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  • ByteDance would rather shut down US TikTok than sell it

    Hmmmm, if a company would rather shut something down than sell it, that means there isn't any financial reason that TikTok exists today. A for-profit company would take the cash rather than lose everything. I wonder what value TikTok has to ByteDance and the Chinese government then? All that data on American citizens and a strong propaganda tool maybe?

    Don't worry, once TikTok is gone, there will be plenty of US-grown alternatives that will thrive and take its place.
    zeus423tmayronnwatto_cobrarobin huberAlex1N
  • Japan plans to fine Apple over app stores and force sideloading

    I've never heard a single consumer say they wanted more app stores on the iPhone. Only mega million dollar companies who want to make more profit themselves. Why do politicians keep trying to "fix" something that isn't broken, which will actually ruin the iPhone ecosystem? As a small developer adding more app stores is my worst nightmare.
  • Goldman Sachs regrets Apple Card, and is trying to escape the deal

    Maybe I'd use it more or even carry a balance - then they'd make some money - but at 27% interest with excellent credit, no thanks.
    Amen, it's the highest interest rate of all my cards, so I don't dare carry a balance. And my credit rating is also nearly 800 so I don't know why my interest rate is so high.

  • Apple staff will unsurprisingly tell iPhone 15 customers that Lightning won't work

    And if you are upset about it, you can blame governments (European Union et al) who want to dictate how technology companies do their work, because we all know that governments know better than private indicatory when it comes to technology.
    jas99killroyJapheywilliamlondonAnilu_777watto_cobracurtis hannahJanNL
  • Russia claims Apple is helping US spy on thousands of iPhone users

    joogabah said:
    chutzpah said:
    So mean of the USA!  Bombing peaceful neighbouring countries is much more polite.
    No hypocrisy there at all.  America never bombs other countries or invades and topples other governments, even on false pretexts.  And America had nothing to do with Ukraine's 2014 coup either.  And it didn't state explicitly its plan to balkanize Russia as a prelude to war with China which it can't compete against.
    Since this is word for word Russian propaganda ("2014 coup" vs a fair election), it goes without saying that it is not accurate. Wikipedia can enlighten anyone who wants to know.