iPhone 4 Review: 1 - Hardware Fit & Finish



  • Reply 41 of 338
    What if this were a Microsoft product? What if it were, say, the Xphone 360 - and it had the antennas wrapped around the outside, and when you held it in your hand like you might hold an iPod, or a deck of cards (you know, normally), the thing lost its signal?

    I think that Mr Dilger would wear his fingers to the nubs writing a seventeen page article deriding the design and castigating Microsoft for their idiocy.

    He'd praise Apple for designing products for humans, not test subjects, and say that a phone that hangs up simply by being held in the hand is something Apple would never do and so very typical of Microsoft's corporate focus-group tested sludge.

    And what if a frustrated Xphone 360 owner emailed Steve Ballmer, and Ballmer replied, "Just don't hold it in that way?" I think Dan might have a stroke. His mind would erupt with such paroxysms of invective as to cause his brain to short-circuit before he could even log in to Roughlydrafted.

    Doctors would never be able to revive him, let alone wipe the smile from his face.

    But alas, this is an iPhone, not a Microsoft phone. And it was Jobs, not Ballmer who made the "did he just say that?" statement of the year. And because it's Apple - and Apple is infallible - then by definition there is no problem with this device - none worth mentioning anyway.

    Any issues we see must be our fault. Our fault for not being pure. Our fault for not having the appropriate reverence for this magical device.

    Our fault for being conductive.
  • Reply 42 of 338
    Originally Posted by halhiker View Post

    There are some designs that Apple comes out with that I just don't love. This is one of them. The glass seems like it'll be a problem. Of all the iPhone designs I like this one the least.

    Face Time seems incomplete. It needs to work as a phone call AND as iChat, not a combination of both while being neither. I guess a software update can fix that but it seems silly to have to switch from a phone call to WiFi.

    The metal rim feels weird in the hand and the edge is a bit too sharp. I don't understand why they did not make the metal thinner and bring it flush with the glass. I just doesn't look good to me.

    The screen is spectacular but it doesn't make THAT much difference on such a small screen. I know it'll be a year before the next phone but I guess I'll have to wait.

    Of course, the iPad will probably be getting a camera when it gets updated and there's got to be a new Mac Pro right around the corner so it may best if I save my Apple budget for the future.

    I'm with ya on the iPad, wifi. I want one for the coffee shop or lying in bed reading

    and ichating with the kids. I'll wait for the camera. I use an iMac at home, hard wired to dsl. Guess i'll have to buy a new wireless router. I use a cheep pre paid

    phone sparinglly. O'h yes i'm retired nothing but Mac's since 1984. (Orwelling huh.)
  • Reply 43 of 338
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by mr_cazorp View Post

    What if this were a Microsoft product? What if it were, say, the Xphone 360 - and it had the antennas wrapped around the outside, and when you held it in your hand like you might hold an iPod, or a deck of cards (you know, normally), the thing lost its signal?

    I think that Mr Dilger would wear his fingers to the nubs writing a seventeen page article deriding the design and castigating Microsoft for their idiocy.

    He'd praise Apple for designing products for humans, not test subjects, and say that a phone that hangs up simply by being held in the hand is something Apple would never do and so very typical of Microsoft's corporate focus-group tested sludge.

    And what if a frustrated Xphone 360 owner emailed Steve Ballmer, and Ballmer replied, "Just don't hold it in that way?" I think Dan might have a stroke. His mind would erupt with such paroxysms of invective as to cause his brain to short-circuit before he could even log in to Roughlydrafted.

    Doctors would never be able to revive him, let alone wipe the smile from his face.

    But alas, this is an iPhone, not a Microsoft phone. And it was Jobs, not Ballmer who made the "did he just say that?" statement of the year. And because it's Apple - and Apple is infallible - then by definition there is no problem with this device - none worth mentioning anyway.

    Any issues we see must be our fault. Our fault for not being pure. Our fault for not having the appropriate reverence for this magical device.

    Our fault for being conductive.

    It wouldn't be funny if it wasn't true.
  • Reply 44 of 338
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    I hope the antennas are fixed on the white ones.
  • Reply 45 of 338
    caliminiuscaliminius Posts: 944member
    Originally Posted by Hutcho View Post

    Honestly, the author epitomizes "fanboyness", although we can expect nothing less as every article on this site is the same. No criticism, only praise. Really, can't you for once show a bit of journalistic integrity and write a somewhat objective article? Praising virtually every component of every Apple product is, frankly, sickening and pathetic. Give yourself a douchebag high 5 on the way out..

