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  • Judge dismisses class action involving iTunes and Apple Music data privacy

    With the case dismissed with prejudice, plaintiffs are barred from bringing amended claims against Apple in a future action. The litigation is dead.

    Not correct.  Plaintiffs can appeal the dismissal, and file motions to aside the judgment or for leave to file an amended complaint. 

  • Developer of BlueMail sues Apple over 'Sign in with Apple,' App Store 'monopoly'

    An ever mounting pile of evidence that not only is the patent system totally buggered and rigged to be run by profiteering asshats, but also that most of the US is fucked up beyond recognition in terms of intelligence, or lack thereof.
    The real problem is asshats who render opinions without knowing any facts.  
  • NYC subway commuters get creative rescuing AirPods dropped on tracks

    fieryph said:
    lkrupp said:
    Another huge failure for Apple. So where are the Samsung ads making fun of AirPod users?
    C'mon man.  Give the persecution complex a rest for at least one thread.   Sweet Jeebus.

    I’ve been reading AI everyday for over 10 years - articles and forums, and I have to say Lkrupp is easily my favourite poster and is one of the reasons I enjoy reading the forums, often with a smile on my face. There is no way he deserves the previous comments in this thread. Lkrupp’s comments are valid and you have to understand AI reports on every Apple related article that has gained traction around the tech and mainstream media world - these frequently include a slice of anti-apple bias. This article begins with transit service employees and the WSJ explaining AirPods are falling out in droves and then ends with an analyst predicting increased sales because of the fact… his {lighthearted} evidence…he’s lost 10 pairs and a charging case! Lkrupp has a right to point out that a report gaining traction is showing how ‘bad’ the design of AirPods is. Others might take it as AirPods are winning. I reckon Lkrupp is mentalising the average Joe and Jill reading on their news feed contemplating a wireless bud purchase.

    Too long
  • Equifax can't pay the $125 you expected, and you probably don't want its credit monitoring...

    mead2 said:
    The credit monitoring for 4 years is from Experian. 6 years if you choose Equifax. I would think most people would choose the Experian option for obvious reasons.
    If you choose Experian then Equifax will provide all of your information to Experian.  These credit monitoring services generally include a term that states you agree to certain marketing communications and offers, so you'll basically double the amount of garbage you receive.

    The best option is to freeze your credit report at all three bureaus, which prevents anyone from looking at your credit file. 
  • Editorial: Apple's Q319 earnings destroy a mountain of fake data and false reporting

    This article begs the question of why AI continues to republish the "false reporting" that it criticizes. 