Famous designer says Apple will reveal 'revolutionary' product within 8 months



  • Reply 61 of 180
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post


    This guy's design sense sucks.

    Now there is an un-informed sweeping generalization if I ever saw one. I am not a huge fan but I don't think you'd find a single designer who would make a statement like that.


    He puts Bauhous inspired furniture in a Victorian setting. The couch on the right sticks out into the doorway. The one on the left blocks the radiator. The heat will ruin the leather, and it is facing nowhere.

    The photo sucks too. It is overexposed in the bright parts, and underexposed elsewhere. The iPod column fades into the darkness behind it. The other one is in the middle of the floor, waiting to be bumped into.

    How is this picture supposed to showcase the work of a talented designer?

    Besides all that, he is a blabbermouth!

    Its Bauhaus, actually. Not Bouhous.

    I guess the picture is going for 'mood', but I agree, it looks very odd and not particularly flattering (in low res)

    Blabbermouth? So was Steve Jobs, no?
  • Reply 62 of 180
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Now if Tony Stark had made this comment I would really be excited.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you........the iIronman.
  • Reply 63 of 180
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    It's a little blind fanboy praise honestly. You ignore the obvious, the screen in your living is driven almost entirely by content, content Apple does not own and currently cannot deliver, content that's already in every living room via a near monopoly that content controllers are reluctant to let anyone near their cash cow. Look no further than what's happened to Netflix. Until that part is worked out, it won't matter if the potential iPanel has Siri, a game console, Apple TV and a motion controller all built in...it's about content.

    I would like an iPanel in the kitchen. It can be all of the above but it also needs to have some kind of touch interface so that when it is not a TV we can access the web or IOS apps for recipes. By default it would display Calendar so when we schedule events it all comes up on the kitchen calendar which is still a huge scribbly paper variety.
  • Reply 64 of 180
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by OnePotato View Post

    Is it any coincidence that 8 months from now also happens to be the same time that experts predict the world will come to an end? I think not!

    Actually, the experts aren't saying any such thing. It's only the clueless journalists and bloggers.

    You see, the Mayan calendar treated leap years differently than we do. The date when the world was supposed to end has already passed.

    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    This guy's design sense sucks.

    He puts Bauhous inspired furniture in a Victorian setting. The couch on the right sticks out into the doorway. The one on the left blocks the radiator. The heat will ruin the leather, and it is facing nowhere.

    The photo sucks too. It is overexposed in the bright parts, and underexposed elsewhere. The iPod column fades into the darkness behind it. The other one is in the middle of the floor, waiting to be bumped into.

    How is this picture supposed to showcase the work of a talented designer?

    Besides all that, he is a blabbermouth!

    While I agree that I'd never let my house look like that, mostly from the functionality perspective, you have to understand modern design. The really high end designers can't be bothered with something as mundane as functionality. That's why we have singers wearing lettuce and raw meat, for example.

    Originally Posted by Shogun View Post

    I'm convinced they're going to make a new product for automobiles.

    An Apple 7" touchscreen on the dashboard with a non-beta Siri and Maps would be killer. Have it automatically sync with iCloud and iMatch and pull anything from iOS devices in range and you've got a product no one can match.

    Add to that the fact that current audio/map interfaces in cars ALL SUCK. Now you've got a winner.

    I wonder if they would come out with some way to link to your current car speakers, or if they would have their own speakers that you would place around the inside of the car? Stupid question probably, but it's non-trivial for a person to install their own car audio equipment...

    Many cars have an auxiliary input which would play the device through the car audio system - and virtually all high end cars (which would be Apple's target audience) do. However, I don't see that as a solution - adding on a separate device with its own screen and controls is far too clunky for Apple. Rather, I could picture a "designed by Apple' screen built into the car - sort of what Microsoft did with BMW (or was it Mercedes?) - except that Apple's would probably work.

    This device would control your navigation, integrate with iOS (and Siri), contain a self-contained iPod-type storage (and sync with your iCloud account), integrated 3G connectivity, etc.

