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  • Apple sources 20M face masks, designs and ships face shields for medical workers

    georgie01 said:

    My amateur projections saying the number of infected will quadruple over the next 2 week (in the USA)...

    I really hope I’m wrong.
    You may be right and of course that would be very bad, but we as a country desperately need perspective. As of now, if the coronavirus deaths quadruple they will still be less than projected deaths for the flu. It also very likely that the death rate is strongly skewed toward a higher death rate since those who are suffering are mainly the ones being tested.

    I only say these things because our panic and overreactions to the coronavirus is causing more problems than the virus itself. We need to take it seriously, but we need to have perspective and patience.

    And we also need self discipline—if people were acting responsibly this outbreak would already be under control, and we’d also not be perpetually out of foods and supplies and greedy losers charging $40 for a 16oz bottle of ‘Equate’ (Walmart brand) isopropyl alcohol on eBay.
    Comparing COVID-19 to the flu is ignorant and dangerous. There are 330 million people in the US. As of yesterday, 311 million people in at least 41 states, three counties, eight cities, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico are being urged to stay home, with the majority complying. When was the last time this country sheltered in place for the flu? Had this not been done, instead of 100,000 people dying in this country, current projections clearly demonstrate over a million could die. This is not the flu. Hospitals in NY and NJ have refrigerated semis filling with bodies, not enough PPE, and shortages of ventilators. At some, 1/3rd of the doctors and nurses are now sick themselves due to the extreme contagiousness of COVID-19. When was the last time these things happened for the flu? Please don't compare the coronavirus to the flu. They are so different.
  • Zoom iOS update removes 'feature' that sent user data to Facebook

    I am actually happy that Zoom responded as quickly as they did, already issuing an updated app. With their massive surge in popularity, they really didn't NEED to do this, but they did anyway. So, my take is different than the other posters, and for the moment, will take their apology at its word.

    I do agree that people using social media logins are asking for any tracking that they get.
    manfred zorn
  • Taika Waititi slams Apple's MacBook Pro keyboards in Oscar speech

    He was partly making a joke and partly telling the truth. Honestly, he isn't really seriously answering the question posed to him, but instead saying (with a smirk at the end) that the "WGA needs to step in and actually do something" about Mac keyboards.

    I do believe he is serious about Mac keyboards sucking, and I totally agree. I have a 2018 13" touchbar Macbook Pro, and it is the worst laptop keyboard I have ever used in my 30 years of using a Mac. Hands down, the worst. Sometimes keys don't respond, sometimes they are mushy, and the travel is nonexistent (although more than my iPhone or iPad, I suppose). I've had the keyboard replaced once already (under warrantee). I am relieved Apple is going back to the scissor mechanics (and away from the crummy butterfly) for future laptop designs. But I would never "move over to a PC" due to the keyboard (comments like that are kind of over the top), but the complaints are legit.

    I also recently purchased the new Mac Pro (awesome) which came with the impossibly thin (and similarly crummy) no-travel external keyboard. I immediately replaced it with a third party keyboard (an aluminum Das Keyboard 4 Professional for Mac) and a different mouse (Logitech M720). Yes, this third party keyboard harkens back to the days of the original IBM PC, but it's WAY easier on my hands and arms and posture, and (I know it's strange to say) it's more fun to type with it. Click-clack.

  • Mac Pro in retail packaging spotted at Austin factory [u]

    Cook is so hating the fact that the Mac Pro is being overshadowed by that idiot.
    another case of TDS, I presume?Just like yours?
    Anton Zuykov? Anton Zuykov... hmm... hey wait! Putin? Is that you? I had no idea you were an Apple fan! Cool. I'm surprised, though. I would think you must hate that T2 chip.
  • Nvidia releases beta Mac graphics drivers for Pascal-based video cards

    I think it's cool that Nvidia is making these for Macs, but is there really a market for this right now? If you have a pre-2013 Mac Pro, would you really spend $1200 on a state-of-the-art video card? Perhaps I am clueless, but are that many people out there using external Thunderbolt video card enclosures with more modern Mac Pros (or any other Mac)?