier and more profitable. The software division that made iWork, Final Cut, Aperature, Mac Server etc will also be disbanded, as they haven't done anything in years anyway. No one will miss them. No professional laptops (15" are just toys), no pro desktop Mac worth buying since 2013, no 17" laptop since 2012, no new Mac Mini, since ...I forgot it was so long ago. Old computers with old processors, old graphics cards, no user upgradable RAM, tiny RAM limit of 32Gb, same old high prices. Apple should give 5 year warranties. After 25 years as a Mac user, I am considering those PeeCees sadly. Cheaper, faster, 17" laptops, powerful desktop models.
    Hey eightzero, you could cut Macman1993 a little slack - he has a lot of valid points.

    Apple IS apparently reducing it's commitment to Macs, Displays, Airport . . .  in favour of services and phones.  They know what sells and what doesn't - we don't.
    Yes, it is sad, from another long term Apple user's perspective, that the market is encouraging Apple management and the Ive "design team" to focus their development and product delivery in the way they are currently doing.

    It may be tough for us, who might prefer a different business model, but just check out AAPL stocks to see what Wall Street might finally be getting about Apple's business competency . . .
    Hell hath no fury like a Mac user scorned. No place to go but down to the abomination that is the Windows PC. Using the bland and colorless platform the rest of the world uses, the true lemmings. No more elegance, no more ease of use, a descent into the Hades of drivers and registry conflicts. Most pathetically, the groveling pleas for Apple not to abandon the loyal Mac users who made it what it is today. Guess what? Those loyal Mac users didn't make Apple what it is today. The iPhone did. 
    There always seems to be someone who has to post the, "I'm finally leaving Apple because of blah blah blah" comment. Almost always this comment seems like a lie posted by someone who just doesn't like Apple, and somehow seems to think this is the best way to express that opinion. The fact that this person only has 3 posts I believe just makes it even less credible.
  • Beyond the new 'iPhone Xs,' what to expect from Apple's Sept. 12 'Gather round' special ev...

    A phone company announces its annual event for its latest phones. It also announces it will no longer make computers as they are a sideline business, and takes up too much time, few sales, and have lost interest in making the best computers. Making phones is easier and more profitable. The software division that made iWork, Final Cut, Aperature, Mac Server etc will also be disbanded, as they haven't done anything in years anyway. No one will miss them. No professional laptops (15" are just toys), no pro desktop Mac worth buying since 2013, no 17" laptop since 2012, no new Mac Mini, since ...I forgot it was so long ago. Old computers with old processors, old graphics cards, no user upgradable RAM, tiny RAM limit of 32Gb, same old high prices. Apple should give 5 year warranties. After 25 years as a Mac user, I am considering those PeeCees sadly. Cheaper, faster, 17" laptops, powerful desktop models.
    I just bought an iMac last year, and I couldn't be happier. The personal computer market has really receded, and Apple is paying it roughly the same amount of attention the rest of the world is. If you're that unhappy with Apple, you're more than welcome to go somewhere else where kids don't play on your lawn. You won't be missed.
  • KGI: iPhone 7 won't sell as well as the iPhone 6s

    Let me just throw my 2 cents in. I just got my iPhone 7 Plus last night. I am upgrading from an iPhone 6. While I am very happy with my new phone, I upgraded mainly because I wanted a larger phone. If I had the iPhone 6 Plus, I would not have upgraded. The new features are wonderful, but they're not enough to make me have wanted to upgrade if I already had a Plus. My phone cost almost as much as my MacBook Air did, and so I will be more hesitant to upgrade in the future. Unless next year's phone blows me away, I will keep this phone for at least 3 years, possibly even longer.
    bigdanny602brian green