    I don't have anything to add to your comment; I just want it to get repeated again...
  • Reply 46 of 338
    dcj001dcj001 Posts: 301member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    I don't have anything to add to your comment; I just want it to get repeated again...

    But you just repeated it for the first time, not the second time (again).
  • Reply 47 of 338
    voodooruvoodooru Posts: 70member
    Originally Posted by kscottmyers View Post

    You can like Apple or hate Apple all you want, but there's no arguing that they definitely understand "Design".

    actually, considering all this hoopla around the dropped calls/weak signals when held a certain way ...

    maybe Apple doesn't understand "design" 100% --- 99.99% I'll give them that much, lol

  • Reply 48 of 338
    caliminiuscaliminius Posts: 944member
    Originally Posted by vmcc View Post

    Jesus, Daniel. You're so far up Steve Jobs ass, it's hard to tell where he leaves off and you begin. You need to move out of your mom's basement and get a life.

    Okay, I want this one repeated too...
  • Reply 49 of 338
    berpberp Posts: 136member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Apparently if you have hands, and you hold it like a regular iPhone, you are unworthy to use it.

    The iPhone 4 doesn't meet your standard for a smart phone, obviously. Perhaps it has become too smart and that makes it less of a phone for your need. You seem to be a person of high expectations for others, and little censorship over your own limitations. Based on your obnoxious soliloquy, I suspect your common sense antenna is deeply buried within your sour ego. Do an 'iPhone 4' on it, let it out for 'hands on', fruitful, if not apple, smart talk.

    The iPhone is engineered to cater to the non geek, industrious, creative and adaptable mind. It is built for me, the whole of me. I can adapt, and, let it be known to my left hand, so will it.
  • Reply 50 of 338
    lostkiwilostkiwi Posts: 639member
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    The reason why the iPhone 3G/3GS had a plastic back hasn't got anything to do with reducing costs. The real reason, surprise surprise, it's down to our friend Mr. Antenna again. The signal propagates through plastic better than it does metal (or skin ).

    This is why virtually all cell phones are at least partially made from plastic. Cost is very much a secondary concern.

    That is true for most other phones, but aside from the death grip thing, the reception is actually better for a lot of people with the new design (see quote below). Heck even The Dark Lord (Brian Lam) over at Gizmodo finds the signal a lot better for him in his house now. I wonder if he sees the irony in spending those 3 hours of extra coverage and battery time on his new iPhone to spread FUD about the device. Probably not.

    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    Spot on review. This new iPhone 4 is a huge leap. The screen size isn't any bigger but you get so much more out of it, it often feels bigger, especially on the web.

    I live in converted old barns with nearly 2 feet thick stone walls and now get great reception on wifi all through the house and all around it, whereas it was spotty on my old 3G.

    I switched carrier from O2 to Vodafone and again now get complete data, and voice, coverage indoors and complete and faster coverage outdoors. How much that has to do with the new design I don't know but it's much more noticeable than I had anticipated.

    I could go on and on, I'm thrilled by this thing!

    Whilst I agree that the death grip thing is a bit of a worry I have high hopes that it can be fixed with a software or firmware update. If not, I would have got an invisible shield or case for it anyway as I am generally pretty rough with my kit. Either option solves the grip problem.

    Or, as I mentioned in a previous post, a small strip of clear tape over the junction points around the edge is a cheap fix too in the meantime.
  • Reply 51 of 338
    Dan's review is dead on to my own experience after using the iPhone 4 for two days now. Along with the iPad it is perhaps the best electronic device I have ever owned. Dan mentions that Jobs likened the fit and finish of the new phone to that of Leica cameras. As an owner of a couple of Leicas, I must concur. In fact when I first picked up the phone yesterday, Leica was exactly what came to mind. This is absolutely mindblowing considering that the iPhone is a mass produced product that is manufactured by the millions, not hand built in Germany like the Leica. Truly astounding.

