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  • Facebook expects profits to be hit by iOS 14 ad tracking restrictions


    I hope F*c*book goes out of business.
  • The 'Apple Car' may be able to detect, warn drivers of cracked windows

    Oh, hey, a thing I absolutely DO NOT WANT ON MY CAR. 

    What are they going to do with the info?  Light up an idiot light that I can't turn off?  Shut the car down until I get the windshield replaced? 

    Unless the crack is bad enough that it's disrupting my visibility, I DO NOT NEED OR WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT.  Seriously, I don't care.  If a crack is actually a problem, I will know about it immediately. 
  • Developers rail against Apple App Store policy in wake of House antitrust hearing

    The real issue here is very simple:  It's not Apple's iPhone.  It's MY iPhone.

    If I only want to install programs from Apple's app store, that should be my right.

    If I want to install program's from Joe's Fly By Night app store too, that should also be my right.

    If I want to install programs that didn't come from any app store at all, that too should be my right.

    Apple is unlawfully interfering with my right to install programs on MY iPhone from whatever source I choose.  It's monopolistic behavior, and it's restraint of trade.  They must be stopped.

    And Apple knows this.  It's why they don't do it on the Mac, because if they suddenly started doing the same thing on the Mac the law would come down upon them like a ton of bricks.  But they pretend that the iPhone and iPad should somehow get to be different, while they at the same time try to promote the idea that the iPad is a substitute for a real computer.

  • How Apple A-series chips stack up against Intel Macs

    It would have been more interesting to see a comparison between Ryzen 4000 Mobile and Apple A Processors.

    Bashing Intel is no news. Apple needs to beat AMD now, not Intel and this is much less likely given how perfect the recent AMD Notebooks have been considering the relevant metrics.
    Apple uses Intel processors not AMD. This article compares, not bashes current or relatively current Apple offerings to give an idea of how Apple Silicon is already doing an impressive work to keep up. 

    If Apple wanted to, they can take their Macs to 128bit or more. Imagine, for Mac Pros, multiple 256bit processors. Apple has now unleashed their potential.  Software developers now can do apps that cover all the Apple hardware. 

    Apple SHOULD have been using AMD processors for a few years now.  The exclusivity deal with Intel ended years ago, and in the last few years AMD gained the upper hand in processor speed.  It might have even let us avoid this Apple silicon fiasco.

    And what benefit would there be for 128 bit processors?  That's a "but these go to 11" bit of idiocy.  How many petabytes of RAM do you think we'll need to be able to address in the next few decades?  64 bit processors are going to continue to be the standard for a very long time.  There's just no reason to go to 128 bits, and lots of reasons not to do it.  And 256 bit processors?  Maybe 50-100 years from now that would make sense.  Maybe.
  • Vision Pro may use sensors to react to wearer's stress or attention span

    More patents gone mad.

    "We're not actually going to build this, and we didn't invent anything involved, but we're going to claim this is something new so we can make money if anybody else does it."

    Apple is sometimes a patent troll.