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  • Hands on with HomePod & HomePod mini's new features in software update 17

    For me I hope it fixes what it broke with HomeKit. My setup sometimes tells me it has no hubs when I have 3 HomePods and 2 AppleTVs and restarting my iPhone will sometimes fix it. This is after erasing and setting up all of the hub devices. 17 has caused some really weird issues with Homekit and all Apple support can recommend to me is to remove and reinstall all 30+ devices I have. 

    WT actual F?!
  • Apple's security message: Keep data safe by keeping it out of the cloud

    This is one of the most significant improvements with Siri. It might just be me, but I have noticed over the years that Siri takes longer responding to queries and the issue is not the internet connection, but what if it’s the internet providers slowing these down so that they don’t get a false positive mistaking them for a DOS attack?  Plus, are these queries using a lot of encryption and what kind of hit does it take performance wise?

    I have noticed that some of the new devices have thread capability, so does this mean future HomePods and Apple TVs will be able to function better with Homekit by using on-chip Siri on those devices?
  • Apple's 'Mother Nature' sketch was a complete dud, and didn't belong in the iPhone 15 even...

    I get that you thought it was awkward to be in an announcement, but for some people, this is the only way to get their attention about preserving what we can and stop wasting our resources and contributing to global weather changes that so many have denied for so long and now the repercussions are here. 

    The only thing I disagree to what they said was that all of their stores run on renewable energy, when the truth is, they buy carbon credits to offset the carbon emissions the stores make. 
    I would rather make the malls they occupy install solar panels and instill new conservation practices, like limiting water usage and recycling. 
  • Apple & ARM have been crucial to each other's survival for three decades

    chadbag said:
    What would have happened if Intel hadn’t just sold its Xscale division (its ARM based processors inherited from DEC and its StrongARM processors which DEC first developed with Apple MessagePad as its target)?  and then when Apple came calling for an iPhone processor had been able to offer an ARM based Intel Xscale processor, which I presume would have performed better than the Samsung ARM Apple used)? 

    Anyway, just daydreaming. 
    I doubt that Intel wanted anything more from DEC, but to buy it and bury it. They didn’t want any RISC chips interfering with their plans and they also got Microsoft to help by shelving Windows for PPC. 
  • Encrypted iMessage chats lead to record-breaking SEC fines for Wells Fargo, Wall Street

    dewme said:
    Financial expert Clark Howard refers to Wells Fargo as "a criminal enterprise impersonating a bank." And still after how many years and how much in fines does WF continue its nefarious ways??
    I think Clark Howard may be on to something, which he often is. WF seems to accumulate a lot of frequent flier miles when it comes to having to answer to authorities for one financial misdeed or another.
    I love how they treat non-account holders and afterwards have the gall to ask if you want to open an account. 