Apple planning 2016 'iPhone 7' to be thinnest yet, in-line with new iPod touch & iPad Air 2



  • Reply 81 of 183

    Originally Posted by tmay View Post

    Originally Posted by TechLover View Post


    Citation please on the 99.9% preference. Just because electronics can be thinner doesn't mean it's the best option. 


    An awful lot of people want better battery life and not a thinner phone. Just look at the posts in this one thread alone. I would venture that more people want more battery more than thinness at this point.


    Battery cases in general are a horrible, ugly and bulky option compared to adding a few millimeters and a gram or two to the device, which by contrast is imperceptible to the user.


    You speak for yourself, you do not speak for 99.9% of the people. Not by a long stretch. 


    Edited for typo

    Yet you speak in exactly the same hand waving vagueness.


    Going by the posts in an Apple specific website gives no more insight than a guess about the desires of the consumer at large. Apple likely expended a huge level effort to determine the distribution of usage to define its battery life.; so much so that it is predictable for each new generation.


    Some of those users will be outliers that will not be satisfied with Apple's usage goal; you are one of those. Apple isn't making an iPhone of outliers.

    I don't think I was being vague, only calling out the 99.9% number which seems dubious and far fetched to me. You make a fair point that I should not go by the posts on an Apple specific website. But respectfully, you should not put words in my mouth. I am not unsatisfied by the product. Not by a long shot.


    However I would be even more satisfied if there were more battery life at the expense of a few millimeters of thickness and a few extra grams in weight.


    When Apple released the new Macbook one of my first thoughts was how awesome would it be to have the new Macbook components in the footprint of the Macbook Pro where they filled all that extra space with battery.


    Imagine that. A Macbook that lasts for not hours, but days. An elegant design without a need for an extra battery pack. I would buy it. 

  • Reply 82 of 183

    Originally Posted by tmay View Post

    Originally Posted by TechLover View Post


    I will admit to giving a click to unbox therapy and watched their video of what is presumably the new iPhone shell.


    If it is actually true, and that is the new case that Apple is going to use, I give Apple no less than 2 thumbs up on using both better aluminium material as well as a superior anodizing process.


    Trolls or no trolls it appears to be a more robust product, if indeed the unbox therapy guy has an actual shell. 


    I agree with @Rogifan and add that Apple is a leader in manufacturing. With the exception of the screen, the winner in my opinion goes to Samsung for screens.

    Apple also appears to have added material to the sidewalls on the side of the volume buttons; this should reduce failure due to bending loads and is might be an acknowledgement of the media storm popularly known as "bendgate"; or not.

    I'm still unconvinced that "Bendgate" was a widespread issue. Maybe I am wrong. But it just doesn't seem like it was.


    I see this as Apple simply making a better and more robust product than what preceded it.


    This is all of course assuming the unbox therapy guy has the actual goods. We won't know until it is released and we get a tear-down.

  • Reply 83 of 183
    You can't be too thin. Or rich.
  • Reply 84 of 183
    Karen Carpenter would have to politely disagree, if she was still alive. :)
  • Reply 85 of 183
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post

    Also, please go back to straight glass screen and curved back just like iPad now. I somehow prefer that over curved glass.





    Sir Jony



  • Reply 86 of 183

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    Originally Posted by TechLover View Post

    Citation please on the 99.9% preference. Just because electronics can be thinner doesn't mean it's the best option. 

    An awful lot of people want better battery life and not a thinner phone. Just look at the posts in this one thread alone. I would venture that more people want more battery more than thinness at this point.

    Battery cases in general are a horrible, ugly and bulky option compared to adding a few millimeters and a gram or two to the device, which by contrast is imperceptible to the user.

    You speak for yourself, you do not speak for 99.9% of the people. Not by a long stretch. 

    Edited for typo

    My citation is the ever increasing sales for the iphone.

    If people really wanted more battery life they would have chose another phone by now. But thats not even the point. The point is a thin phone is necessary to make the eventual foldable phone

    I think the ever increasing sales for the iPhone are for a few reasons other than that it is a great product with a great ecosystem.


    It's thinness may have played a small roll in sales but thin does not mean better necessarily. 


    Once Apple came out with larger screens the sales went through the roof. Seems to me that the larger screen sizes played a bigger role in selling more phones than the thinness. But I could be wrong about that.


    I am not sure about the fold-able phone any time soon, other than a flip phone where it's hinged. But hey it's fun to think about what might be possible in the future.