    I absolutely love the phone and have had zero issues. I'm sure some folks are having real problems with the antenna issue but I suspect that it is wildly overblown and over-represented in the blogosphere. Not only have I not had a single dropped call since I got the new phone-- a vast improvement over the 3GS-- but try as I might, I have not been able to reproduce the signal loss even once-- no matter how I handle the phone. I suspect there are lots more iPhone 4 owners with my experience than those who are having issues.

    I do agree however, that El Jobso's response was probably ill advised-- even if it was accurate. This is probably more than a minor PR problem for the company, but I suspect it will blow over as most of these hysterical responses to Apple products usually do.
  • Reply 52 of 338
    nitronitro Posts: 91member
    I can see the skeleton of Microsoft.

    Apple may need to calm itself down a bit. Face is a f-ing joke. it been done in Australia for more than 4 years.

    i think this video sums up my feelings.

  • Reply 53 of 338
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by cutterboy View Post

    I do agree however, that El Jobso's response was probably ill advised-- even if it was accurate. This is probably more than a minor PR problem for the company, but I suspect it will blow over as most of these hysterical responses to Apple products usually do.

    Don't kid yourself, I know a few people who were looking at the iPhone 4 and are now looking elsewhere. I'm one of them. People may be technologically naive, but they aren't that stupid. Apple fucked up, this is going to haunt them unless they seriously address it. And I mean publicly. If people don't hear: "the issue is now fixed", they'll have doubts about the iPhone 4. Steve's answer is an insult. They may have sold 1.5M already, but word is spreading about the antenna issue, and sales will slow down rapidly.

    In my view anyone who accepts Steve's suggestion you either hold it a different way or buy a case (to mask the problem) is dumb. Yes, dumb. Apple fucked up here on a major level if this proves to be the design issue people think it is. They made a mistake (if it's the case), they should be man enough to take the heat and fix up. You know the phrase 'pride can kill a man', will Apple is letting pride stop them admitting this.
  • Reply 54 of 338
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by lostkiwi View Post

    Whilst I agree that the death grip thing is a bit of a worry I have high hopes that it can be fixed with a software or firmware update. If not, I would have got an invisible shield or case for it anyway as I am generally pretty rough with my kit. Either option solves the grip problem.

    Or, as I mentioned in a previous post, a small strip of clear tape over the junction points around the edge is a cheap fix too in the meantime.

    Apple doesn't need to fix the problem, people like you will cover their ass. What is it with people taking it lying down from Apple? Don't be sheep. Wake up and hold Apple's feet to the fire. I personally expected more from Steve and Apple. Their response is troubling. If it turns out their response doesn't change I won't be able to look at them quite in the same way again.
  • Reply 55 of 338
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Don't kid yourself, I know a few people who were looking at the iPhone 4 and are now looking elsewhere. I'm one of them. People may be technologically naive, but they aren't that stupid. Apple fucked up, this is going to haunt them unless they seriously address it.

    iOS update Monday.
  • Reply 56 of 338
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 3,972member
    I'm not an iPhone 4 owner, but I play one on T.V. Actually, mine is on order by mail. I went to my Apple Store yesterday to get some earbuds, and got a chance to play with the 4 briefly. My first impression was how solid it felt in the hand. I have had all three previous models, and thought they were solid, they feel hollow compared to this baby. It's really quite remarkable. Can't wait to put mine into service.
  • Reply 57 of 338
    nitronitro Posts: 91member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    iOS update Monday.

    i will hold that against you
  • Reply 58 of 338
    Originally Posted by 1stkorean View Post

    Dan from the way your article reads I would almost think you were masturbating and getting off all over this thing. You need to loosen your grip a bit.

    I was reading the 'Dan' review article and I actually got a BONER (no lies) while I read his piece

  • Reply 59 of 338
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by Berp View Post

    The iPhone 4 doesn't meet your standard for a smart phone, obviously.

    No, I can't hold it like I hold a regular iPhone, according to Apple's CEO.

    Originally Posted by Berp View Post

    Perhaps it has become too smart and that makes it less of a phone for your need.

    Smart? By being designed in such a way that you have to think about how you're holding it when you pick it up? You're a ridiculous person. If you're going to use a forum to insult someone's intelligence, make sure you choose a better username than: Berp.
  • Reply 60 of 338
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    iOS update Monday.

    We'll see if it comes, and then we'll see if it fixes anything.
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