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  • Apple releases new 2D15 firmware update for AirPods Pro

    This will be the first update to my AirPods Pro since I got them a few months ago.

    I didn't know that updates are not manual and are mandatory.

    It'll be interesting to see if I can notice any significant differences. I haven't had any issues with mine so far since I first got them.
  • France shames Apple for not sacrificing user privacy for COVID-19 app

    asdasd said:
    What is it with Americans and their hatred of other country’s economic systems. Most of the “socialist” countries in Europe have far fewer people in jail than the US. “Authoritarian” Sweden didn’t even have a lockdown.
    It's not just economic systems, it's their whole way of life and way of doing things. It's govt, it's beliefs, it's a lot more than just economic.
  • France shames Apple for not sacrificing user privacy for COVID-19 app

    Their blocking the use of bluetooth for necessary apps will cost tens of thousands of lives.  

    Trump already has the blood of almost 70,000 on his hands.  Does Tim want the blood of that much and more on his hands?    When your mother, father, wife or child is dying this ideological argument for "privacy" tends to lose its appeal.
    Haha, what a bunch of crap.

    It's their choice.

    Apple and Tim will be in good company with Trump! The blood of many tens of thousands on their hands! LOL

    Can I join in the fun too? I'd love to have the blood of at least a few hundred or perhaps a thousand on my hands too! :#

    Seriously, that is quite an immature thought process, to go around assigning blame like you are. What a joke, LOL.

  • France shames Apple for not sacrificing user privacy for COVID-19 app

    France, my favorite place.

    It's  one of the countries that is high up on my list of places that I will never, ever visit. I've been to many other places in Europe, but luckily, not France yet, nor ever.
  • Apple Card customers can defer their May payments

    I've been paying all of my bills on time, virus or no virus. Deferring is merely delaying the inevitable. The bills will have to be paid in full eventually and stacking more of them together is only going to add to the total amount that somebody owes. Plus, the article says that interest will still apply, so this doesn't sound like a good idea if somebody has good economic sense.

    People who can't afford a credit card shouldn't use credit cards, in my opinion.

    If somebody can't manage to pay a $1000 bill one month, is it going to be any easier for that person to pay $3000 + added interest all of a sudden, if they defer for 3 months?

    Anyway, how people decide to manage their own bills is their problem and their decision I suppose.