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  • Apple transition to own ARM chips in Macs rumored to start at WWDC

    jcc said:
    This is going to suck. Most of you Millenials are too young to remember the Motorola days. Those were some dark days when you found out that the most popular software was not compatible with the Mac. It's kind of like the Discover card. The only thing you discover with the Discover card is that no one takes it.
    Didn't bother me at all, it was great!

    The move from motorola to intel was a great thing.

    And if the time has come to move from intel to arm, then bring it on! 
  • Apple COVID-19 screening tool introduces anonymous data sharing

    The only idiots are the ones who flunked science and rage out on their keyboards instead. 

    I've seen those charts before, some of which cite unreliable and discredited sources, such as the WHO.  Instead of preaching to somebody like me who is very informed and on top of things, you should instead preach to the many thousands of morons who are out and about "protesting" these days. It'll be hilarious if some of them end up catching the virus.

  • Apple transition to own ARM chips in Macs rumored to start at WWDC

    I'm looking forward to watching WWDC this year!

    Bring it on!

    2020 is looking real nice for Apple.
  • Apple COVID-19 screening tool introduces anonymous data sharing

    igorsky said:
    That's awesome.  Hope you don't live anywhere near me or my family and friends.
    My concern is only for numero uno from now on. 

    I followed the idiotic guidelines for a few months, but I have now cancelled those guidelines and they are no longer in effect for me.
  • Apple COVID-19 screening tool introduces anonymous data sharing

    The virus is officially a joke now, as far as I am concerned.

    I'm done with wearing masks, unless they are required when I enter certain stores. I just carry one in my pocket and I'll put it quickly on if I need to enter certain stores. I remove it as soon as I leave. The mask is just for show.

    It's a joke that the same companies that are preaching social distancing are also supporting mass gatherings and protests. They can't have it both ways and they have shown that they are full of crap, and that includes Apple.

    No app wlll ever be downloaded on any of my devices. Even if the virus were to return for a second wave in the fall or whatever, then I will not be listening to any of the so-called "experts" or the clueless and hypocritical authorities anymore. Their jig is up.