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  • Apple Vision Pro sequel stalls as work on cheaper consumer headset continues

    Apple Vision Air, Apple Vision Mini, or just plain Apple Vision?
    You know just having more fun with your post...I looked at all the prior Apple Products and came up with all these combinations that are sort of Apple Like.  Who knows maybe one of them will be a future product name.  :)

    Apple Vision Cinema
    Apple Vision SE
    Apple Vision Plus
    Apple Power Vision
    Apple Power Vision Pro
    Apple iVision (ha ha...never!)
    Apple Vision Express
    Apple Vision Nano
    Apple Vision +
    Apple Vision X
    Apple Vision Home
    Apple Vision Max
    Apple Magic Vision

  • Apple Vision Pro sequel stalls as work on cheaper consumer headset continues

    I find it hard to believe that Apple thought that this first version would sell like gangbusters. They MUST have people connected to the real world who realize a $3,500 toy is off limits to the majority of the population. So I take it they went the Mercedes route - knowing they would sell less (Than Ford), but still have a good idea of how many would sell. Now the bigger question is - does anyone care about goggle based VR? And having tried them out for many years, I suspect it's a really tough sell to the vast majority of people. And the device rather quickly becomes an afterthought.  But hey, I'm open to being wrong here. I don't know. But my guess is Apple MUST have had a pretty solid idea on sales and that the 'shifting' to a cheaper set isn't a sudden thing, but part of the plan. 
    I’m not sure why you even had that thought. Of course Apple didn’t think that it was going to sell like gangbusters. This product was never marketed as a mass produced product that many millions of people would buy. It was mainly marketed to developers so that when they did have a mainstream product, there would already be an ecosystem in place for it.
    This product was never marketed as a mass produced product that millions of people would buy?  Are you sure about that Mate?  Around the time of its release, I recall going to the Apple website and there it was...the very first thing you see...the AVP.   I'm sure there were hundreds of thousands of regular (non-developer) customers that visited their website back then.  Further, I recall I could even purchase the product using my iPhone and I'm hardly a developer.  Not to mention about a month ago I went to our local Apple Store and guess what?  The sales person asked me if I wanted a 20 minute in-store demo of the AVP (which I took part in).  That demo was designed for regular users not developers.  Again, my point it Apple 100% marketed the AVP as if it was a mainstream device for them.  Never once did I get the feeling it was only just for developers.  Between you and me, obviously at a price close to $4K with everything added in...the regular Joe was hardly going to impulse buy this or even think about giving it as a Xmas gift...but Apple sure tried (and failed).
  • Apple Watch Series 8 review: Another year, another Apple Watch

    My comment has not much to do with Series 8 or this article per se, but just an interesting observation from me.  My 84 yr old Mother has an iPhone but she is very challenged with using it.  I don't blame her.  Apple makes it harder and harder for the elderly to use their phones.  But she tries her best and can fuddle through.  At least we got it to the point where she can take calls and to a point even make calls using the Contacts app.  That is a win enough.  Anyway, when my series 6 took a fall and cracked (and then went into the water) it was time to get a new Apple Watch (series 7).  For some crazy reason, my Mom was intrigued by this device I got for myself and wanted to wear it and try it.  I'm telling you it was love at first wear.  So many problems with her using the phone and even sending simple text messages like OK and Thank you were solved with this Apple Watch.  I set it up so she could get the weather on her watch face also.  She cannot go for a day without it now.   One time we visited my Sister for the weekend and her Apple Watch got left behind and she missed it terribly.  I'm so amazed that someone who is 80+ yrs. old could take to something like this when I know she is challenged with technology.  Needless to say my Series 7 went to her now and I bought myself another now we both have one.  Again, has nothing to do with this article or the Series 8 but just to tell you the power of this amazing little device.
  • New MacBook Air, MacBook Pro with M2 said to launch in late 2022

    Why would  they want to drop the Air and Pro labels from their laptops?  What advantage would that bring?  It just becomes more confusing.  When someone says they have a MacBook Pro it means something...a more expensive laptop for dedicated work.  MacBook Air means a more general all purpose laptop meant for home use.  These labels have been around for a long time and they help differentiate the models.  They are engraved in our minds by now.  Same reason Honda has their Accord and Acura point in just making both cars called Honda.  Also, I think they should make yet a third model with the same new design language and maybe called it the MacBook SE which would still use the M1 chip but this one would be geared towards Students (hence SE...Student Edition).  A more cost effective laptop with the new design language.  
  • Apple debuts $249 AirPods Pro with active noise cancellation

    You know all these people complaining about the lack of colors but honestly if you search Amazon for AirPod skins you will find a boat load of cool skins for your Airpods.  It will only be a matter of time before they are available for these Pro models.  I've never used them myself but if the pictures are any indications...they will make your Airpod look amazing.  They are not even all that expensive.

    Yea, White is fine with me.  If I want to change it up for whatever reason, options exist.  Perhaps Apple knows this.  Why bother having someone spend $250.00 on something and then later regret they don't like the color and wish they had another one.  So much better to use replaceable skins instead.
