Ousted Apple exec Scott Forstall reportedly advising startups, focusing on philanthropy



  • Reply 41 of 66

    Originally Posted by kkerst View Post


    "...exactly what philanthropic activities he participated in is not clear, as the report falls short of providing specifics..."


    Translation: He can't find a job and no one wants him. 

    Translation: You don't know the specifics of the situation.


    He was under contract to Apple until some time this year and couldn't really go work anywhere. Surprising to even hear that he was allowed to be a consultant for small companies.

  • Reply 42 of 66
    dacloo wrote: »
    The good old times when a button still looked like a button. He will be missed.


    I will miss buttons that look like buttons.

    That's one kind of "skeuomorphism" that is fine.
  • Reply 43 of 66
    Go easy on him. In a parallel universe, where Apple Maps turned out amazing (it's getting there), he's being hailed as the new hero at Apple.

    But skeuomorphism (sp?), that's a tough one.....

    I personally like mist if the features in iOS 7 by have to admit I preferred the old skeuomorphic design of apps in iOS 6, particularly in the iWork suite. Jonny designs great hardware but I think can take his minimalist design philosophy a little too far with software. That said, I still think iOS is a far greater experience than android including KitKat
  • Reply 44 of 66
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Why do people talk as if Jony Ive alone was responsible for iOS 7? As far as we know most of the software people who worked under Forstall are still there. I doubt a gun was put to their heads as they were working on iOS 7.
  • Reply 45 of 66
    Reading comments from folks who couldn't even get a job in Apple Engineering demeaning this guys credentials is what makes AI truly a place of humor.
  • Reply 46 of 66
    Originally Posted by kkerst View Post

    Wow I didn't know this was so personal on here folks. I'm just stating the obvious.

    I'm just stating the obvious, sounds to me, it is fact, Hmm, but I thought it was your opinion.


    Originally Posted by kkerst View Post

    That's exactly all it was: an opinion. I never said it was fact. People need to stop taking themselves so serious on here and chill out.

    Anyway, it seems to me Apple combines the best of the best who function, as a whole, at the top their game - kind of like a think tank that actually produces something. So there, that was another opinion.


    It did not read like that to many of us.

    Originally Posted by kkerst View Post


    Let's see how successful he'll be without Apple. 

    Look at his previous role, very successful, so why would he not be successful, please explain. Many Exec get 'fired' and they are still very successful in future, e.g. Steve Jobs!


    Originally Posted by kkerst View Post


    "...exactly what philanthropic activities he participated in is not clear, as the report falls short of providing specifics..."


    Translation: He can't find a job and no one wants him. 

    These are comments and other people have just corrected your opinions. Maybe you should look at yourself and say "I have given opinions, which lack substance and been corrected by my peers and not to take those comments personal'


    Just a Thought.

  • Reply 47 of 66

    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post


    Waits for the idiot(s) to say I hope he comes back to save iOS 7....




    Originally Posted by CanukStorm View Post

    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post


    Waits for the idiot(s) to say I hope he comes back to save iOS 7....

    hahaha.  You should go on the macrumors thread.  It's loaded with them.


    The reason I quit macrumors... :p




    I sure do expect to see him somewhere at the top very soon... He stagnated and got arrogant, but is a brilliant mind...!

  • Reply 48 of 66
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,019member
    Not a fan of his work. Leather and felt. Enough said.
  • Reply 49 of 66
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Its like a post Stalin purge in here. We HATE Scott Forstall and his iOS 6 skeuomorphism and whats more we ALWAYS hated iOS prior to 7.
  • Reply 50 of 66
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by kkerst View Post

    That's exactly all it was: an opinion. I never said it was fact. People need to stop taking themselves so serious on here and chill out.

    Anyway, it seems to me Apple combines the best of the best who function, as a whole, at the top their game - kind of like a think tank that actually produces something. So there, that was another opinion.

    If you had used "it seems to me" in your previously certain statements that "nobody wants Scott Forstall" it might have come across as an opinion. although it still wouldn't have been true.


    I bet he is turning down CEO offers every week.

  • Reply 51 of 66
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    Yah. Because Jony Ive is a design genius who can design anything and do no wrong.


    Enjoy your black and white world. That’s not at all what he said or implied; don’t pretend it is.


    Originally Posted by dacloo View Post

    The good old times when a button still looked like a button.


    So before iOS entirely, then, since that was never the case here.

  • Reply 52 of 66
    kkerstkkerst Posts: 330member
    I didn't know we couldn't have fun on this site. Who cares if I'm wrong.
  • Reply 53 of 66
    Originally Posted by kkerst View Post

    I didn't know we couldn't have fun on this site.


