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  • Apple sources 20M face masks, designs and ships face shields for medical workers

    georgie01 said:

    My amateur projections saying the number of infected will quadruple over the next 2 week (in the USA)...

    I really hope I’m wrong.
    You may be right and of course that would be very bad, but we as a country desperately need perspective. As of now, if the coronavirus deaths quadruple they will still be less than projected deaths for the flu. It also very likely that the death rate is strongly skewed toward a higher death rate since those who are suffering are mainly the ones being tested.

    I only say these things because our panic and overreactions to the coronavirus is causing more problems than the virus itself. We need to take it seriously, but we need to have perspective and patience.

    And we also need self discipline—if people were acting responsibly this outbreak would already be under control, and we’d also not be perpetually out of foods and supplies and greedy losers charging $40 for a 16oz bottle of ‘Equate’ (Walmart brand) isopropyl alcohol on eBay.
    Comparing COVID-19 to the flu is ignorant and dangerous. There are 330 million people in the US. As of yesterday, 311 million people in at least 41 states, three counties, eight cities, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico are being urged to stay home, with the majority complying. When was the last time this country sheltered in place for the flu? Had this not been done, instead of 100,000 people dying in this country, current projections clearly demonstrate over a million could die. This is not the flu. Hospitals in NY and NJ have refrigerated semis filling with bodies, not enough PPE, and shortages of ventilators. At some, 1/3rd of the doctors and nurses are now sick themselves due to the extreme contagiousness of COVID-19. When was the last time these things happened for the flu? Please don't compare the coronavirus to the flu. They are so different.
  • Apple debuts new $5999 Mac Pro with up to 28-core Xeon processors

    Anyone notice that the new Mac Pro SSD read/write speeds are slower than the new iMac Pro? From Apple's own site, I see the following exact wording: iMac Pro (up to 4TB SSD): 3.3GB/s write performance 2.8GB/s read performance new Mac Pro (up to 4TB SSD): 2.7GB/s sequential write performance 2.6GB/s sequential read performance Can anyone provide any insight here? It sure seems like the iMac Pro would be quite a bit faster, particularly with write speeds, unless the word "sequential" means something more here than I understand. Woody
  • Apple debuts new $5999 Mac Pro with up to 28-core Xeon processors

    Anyone notice that the new Mac Pro SSD read/write speeds are slower than the new iMac Pro? From Apple's own site, I see the following exact wording: iMac Pro (up to 4TB SSD): 3.3GB/s write performance 2.8GB/s read performance new Mac Pro (up to 4TB SSD): 2.7GB/s sequential write performance 2.6GB/s sequential read performance Can anyone provide any insight here? It sure seems like the iMac Pro would be faster for storage reads/writes, unless the word "sequential" is relevant. Woody