  • Reply 87 of 183

    I think he is right, along with the vast majority. The Samsung flagship screens are nothing short of amazing screens. Oh yeah, perhaps you could stop being a Diq. I see you bash people, almost daily, for having any sort of comment or opinion. What in the hell is wrong with you?


    "Limited Supply Of Class"

  • Reply 88 of 183
    sog35 wrote: »
    My citation is the ever increasing sales for the iphone.

    If people really wanted more battery life they would have chose another phone by now. But thats not even the point. The point is a thin phone is necessary to make the eventual foldable phone

    Does your data include how people would react given a thicker phone that includes battery life? Considering you have never owned an iPhone which focused on battery life over z height, how do you know you would dislike it? You are the perfect example of marketing, you live in the here and now and you are unsure of what you want. What ever Apples latest is that's he best thing in the world. When small screens were in you were all over them, now that's there's a 6+ you love large screens. If apple came out with a thicker iPhone you would enjoy it and everyone here knows it.
  • Reply 89 of 183
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,859moderator
    I want...

    A thinner iPhone 7
    with edge to edge display (use software to create a virtual bezel that displays info but ignores touches and is configurable width)
    with a virtual Home Button that uses Haptic feedback to give the sensation of a click (this removes a movable part from the phone and therefore eliminates a point of failure)
    with inductive charging that supports the latest standard, so I can charge at a table in Starbucks and a thousand other places where I set the phone down (basically eliminate the need for a larger battery)
    and with that cool new light guide camera tech to get DSLR image quality within the thin case.

    Oh, and I want an inductive charger built into the dash of my next car where I can set the phone securely, see its display, and have the mic pic up my Hey Siri requests. In fact, I want one for each seating position in the car, as common as cup holders.

    Is that so much to ask?
  • Reply 90 of 183

    Originally Posted by Brian Green View Post

    If I could have one wish for the iPhone it wouldn't be for it to be thinner, it would be some way to make the antennas better in low cell service areas. Wifi calling is great, but does one little good if you need to call a tow truck in an area with practically no cell service. No idea how they'd do it, but those outside the city would greatly appreciate it.


    Not sure more antennas are going to help in those cases. The problem lies in the wireless carriers who choose to ignore less densely populated, less profitable areas when building out their networks. They should just turn wireless carriers and ISPs into public utilities.

  • Reply 91 of 183

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    Don't use Sprint or T-Mobile then.

    Really, though, Apple's going to have to get off the thin train eventually. They already went arguably too far with the new MacBook, which defeats the purpose of the aluminum unibody by compromising stiffness.


    That's a great suggestion, actually. While the budget carriers (TMobile at least) have improved their service within major metropolitan areas, they still can't compete with AT&T (or in some cases Verizon depending on the region) when it comes to coverage outside those areas.

  • Reply 92 of 183

    Originally Posted by Harry Wild View Post

    Thinner is better for me. I like the 4,7" size but it's features are substandard to the +.

    If the new 6S has a 1080p quality screen; I will upgrade! Otherwise, I will hold on to my +.


    Why do you want a 1080p 4.7" screen? Do you use your phone while wearing a jeweler's loupe? Are you also eagerly anticipating 4K smartphone displays?

  • Reply 93 of 183
    techlover wrote: »
    I'm still unconvinced that "Bendgate" was a widespread issue. Maybe I am wrong. But it just doesn't seem like it was.

    I see this as Apple simply making a better and more robust product than what preceded it.

    This is all of course assuming the unbox therapy guy has the actual goods. We won't know until it is released and we get a tear-down.

    I don't think it happened to every phone, but every one of them could bend. I've recently seen it, friend had it in his back pocket... El Bendo.

    now, to be clear, he should not have been putting such an object in his back pocket (or any object in my opinion) and he was even a bit drunk. so it is very very much a case of user failure as was ALL cases of bendgate.

    that said, the device really can bend as a result of size and material .. so there is nothing wrong with fixing that. better a customer who says "farrk I should not have put my phone in my back pocket, what was I thinking.. I'm so glad it isn't broken"

    all that said, what impressed me was that the bent phone with glass sticking out to gouge you still completely worked and that right there is why I like what Apple does
  • Reply 94 of 183
    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post



    Why do you want a 1080p 4.7" screen? Do you use your phone while wearing a jeweler's loupe? Are you also eagerly anticipating 4K smartphone displays?

    4K smartphone displays are coming.  Just ask Sony.


  • Reply 95 of 183
    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    Flexing when you pick it up by a corner isnt rock solid.