    Nice try.


    Who cares if I'm wrong. 

    Then don’t present your point as though it’s a supposition of fact. What’s the point of having a conversation if you don’t care about the truth?

  • Reply 54 of 66
    Congrats, you've pushed me off the site. I don't come here for personal attacks, even if it's based on opinion or false information. Unless you worked with Forstall personally, none of you have any real idea what you're talking about.

    Let's say you did work with him. That would probably make you very high up at Apple. I don't think you'd spend your days posting here if you did. Obviously, I didn't (work with him) so it 's just goofy stupid.
  • Reply 55 of 66
    Originally Posted by kkerst View Post

    Even if you did work with him personally, you wouldn't post it on here. Get it?


    Really? mdriftmeyer would like a word.

  • Reply 56 of 66
    kkerst wrote: »
    Congrats, you've pushed me off the site. I don't come here for personal attacks, even if it's based on opinion or false information.

    If you're that easily dissuaded then you made the right choice. Because the Internet is a big and nasty place. Not everyone will agree with you and validate your opinion.
  • Reply 57 of 66

    Oh I kid I kid. I'll still come to this site. Might not post anymore though. 

  • Reply 58 of 66
    Apple's success in recent years is due to the iPhone. The iPhone is what it is due to iOS (IMHO from iPhone OS until iOS 6) and iOS was created by Scott Forstall. Therefore, i believe I'm not wrong when I say, Apple's success is mostly due to Forstall (and of course Jobs). Firing him was the worse possible decision that Apple could have made. Much worse than the much advertised (and mostly invented) maps fiasco will be the iOS 7 fiasco.
  • Reply 59 of 66

    Originally Posted by El Tuga View Post

    Apple's success in recent years is due to the iPhone. The iPhone is what it is due to iOS (IMHO from iPhone OS until iOS 6) and iOS was created by Scott Forstall. Therefore, i believe I'm not wrong when I say, Apple's success is mostly due to Forstall (and of course Jobs). Firing him was the worse possible decision that Apple could have made. Much worse than the much advertised (and mostly invented) maps fiasco will be the iOS 7 fiasco.


    Only time will tell.

  • Reply 60 of 66
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,363moderator
    el tuga wrote: »
    Firing him was the worse possible decision that Apple could have made.

    It depends on how disruptive he was. There were reports about Tony Fadell, Bob Mansfield, Jonathan Ive, Jon Rubinstein all having issues with him. If it was between Jony and Forstall, Jony would be the obvious choice to stay. None of those people need to be at the company as they are all multi-millionaires. Tim's move to make the teams more collaborative was a good one.

    It's not as if Jony is the one replacing Forstall. Craig Federighi goes all the way back to NeXT too and seems like a nice guy to work with. Jony said he and Craig sit minutes away from each other. I don't know how many hours he sat away from Forstall but I reckon a bus journey was involved. That's not a good setup for the development of products that have to work well as a whole.

    It's true Forstall led a small team to produce iOS but the rest of the team might still be at Apple. It's also important to consider what he would do next. He was working on Maps and possibly Siri before he left. If he had been critical to the success of Apple's future roadmap, they probably wouldn't have asked him to leave.

    People have this idea that Apple still has to do another iPhone-scale project and whatever that is might require someone like Forstall. There just isn't another project like that to do in the near future and if one crops up eventually, they have Craig Federighi and hundreds of other engineers.

    All that matters as far as fans on the outside are concerned is that Apple keeps going. That company represents something that is so rarely represented in their field. If someone disruptive has the ability to push out a lot of people who are critical to Apple's success then those individuals have to go. It was their decision as individuals to not be co-operative that led to the decision.

    The one thing I miss with him gone is seeing younger presenters at the keynotes. I think Federighi is around the same age but Forstall looks younger. IMO, it makes the company look more vulnerable having a lot of over 50s presenting so much because they don't exude the same excitement and energy and we don't get any familiarity with the next generation. They also don't all have a younger sense of humor. It's done professionally but the keynotes could be shorter and just not mention things that have been spoken about so many times before like store openings, how many billions of iMessages are sent - stats that don't really matter any more. Then add in more entertaining demos. The anki drive was an example but it wasn't all that great. If they don't have much new to show, have guests that do.

    Whatever Scott chooses to do outside the company may or may not be something successful. Fadell who did the iPod now has his Nest project and while it's a cool enough project, it's not really on the same level as the projects at Apple:


    It doesn't have to be either. The important thing from their perspective, even if it's not apparent to them, is that they love what they're doing. There's no sense dedicating years of your life to work that you hate to do unless you have no choice financially and these people all have the choice to do what makes them happiest.
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