MacBidouille posts PPC 970 benchmarks



  • Reply 641 of 665
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    Oh come on now, that has to be the tamest thing you have said about Moto JYD! I expected something more on the lines of "caller ID indicates it's Motorola....Jobs: Su** the sw*** off my ba*** you slimy mu*** fu*****!!!!!"

    Now, that's what I was expecting to read from ya....

    No, JD's scenario is actually much more cold-hearted. Killing with kindness.
  • Reply 642 of 665
    o and ao and a Posts: 579member
    Final cut pro seems to be coming out June 9th think secret reports. Would someone be able to tell if it supports a 64bit chip or would this be tackled with an update?

    ...that is in fact the 970 is used...
  • Reply 643 of 665
    kurtkurt Posts: 225member
    Didn't Nick dePlume recently post to these boards saying he had some 970 info that he was going to post? He was going to check his sources or something like that. Did he give a time frame of when that would happen? Maybe June 23

    I don't mean to pick on him as I do read and like his sight. His rumors seem to be around software more than hardware but he is usually correct. I think he would rather be right than try to get hits with unchecked or outrageous rumors.
  • Reply 644 of 665
    shaktaishaktai Posts: 157member

    Originally posted by Kurt

    Didn't Nick dePlume recently post to these boards saying he had some 970 info that he was going to post? He was going to check his sources or something like that. Did he give a time frame of when that would happen? Maybe June 23

    I don't mean to pick on him as I do read and like his sight. His rumors seem to be around software more than hardware but he is usually correct. I think he would rather be right than try to get hits with unchecked or outrageous rumors.

    Yea Nick does seem to be a bit more conservative, and checks his sources a bit more. He may not be the first one out with news, but when it does come out, he is more often on track then not. As far as hardware goes, he was dead on with the ipod.

    With the 970, I think he said he had some info he wanted to get verification on from other sources before posting, or something like that. Whatever he might come up with, I would tend to give it serious consideration.
  • Reply 645 of 665
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    Oh come on now, that has to be the tamest thing you have said about Moto JYD! I expected something more on the lines of "caller ID indicates it's Motorola....Jobs: Su** the sw*** off my ba*** you slimy mu*** fu*****!!!!!"

    Now, that's what I was expecting to read from ya....

    That's my client Tarantino, not the Junkyard Dawg. I'm just his lawyer.
  • Reply 646 of 665
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    That's my client Tarantino, not the Junkyard Dawg. I'm just his lawyer.

    Thank you for clarifying....
  • Reply 647 of 665
    Ok, two comments, hopefully to fuel the fire a bit...

    First, regarding the recent comments about going to one supplier (IBM) versus having competition (options)...NEC has been out of the consumer (PC) market for quite some time (argueably they were never really in it). They have proven design and fab capabilities, as well as a widely diverse collection of IP including 64bit design and implementation, highly customized Unix builds, integrated vector processing, etc. Not to mention the world's fastest computer . Or, a little less out of left field, Sony. They have similar ideologies in terms of design and direction, as well as a HUGE investment in their new "Cell" fab for both .13 and .09.

    Second, what are the possibilities of a largely reworked product lineup, where lowend portables use new IBM g3's and are priced in the $599+ range, middle (consumer) portables use newer G4's, in the $1200-1700 range, then "pro" machines with PPC970's in the $1700+ range?

    Or, more simply, cheap "iBooks" with new G3's, and new PowerBooks with PPC970's? But the point is still in a larger price difference, with the "iBooks" starting in the $599 range, and 12" PowerBooks starting in the $1399/$1499 range...

    Flame on!
  • Reply 648 of 665
    o and ao and a Posts: 579member
    Last i read that Sony cell technology was for ps3 and contains a powerpc chip don't remember who is supplying that chip though. probably ibm.

    That cell stuff reminds me of terminator...hehe the end is near.
  • Reply 649 of 665
    nevynnevyn Posts: 360member

    Originally posted by Programmer

    The SPECfp number I have for the G4 @ 1 GHz is only 184, so if it scaled linearly that would put it to 258.

    Gak. I got my G4 numbers from here, but 187 doesn't scale to 428 either. (262)

    That second '428' is a typo (er, probably a duplicate of the other 428.

    In either case, none of the current G4s are going to best a 970 in FP. Even in pairs.


    SPEC isn't multi-processor so having a quad 970 wouldn't quadruple its SPECfp score.

    Err, what's this score from then? IBM-with-32processors It does show that the SpecFP doesn't scale 1:1 with more processors though. Is it really not MP aware? It does seem to be a sizable increase, but is it just 'extra cache' sorts of bonuses?

    This is fun to explore though.
  • Reply 650 of 665
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member

    Originally posted by Nevyn

    Gak. I got my G4 numbers from here, but 187 doesn't scale to 428 either. (262)

    That second '428' is a typo (er, probably a duplicate of the other 428.

    In either case, none of the current G4s are going to best a 970 in FP. Even in pairs.

    Err, what's this score from then? IBM-with-32processors It does show that the SpecFP doesn't scale 1:1 with more processors though. Is it really not MP aware? It does seem to be a sizable increase, but is it just 'extra cache' sorts of bonuses?

    This is fun to explore though.

    The Power4+ 1.7 GHz looks nice but has 1.5MB L2 and 128MB L3, which can't hurt the scores any.
  • Reply 651 of 665
    shaktaishaktai Posts: 157member

    Originally posted by Nevyn

    Gak. I got my G4 numbers from here, but 187 doesn't scale to 428 either. (262)

    Oh well!

    Still the more I look at the numbers and compare them, the more I am amazed at how much real world performance Apple managed to pull out of a chip/system architecture handicapped by Motorola's incompetence. They really have milked the G4 for every ounce of performance it has, despite Motorola's failure to produce.

