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  • Google takes top spot in global smart speaker market, HomePod nowhere to be found

    This is probably the most disappointing product roll out yet. HomePod is still not available in Europe, and we're already hearing rumours of a second model. Let's hope WWDC seriously kickstarts this very important segment for Apple, with improved Siri and an international roll out. Maybe a less expensive HomePod too, but I'm less bothered about that. Apple ... just let me pay good money for a great product, please!
  • Apple Music expected to grow 40% annually for next three years, drive Services growth

    ivanh said:
    If I already have 80% of songs and albums I like in my personal collection, will I get 80% off for subscribing to Apple Misic? If not, I’ll stay with Spotify.
    Didn't know Spotify offered this ... cool!
  • iMac Pro vs. 5K iMac, speakers and FaceTime cameras compared

    I dont think people who are buying this computer, care about builtin speakers.
    The point of an all-in-one is at least partly to minimise desk clutter ... so if the speakers are good enough to make external speakers unnecessary, that would be a real (though of course not primary) feature. I have iMacs at home and work, and already appreciate that I don't absolutely need external speakers for most tasks (sure, for music or netflix, I route the audio to a wireless speaker system). Also, very nice to see the FaceTime cameras are finally getting upgraded ... long overdue.
    curtis hannahwatto_cobra
  • Apple aims to debut TV slate in 2019, sans any HBO-style risque content

    I've often wondered how Apple would reconcile it's clean imagine, with doing successful/appealing TV context. These kind of "wholesome and educational for the whole family" things have a market and a place, but I don't think these are what pull in big audiences. It means Netflix and Amazon will continue dominate original content.

    I think Apple needs to form a subsidiary for this stuff, so that Apple isn't identified directly with the content produced. This would provide more artistic freedom, rather than being slaves to some squeaky clean image they feel is necessary to promote their hardware.
  • Apple denies iPhone X failed in onstage demo, says Face ID feature worked as intended

    Well, as for the keynote presenters, I think Phil and Eddy should not return. They read from the TelePrompTer as if they’ve never seen the text before ... it’s been this way for a few Keynotes now. Phil in particular also looked bored when describing the iPhone 8 ... you could tell he just wanted to discuss the iPhone X. I’m not saying they are bad execs ... but neither convey enthusiasm. Clearly Craig, is the man for these events ... you can tell he lives and breathes Apple, and deeply understands what he’s talking about.

    As for the Face ID fail ... that note on the screen was obvious at the time (I.e. PassCode required ..), I just assumed the phone had been rebooted (that’s when I usually see that message) ... in any case, people reporting it as a Fail are simply looking for something to criticise. The X is gorgeous! Will be pre-ordering as soon as my carrier lets me!