    I'm a little skeptical that it would happen since it might be too much for car makers to turn over to Apple's design, but if Apple were to do a car product, I would expect it to be full-featured like that.

    And they could take a page out of Motorola's playbook and charge only 6.25% of the car's selling price.......
  • Reply 65 of 180
    This product will probably be the last nail in the coffin for traditional computers in many homes.
  • Reply 66 of 180
    Holy shit ....

    Here we go ....

    THIS JUST IN: After opening his fat trap in an interview, Apple has no longer found a need for his services ....
  • Reply 67 of 180
    shogunshogun Posts: 362member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Given Apple's record, do you doubt they asked him not to say anything?

    Sorry dude/ette. You're correct about the above, I'm sure. I was reacting more to the "frog" part of your comment.
  • Reply 68 of 180
    igxqrrligxqrrl Posts: 105member
    An updated version of the Apple Battery Charger. That line is overdue for a refresh.
  • Reply 69 of 180
    shogunshogun Posts: 362member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Many cars have an auxiliary input which would play the device through the car audio system - and virtually all high end cars (which would be Apple's target audience) do. However, I don't see that as a solution - adding on a separate device with its own screen and controls is far too clunky for Apple. Rather, I could picture a "designed by Apple' screen built into the car - sort of what Microsoft did with BMW (or was it Mercedes?) - except that Apple's would probably work.

    This device would control your navigation, integrate with iOS (and Siri), contain a self-contained iPod-type storage (and sync with your iCloud account), integrated 3G connectivity, etc.

    I'm a little skeptical that it would happen since it might be too much for car makers to turn over to Apple's design, but if Apple were to do a car product, I would expect it to be full-featured like that.

    And they could take a page out of Motorola's playbook and charge only 6.25% of the car's selling price.......

    Aux ports typically only allow left/right stereo, with no rear channel, etc., as they're basically just headphone ports. Aux is no solution for excellent sound.

    I agree car makers can't be the linchpin in this exercise. There has to be a way to make an end run around them. Thus my questions about how to integrate into the sound system, hook it up, etc. It's tricky enough that maybe it'll never happen. But the area is so ready for vast improvement, it would be a revolution if they could make it work and solve all the implicit problems...
  • Reply 70 of 180
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Given Apple's record, do you doubt they asked him not to say anything?

    I always believed that Steve controlled what was released. Quite often there have been leaks here and there, but nothing too specific. Just enough of a tease.

    On the one or two occasions when the release was too specific, then Steve controlled that too... with a phone call.
  • Reply 71 of 180
    Originally Posted by Porchland View Post

    I have wondered ever since Apple started selling TV episodes on iTunes Store why they have not produced any original content to make iTunes Store stand out from Hulu, network websites, DVDs, etc. And then Hulu AND Netflix beat them to the punch.

    I don't know. I saw a Bob Dylan interview on Netflix that said it was produced by iTunes.
  • Reply 72 of 180
    I've always loved his Lacie Hard Disks.

  • Reply 73 of 180
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    What "new" product has Apple ever come up with? Apple excels at taking a current device and making it sleek, sexy, easy to use, plus the a great ecosystem.

    " . . . sleek, sexy . . . " ? these are words that PC gearheads use when trying to describe why Apple stuff is different. They betray only a superficial understanding, or misunderstanding.

    The iPhone 4, for example, is about precision machining and materials engineering and deep functionality much more than it is about any tacky object-eroticism. The end result may be loveable, but it's the result of discipline and competence, and above all, taste in engineering.

    As for "what has Apple ever done that is new," how about 1) the first personal computer 2) the first touch phone/music/podcast personal computer in your pocket 3) the first touchscreen computer in your hand?
  • Reply 74 of 180
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member
    Originally Posted by BoxMacCary View Post


    THIS JUST IN: After opening his fat trap in an interview, Apple has no longer found a need for his services ....

