Series of YouTube videos show off Apple's Snow Leopard



  • Reply 41 of 112
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    When I try to look at the videos on the You Tube page I only get the Finder search refinement one no matter which I click on, so I'm not seeing what you're seeing, but:

    I thought the heads up transport controls on QT X did the DVD player thing-- that is, fade from view after a few seconds of inactivity?

    In the vid the guy watches the clip of the size 420 by something... The controls overlap a good half of the view and don't fade out, he probably keeps the mouse pointer over them...

    They might have found better solution. Why to throw drawers away, for example?
  • Reply 42 of 112
    sozosozo Posts: 1member
    I must really be out of the information loop here but I just installed 10.7 but we are supposed to be awaiting the release of 10.6? What am I missing here?

    Ok just ignore me I AM AN IDIOT!!! Just went back and realized I installed 10.5.7 DOH!!!!! I really need to pay more attention.
  • Reply 43 of 112
    I really like where Snow Leopard is going. The new substitutions is very pleasing.
  • Reply 44 of 112
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    When I try to look at the videos on the You Tube page I only get the Finder search refinement one no matter which I click on, so I'm not seeing what you're seeing, but:

    I thought the heads up transport controls on QT X did the DVD player thing-- that is, fade from view after a few seconds of inactivity?

    Ah, I hadn't realized the click-through on the main article still worked, so I can see them all.

    And yes, QT X has the transport controls that fade as soon as you move the cursor off, so is having them onscreen really such a distraction?

    Or by "pitiable" maybe you meant that small video= small transport controls?
  • Reply 45 of 112
    My first ever post on any fanatic site:

    Watching these videos gave me pleasure.

    One thing I'd like to see in an OS. Example. You click the little red ball to close, say, a Pages window. What happens? Pages prompts you with a question "Do you want to save...?". And then you have to move your mouse pointer all the way to that little prompt window to click on the offered buttons.

    What I'd like is to have this little prompt window pop up right where your mouse pointer happens be at the moment! You get that?

    I have a 24" iMac (just had to mention it, fanatically) and it's long distance going from that red ball to the center of the screen just to meet those buttons.

  • Reply 46 of 112
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Ah, I hadn't realized the click-through on the main article still worked, so I can see them all.

    And yes, QT X has the transport controls that fade as soon as you move the cursor off, so is having them onscreen really such a distraction?

    Or by "pitiable" maybe you meant that small video= small transport controls?

    IMO these in-view controls make QT look absurdly.
  • Reply 47 of 112
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by greenheaven View Post

    My first ever post on any fanatic site:

    Watching these videos gave me pleasure.

    One thing I'd like to see in an OS. Example. You click the little red ball to close, say, a Pages window. What happens? Pages prompts you with a question "Do you want to save...?". And then you have to move your mouse pointer all the way to that little prompt window to click on the offered buttons.

    What I'd like is to have this little prompt window pop up right where your mouse pointer happens be at the moment! You get that?

    I have a 24" iMac (just had to mention it, fanatically) and it's long distance going from that red ball to the center of the screen just to meet those buttons.

    Welcome to AI, interesting first post.

    One draw back I could see with this idea is that the close button is most likely going to be in the extreme upper left corner, so that any dialogue-- especially one that didn't require you to move your mouse at all-- would be crammed up into very limited space.

    I could see putting it somewhere in the vicinity, however, although I imagine that Apple figures that as long as you're going to have to move the cursor some anyway, it's better to go with the standardized, centered on the app window modal dialogue box.
  • Reply 48 of 112
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    IMO these in-view controls make QT look absurdly.

    How come?

    Also, "look absurdly" would mean that the controls cause QT to gaze about in a silly fashion, which I admit is a pleasing thought.
  • Reply 49 of 112
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    The first two videos are old.

    Snow Leopard build 10A261

    Then QuickTime Player 10 and Quick Look Videos:

    Snow Leopard build 10A286

    These videos are old.

    OS X 10.6 API freeze comes on the heels of:

    Snow Leopard build 10A354
  • Reply 50 of 112
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by SoZo View Post

    I must really be out of the information loop here but I just installed 10.7 but we are supposed to be awaiting the release of 10.6? What am I missing here?

    Ok just ignore me I AM AN IDIOT!!! Just went back and realized I installed 10.5.7 DOH!!!!! I really need to pay more attention.

    Heh. I was just going to post that perhaps that was the case.
  • Reply 51 of 112
    frogbatfrogbat Posts: 70member
    finally - a decent feature that vista had that apple did well to nick!

    the slider to scale the icons is much needed by anyone handling large quantities of image files
  • Reply 52 of 112
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by frogbat View Post

    finally - a decent feature that vista had that apple did well to nick!

    the slider to scale the icons is much needed by anyone handling large quantities of image files

    The current finder has had that for a while in the "view option", although I agree that putting the slider in the window is nice.

