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  • Rare Apple I fetches $471,000 at Christie's auction

    1st said:
    macxpress said:
    1st said:
    Amazing engineering piece. Need more break through nowadays, not just progressive product. Hopefully, 5G would open the flood gate.  

    Why would 5G open the flood gate?
    High speed would change everything from ai to robotic etc. It will impact our life more ways than you can imagine.   AI will do the coding and debug itself for one, robotic remote surgery is another, for me, I want holographic 3d Ramon city walk around in my living room. Or mountain climb without any danger. IMHO. 
    None of that requires 5G or will be helped by it. 
  • US Supreme Court greenlights lawsuit over App Store monopoly

    sdw2001 said:
    n2itivguy said:
    Clear waste of taxpayer dollars letting this proceed. There are alternatives to iPhones and the App Store. Ridiculous. 

     It's not ridiculous at all, or SCOTUS wouldn't have allowed it.  It means there is at least some substantial chance the plaintiffs will prevail.  
    SCOTUS is hardly the wisest court in the land, simply the highest and a 5-4 indicates this wasn't clear cut in either direction. Also, the ruling is clear that they are saying nothing about the actual merits of the case, just that the dismissal wasn't upheld.
  • Questionable report claims iPhone SE, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s won't support iOS 13

    ivanh said:
    Is iOS 13 worth the hardware upgrade price? I don’t like being planned obsolescence.
    iOS 13 isn’t out and hasn’t been announced so no one knows if it is worth it.
    Apple has never had planned obsolescence in phones and 5 years of support certainly couldn’t be called that. 
  • What to expect from Apple's second quarter earnings report on Tuesday evening

    avon b7 said:
    It’s not the end of profitability (the air corporations breathe) for Apple if sales are post-growth. No one expected iphone/smartphone sales to grow indefinitely, as that defies reason. We’ve left feature phones and now everyone has a smartphone. 

    One day the sun will burn out, too. 
    No one expects indefinite growth but 80% of the smartphone market is Android. That's a lot of legroom for Apple to move into. It's almost as if you are accepting the fact that Apple has little iPhone mileage left.
    And how much of that 80% of the market is the low to mid-range unprofitable no service paying part of the market that Apple has never cared about? 90%? Besides Samsung, what other high end phone has any market share for Apple to take?
  • Early reviews of Samsung's $2K Galaxy Fold marred by many broken screens [u]

    I don't think lkrupp wants Samsung to get a pass, just expects the media to give them one because they aren't Apple.