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  • Repair shop loses legal battle with Apple over 'counterfeit' iPhone screen import

    Screw all of these illegitimate repair shops, using shady parts, counterfeit garbage, stolen parts and illegally obtained parts.

    I've used Apple products for decades and have never once had a need or a use to visit any of these repair shops. I couldn't care less if they all closed down tomorrow.

    If a repair shop wants to service Apple devices, then either do it by the book or GTFO. They don't get to make their own rules.
  • Analyst demands $250 Apple Watch -- but there already is one

    Sacconaghi's tip is that investors should stick with Apple shares. HIs present advice is that investors should hold Apple stock, and that it will someday trade at $285.

    Some of these "analysts" are truly dumber than a sack of potatoes.

    Why the hell would anybody hold Apple stock in the hope that it will somebody trade at $285?

    As for the dumb Apple Watch suggestions, I'm glad that these asshats are not in charge of Apple. These analysts couldn't even run a lemonade stand.
  • Apple has a clear path to be the first to hit a $2 trillion valuation

    AAPL stock price shows for me, upper right hand corner of main page.  I'm US, not that I think that has anything to do with it.
  • Apple has a clear path to be the first to hit a $2 trillion valuation

    As for Apple hitting 2 Trillion, I'll still be holding my stock when that happens, so I think that the question is not if, but when.

    Remember before, when all of these people and other not so smart people were babbling about how it was impossible for Apple to even hit 1 trillion? Something about the law of large numbers or some other kind of nonsense that these people were talking about. Maybe large numbers are a problem for certain people to comprehend, especially those who have a hatred for Apple, and those who doubt Apple's success and great potential, but for others who believe in facts and reality, it's not a problem at all.
  • Apple Watch 'Series 6' display may be identical to Series 5

    It must be an Antifa conspiracy....   /s
    No consipracy is needed. They are a major force behind the riots and the thugs will get what's coming to them soon enough as they are now officially terrorists.