photography guy


photography guy
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  • Apple Pencil 3 may be able to be squeezed in multiple ways

    The feature I really want is for the Apple Pencil to have an "eraser". Wacom and other tablet makers have had that feature on their styluses (stylii?) for years. Now that the Pencil is a single solid device, i.e., you don't have to remove the back part in order to recharge it, they could make it so that you just flip it around to erase marks. It's simple, intuitive, and could add a lot of functionality options to the Pencil—customize the back part so that you could switch between two different tools (graphite pencil on the main tip, broad ink brush on the rear tip, for instance) without going back to the tool bar; adjust the eraser on the fly (size, opacity, sharpness, etc.)
    Adding functionality to the rear tip of the Pencil would add a whole world of capabilities and creative opportunities for artists.
  • Poor customer service is tarnishing Apple's image in India

    India has no concept of customer service, so these numbers are not at all surprising. There's almost no incentive for customer sales/service people to learn about the product they're selling/supporting. I worked in retail, and we had training sessions, and prizes/bonuses for learning about the products we sold. Here in India, they'll just look at a box and read what it says; that's their concept of "customer service".
    The reason Samsung, LG, and others fare better than Apple is because they are more familiar brands. Apple is still seen as an "elitist" product here, and so there's very little in the way of infrastructural support. Stores sell Apple products, but no one in the stores really knows anything about them. If Apple wants to succeed in India, they have to go "all-in". Have a number of Apple sales/support experts transplanted to India—essentially to be Apple Ambassadors in India, to elevate the brand, give free customer workshops/communities, etc.
    Indian government bureaucracy, and Indian culture of mediocrity are the biggest obstacles for Apple to overcome.
    People won't buy Apple products here if they're marked up 50%, with little to no support. And India will mark up products not sourced here. And Apple won't build or source products here until we have a better sense of quality control.
    For as long as India has been an independent nation, we have been amazingly resilient; but that also means that we're willing to simply "make do" with what we can; we don't have super high standards or a culture of independent thinking or innovation. Upper class Indians want top-quality stuff, but aren't willing to support the infrastructure to build that stuff here.
    For the last 10 years, Apple has taken a half-assed approach to the Indian market. If Apple wants to succeed here, they need to go all in—to take a $1 billion (minimum) risk in India, probably per year, for five years, before they'll see any traction or ROI here. They need to continue to lobby the government to grant them tax/import breaks; at the same time, India needs to stop being stupid about the "Only in India". I mean, it's great that we want to support Indian workers and Indian business, but we also need to improve our work culture. We need a corporate culture that looks at lifestyle; not merely money. We need to create financial incentives for the smartest Indians to stay in India, rather than take their brain-power and creativity to the UK, the US, and/or Canada.
    It's a big ask, but I think it's the only way this will work.

  • Australian teen hacked Apple's corporate network, accessed data and user accounts

    nunzy said:
    greg uvan said:
    Time to hire him! Smart people need to be channeled into good ends, not put in prison. Hire him and keep him occupied by hacking into Russia or doing other state espionage.
    He should rot in prison for hurting Apple.
    He embarrassed Apple, but there's no indication that he actually hurt the company. It seems that the "hack" wasn't so much Mr. Robot or Hackers-style hacking; more like he did some "social hacking" and obtained the keys that got him access to Apples corporate network, which is impressive nonetheless.
  • Compared: 2018 iPad cost efficiency versus iPad Pro features and speed

    This is only tangentially related to the Education Event, but... I hope that Apple is working on a new Pencil with a built-in eraser. It's much more intuitive to flip the stylus around if you want to erase something, than to select the 'erase' tool. That's what I loved about Wacom's styli. Apple could eliminate the lightning connector and have the Pencil be charged via the Smart Connector, or via wireless charging. Or come up with some clever engineering where the Pencil doesn't require any power at all, like Wacom does.
    [Deleted User]pscooter63
  • Editorial: The future of Apple's Macintosh

    Back in the 90s, when Apple embarked on their licensing scheme, they were floundering, desperate to do anything to save the company that was, at its worst, $1 billion in the red. Licensing the OS, so they could expand their presence seemed like one way, but it backfired as they were then competing with other companies who could build cheaper machines and just slap a MacOS on to run them. In the meantime, they were also competing with Microsoft, BeOS, Linux, and other OSes. It was a mess. But, now that they have money to burn, it might be worth looking into a tightly-controlled licensing scheme again. One that binds the MacOS to the guts, and let others build the shell and put their own label on it.
    License the Apple brand to the enterprise and STEM markets, so that they have to buy the processor, and board as well as the MacOS. Then companies could build blades, towers, etc. that run, and could even be supported by Apple, with Apple not having to deal with a million different configurations or "hackintoshes" that never quite work as promised. And anyone who wants to go the "hackintosh" route can do so, but they void the licensing agreement and subsequent support resources from Apple.
    At the same time, Apple would still have their "walled garden" with regard to their consumer products (iOS, iMac, Mini, etc.)
    This way, Apple could expand their presence in the high-end computing/enterprise market (i.e., stealing Intel's tagline, and changing it to "Apple Inside"), while still sustaining and continuing to grow their brand in the consumer market, where they're most profitable.