    You should bring yours into Apple - Not sure why I'd want to hold it by the corner, but just tried it, and not seeing flexing on mine.  I bought one for a trip to Europe, and it worked out great, and performed reasonably well editing video (in FCPX) - slipped it into my iPad case (alongside an iPad Air), which allowed me to move around a little lighter and with one less bag.  I had figured it would be nicer than carrying my MB Pro, but was surprised at how well it worked out.


    All designs balance trade-offs, and this one is no exception.  Would have liked an additional USB C port, but it turned out fine for the majority of the time - and, using the multiport adapter took care of the few times I needed to use the power adapter and USB at same time.  


    It's not a machine to satisfy all the needs of everyone, but is remarkable for it's intended purpose.  However, it makes my MB Pro 15 retina seem bulky :~}

  • Reply 96 of 183
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by tenly View Post

    Hmmm.... See how many people on this thread are claiming they would like a bigger battery at the expense of thickness? Do you need any more proof? Are you getting ready to tell them all that they're wrong and if they don't like it they should switch platforms? Or have you finally accepted that a lot of people have opinions that are different from yours and that that's okay?

    As for the 2016 rumours....they are only rumours to you and I because the report doesn't come with any confirmed proof...but...that's what a rumour is, right? If Kuo actually learned something about the 2016 model, why shouldn't he share it immediately - especially on a rumour site?

    You sure have a lot of strong ideas about what other people should say and do. Has anybody ever called you controlling or high-maintenance?


    Yes, I've accepted your self righteous indignation and the irony that exudes from your comment too.... Reread your own comment and ahem... Try to put it through the same lense you used on others.... Try not to create a recursion.

  • Reply 97 of 183
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by CanukStorm View Post


    4K smartphone displays are coming.  Just ask Sony.



    Yes, Sony, something useless for everyone... That's probably why it has gone done the craphole in the last 15 years.

  • Reply 98 of 183
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    Originally Posted by RadarTheKat View Post

    I want...

    A thinner iPhone 7

    with edge to edge display (use software to create a virtual bezel that displays info but ignores touches and is configurable width)

    with a virtual Home Button that uses Haptic feedback to give the sensation of a click (this removes a movable part from the phone and therefore eliminates a point of failure)

    with inductive charging that supports the latest standard, so I can charge at a table in Starbucks and a thousand other places where I set the phone down (basically eliminate the need for a larger battery)

    and with that cool new light guide camera tech to get DSLR image quality within the thin case.

    Oh, and I want an inductive charger built into the dash of my next car where I can set the phone securely, see its display, and have the mic pic up my Hey Siri requests. In fact, I want one for each seating position in the car, as common as cup holders.

    Is that so much to ask?


    Were are those "thousands" other places, I've seen very few in Montreal, a very large city. And none at Starbucks.


    Also, I tend to have my phone in my hands when I use it while it charges, so inductive charger don't work for me. Give me plugs and I'm happy.

    I know all the places with outlets in downtown montreal...

  • Reply 99 of 183
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by staticx57 View Post

    Does your data include how people would react given a thicker phone that includes battery life? Considering you have never owned an iPhone which focused on battery life over z height, how do you know you would dislike it? You are the perfect example of marketing, you live in the here and now and you are unsure of what you want. What ever Apples latest is that's he best thing in the world. When small screens were in you were all over them, now that's there's a 6+ you love large screens. If apple came out with a thicker iPhone you would enjoy it and everyone here knows it.


    They won'T come out with a significantly thicker phone. You can bank on that. And they don'T need too. You can get longer battery life by having more efficient components. Battery is heavy; that's why Apple tries to reduce it, not just for thinness sake.


    If screen resolution doesn't increase in the next few years because our eyes have a resolution limit... (screen is what uses the most power), battery life will increase by itself just through increased efficiency of components.


    The things is also, energetic efficiency of cell phone components has increased a lot in the last 8 years. We're just using our smart phones do a lot more thing than before. If we did the same thing now as in 2007, the cell phone would last quite a long time.


    People will always complain about battery life until there is a fusion reactor in their phone...

  • Reply 100 of 183
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    Originally Posted by TechLover View Post



    Originally Posted by TechLover View Post


    You are correct about one thing, I do think they are nice.


    It's a great display that looks fabulous in person and has resoundingly gotten great reviews. I suggest you go to a store and play with one and play with the brightness and all the settings if you haven't already. 


    My opinion is not unfounded. It's a great screen.


    Reviews have not been uniformly good, especially for the edge screen.


    LG has the better OLED tech in my opinion. Wonder if that will end up in their phones soon (maybe it has already, haven't checked the G4).

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