    Is it me or do the lips seem much looser than before Steve passed on?
  • Reply 75 of 180
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    You lay out what's wrong with existing car stereos and how Apple could improve it greatly and then conclude that Apple has no incentive to go into it.

    I think it's more than just improving on car stereos. It will be in-car computing, a seamless extension of what iCloud/iPhone/iPad does now.

    i believe Apple's long term goal is to achieve the ubiquitous and hyper-intelligent computing that is best demonstrated by what the federation crew used in Star Trek Next Gen.

    This is interesting. Imagine Apple designing the entire car/human/electronics interface - the in-car computing as you say. Marc Newson tried this with the controls of the 021c. They were iPod like in their simplicity. Contrast that with the mind frak that is any German in-car computer and there is a need for the Apple/Ives touch. Perhaps apple could create CarOS and set the reference design. Then license it out to anyone.
  • Reply 76 of 180
    markbyrnmarkbyrn Posts: 662member
    Didn't Apple already make a resolutionary product this year? Oh, nvm.
  • Reply 77 of 180
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Shogun View Post

    Aux ports typically only allow left/right stereo, with no rear channel, etc., as they're basically just headphone ports. Aux is no solution for excellent sound.

    I agree car makers can't be the linchpin in this exercise. There has to be a way to make an end run around them. Thus my questions about how to integrate into the sound system, hook it up, etc. It's tricky enough that maybe it'll never happen. But the area is so ready for vast improvement, it would be a revolution if they could make it work and solve all the implicit problems...

    Sorry, I shouldn't have said 'aux ports'. My intent was to point out that most high end factory stereos are already set up to handle extra inputs. Some of them are much more sophisticated than the simple aux jack that you have available to the user. For example:


    This one will allow you to operate your iPod through the factory radio and steering wheel controls (actually, that's standard on newer Lexi). I remember one of my older cars (can't remember which one, though), that had a pre-amp in jack at the back of the factory stereo.

    Still, it's a moot point because I can't see Apple wanting to have something as clunky as a separate screen as was originally suggested.
  • Reply 78 of 180
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    This guy's design sense sucks.

    He puts Bauhous inspired furniture in a Victorian setting. The couch on the right sticks out into the doorway. The one on the left blocks the radiator. The heat will ruin the leather, and it is facing nowhere.

    The photo sucks too. It is overexposed in the bright parts, and underexposed elsewhere. The iPod column fades into the darkness behind it. The other one is in the middle of the floor, waiting to be bumped into.

    How is this picture supposed to showcase the work of a talented designer?

    Perhaps you are a bit too harsh. Did you consider that many other websites are selling his designs and this particular image probably did not come from the official website? That might be his furniture in someone else's room.

    If you did visit www.starck.com you would then be more informed about his actual work.

    PS the site is really slow right now. Maybe due to today's news article. Better turn on your Flash as well if you do intend to visit that website.
  • Reply 79 of 180
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Isn't this the guy that told Dieter Rams Apple was ripping them off? Not sure I trust him. Wonder if Ive and the ID team are friends with him? I know Ive and Marc Newson are very close friends.
  • Reply 80 of 180
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    " . . . sleek, sexy . . . " ? these are words that PC gearheads use when trying to describe why Apple stuff is different. They betray only a superficial understanding, or misunderstanding.

    The iPhone 4, for example, is about precision machining and materials engineering and deep functionality much more than it is about any tacky object-eroticism. The end result may be loveable, but it's the result of discipline and competence, and above all, taste in engineering.

    As for "what has Apple ever done that is new," how about 1) the first personal computer 2) the first touch phone/music/podcast personal computer in your pocket 3) the first touchscreen computer in your hand?

    Regardless of what you think or why you yourself buy Apple products the truth is a good majority of people buy Apple devices because they are "sleek and sexy"

    1. Computers already existed- adding the word personal to it did not make it a new product.

    2. There were already touch screen/music players, putting them together in one package is still not new.

    3. Tablets existed before the iPad.
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