    Does anyone know if SL is allowing for a larger range of size? The video makes it look like you can pump things up a fare bit past what Leopard will do.
  • Reply 53 of 112
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Welcome to AI, interesting first post.

    One draw back I could see with this idea is that the close button is most likely going to be in the extreme upper left corner, so that any dialogue-- especially one that didn't require you to move your mouse at all-- would be crammed up into very limited space.

    I could see putting it somewhere in the vicinity, however, although I imagine that Apple figures that as long as you're going to have to move the cursor some anyway, it's better to go with the standardized, centered on the app window modal dialogue box.

    True. But to me it's also a question of acceleration. When I start the move to meet the buttons in the centre of the screen I'm usually busy and anxious so I tend to miss. Or because of this I have to do it really slowly which might irritate me.

    I'm just saying I would find it convenient to have the prompt window right where you are at the moment. This could be a feature that could be handled through settings.
  • Reply 54 of 112
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    How come?

    Also, "look absurdly" would mean that the controls cause QT to gaze about in a silly fashion, which I admit is a pleasing thought.

    Bah... Here you are... The player displays its fashionable controls rather that the content it is intended to... DVD player on the contrary may display the controller in windowed mode...
  • Reply 55 of 112
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by greenheaven View Post

    True. But to me it's also a question of acceleration. When I start the move to meet the buttons in the centre of the screen I'm usually busy and anxious so I tend to miss. Or because of this I have to do it really slowly which might irritate me.

    I'm just saying I would find it convenient to have the prompt window right where you are at the moment. This could be a feature that could be handled through settings.

    Well, again, "right where you are" is going to be jammed up into the upper left corner, but perhaps Apple could do something along the lines of the stacks dock item, with a kind of a "though ballon" emerging from the button into usable space.

    But that's still going to necessitate at least some mouse movement, and I can't see any way to provide a single click save option without moving off the close button at all. Did you have anything in mind?
  • Reply 56 of 112
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    Bah... Here you are... The player displays its fashionable controls rather that the content it is intended to... DVD player on the contrary may display the controller in windowed mode...

    1) It looks like you are replying to his joke about your incorrect use of absurdly, an adverb, at the end of a sentence.

    2) QT X is not ready. It’s now just gotten stable but it’s missing many features one would expect from a player, including preferences, so it’s possible a seperate controller will come before it’s release for those who want it.
  • Reply 57 of 112
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    Bah... Here you are... The player displays its fashionable controls rather that the content it is intended to... DVD player on the contrary may display the controller in windowed mode...

    True, but only briefly and exactly in the location where your attention is directed when you need them.

    I wasn't sold on the idea at first, myself, but I think the borderless player is far less distracting than the brief appearance of transport controls.

    After all, if you're doing a lot of starting and stopping, you're probably not just sitting back to enjoy the video unmolested, and if you are the new scheme actually gives you a more "content-centric" experience.

    I guess a floating controller ala DVD Player might be useful, I'm not sure how, though.
  • Reply 58 of 112
    wobegonwobegon Posts: 764member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    The current finder has had that for a while in the "view option", although I agree that putting the slider in the window is nice.

    Actually, Leopard has had the slider in the window since launch, but it's only visible when doing searches.

    I'm pretty sure iPhoto had a slider before Vista ever came out and considering most people use iPhoto for viewing pictures, this isn't exactly new (not that you were necessarily implying that it was).
  • Reply 59 of 112
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) It looks like you are replaying to his joke about your incorrect use of absurdly, an adverb, at the end of a sentence.

    I pay little attention to grammar, when I post in forums. There's nothing about it to be proud of, yet it smells a bit like one has nothing to say on the topic when trying to make counterparts be irreproachable English writers.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    2) QT X is not ready. It?s now just gotten stable but it?s missing many features one would expect from a player, including preferences, so it?s possible a seperate controller will come before it?s release for those who want it.

    I don't believe they would drop their shining idea of fading controls...
  • Reply 60 of 112
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Well, again, "right where you are" is going to be jammed up into the upper left corner, but perhaps Apple could do something along the lines of the stacks dock item, with a kind of a "though ballon" emerging from the button into usable space.

    But that's still going to necessitate at least some mouse movement, and I can't see any way to provide a single click save option without moving off the close button at all. Did you have anything in mind?

    Hmm... Maybe like a genie effect that would allow the little red ball to "spurt" out the prompt window right next to it...?

    Because... When I'm in the situation I can't use my keyboard arrow keys to, say, move from "Save" to "Don't save". Or is there like some trick to this?

    But I get your thinking here. Messing around with prompt windows might easily make things worse.
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