    If that kind of total system refinement and integration carries over to the 970, the new computers, the combination of IBM 970's, Apple's system refinement and Panther (presuming it all does indeed happen) will be astounding.
  • Reply 652 of 665
    What common Mac applications use floating point?
  • Reply 653 of 665
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    So, since Bryce has been discontinued for the Mac, is that more proof that the benchmarks are fake (given the story that a MP aware version of Bryce was used?)
  • Reply 654 of 665
    shaktaishaktai Posts: 157member

    Originally posted by Cake

    So, since Bryce has been discontinued for the Mac, is that more proof that the benchmarks are fake (given the story that a MP aware version of Bryce was used?)

    As has been stated many times, the discontinuence of Bryce (or any other software product), does not mean that there was not a beta of a later version in the works (as later claimed by the source). It is completely inconclusive.

    You might want to take a look at the BareFeats test at with Bryce 5. There a dual 1.42 G4 goes actually outperforms both a P4 3.06 (by a whisper) and a dual Xeon 2.4 significantly. Corel states Bryce is not MP aware, but the G4 performs very well with it, so much so that you would think it had to be MP aware or in some manner breaks up the work between processors. Maybe Corel is confused and it is the Windows version that isn't MP awared (Yeah I know, Corel surely wouldn't be confused). Still based upon that "demonstrated" performance with real hardware, then the figures shown in the MB benchmarks really aren't very far off target.

    Were the benchmarks faked? Not by MacBidouille but perhaps by their source, or maybe they are just estimates based upon other known numbers. Who knows? Take known real performance comparision numbers like those linked above, and then extrapolate them out for estimated 970 performance, and you come fairly close to the MacBidouille benchmarks with some variances.

    Interestingly, the guy who runs MacWhispers let loose in the SpyMac forums and kind of insuated that the MacBidouille benchmarks were bogus because they were too slow based on information from his sources. His comments as "PowerJack" here:

    We will all find out soon enough. 19 days and counting.
  • Reply 655 of 665
    3.14163.1416 Posts: 120member

    Originally posted by flyhigher

    What common Mac applications use floating point?

    Quartz uses floating point coordinates, so pretty much all of them.
  • Reply 656 of 665
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    So what's the take on Powerjack?

    If he's speaking the truth, I'm going to be popping veins when Jobs intros the 970s. And based on Powerjack's ravings, it will appear in both Powermacs and at least one powerbook.

    I want to believe, but it seems too good to be true after all these dark years with Motorola pumping Powermacs full of shite.
  • Reply 657 of 665
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    So what's the take on Powerjack?

    If he's speaking the truth, I'm going to be popping veins when Jobs intros the 970s. And based on Powerjack's ravings, it will appear in both Powermacs and at least one powerbook.

    I want to believe, but it seems too good to be true after all these dark years with Motorola pumping Powermacs full of shite.

    I thoguht it was decided powerjack was full of shit, no? Someone posted a link to a macfixit (or someother mac site) with reader emails just totally trashing this guy for his very shoddy businesses.

    Plus he claims to be under NDA, yet continues to post info on message boards. Right....
  • Reply 658 of 665
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Originally posted by kupan787

    I thoguht it was decided powerjack was full of shit, no? Someone posted a link to a macfixit (or someother mac site) with reader emails just totally trashing this guy for his very shoddy businesses.

    You're thinking of this MacInTouch Reader Report:


    Plus he claims to be under NDA, yet continues to post info on message boards. Right....

    Yeah, because message boards offer so much extra protection. Just ask worker bee!
  • Reply 659 of 665
    o and ao and a Posts: 579member

    Yeah, because message boards offer so much extra protection. Just ask worker bee! [/B]

    Hey this guy maybe full of crap but lets not discourage anyone else hehheh
  • Reply 660 of 665
    shaktaishaktai Posts: 157member

    Originally posted by kupan787

    I thoguht it was decided powerjack was full of shit, no? Someone posted a link to a macfixit (or someother mac site) with reader emails just totally trashing this guy for his very shoddy businesses.

    Plus he claims to be under NDA, yet continues to post info on message boards. Right....

    Well he has had some detailed hits in the rumor business and some misses. Personality wise he is somewhat bold in his statements, but he is also intelligent. He has admitted to some bad business issues in the past. And has been willing to admit when he has been wrong about rumors, even issuing an unsolicited apology to Think Secret.

    His record right now an is unknown re: the 970's. He does have connections with certain contractors involved in the production of some Apple products.

    His NDA supposedly covers specific information provided by Apple as relates to certain products he is supposedly developing and encompasses information that comes from Apple. These products are not related to the PowerMacs. Don't know if that is the truth or not.

    We will find out soon enough if he or MacBidouille or anyone else for that matter is even close. A lot of reputations are riding on the line.

    MOSR is playing it safe, and not sticking their neck out much at all.

    MacRumors doesn't seem to be coming up with too much directly but is pretty much staying on top of what is coming from others and either verifying or just posting for interest.

    MacBidouille has gone way out, reporting what their sources provide, but could get burnt if their sources are too far out there.

    MacWhispers? Too new to tell. He has some connections, but whether or not he has the connections he claims remains to be seen.

    LoopRumors? Another unknown. some hits some misses.

    Think Secret will sit tight until they have something they are confident about, but have overall provided good information on a wide variety, especially with software.

    I think MacBidouille and MacWhispers are the two with the most to lose. Even PowerJack of MacWhispers remarked laughingly that if he is wrong he will have to turn to publishing recipes instead of rumors. No matter what, MacBidouille will retain their loyal French following, but may see a large loss of international following if they aren't close. MacWhispers stands to lose all credibility.

    Soon enough we will know. The MacBidouille benchmarks aren't as outrageous as some seem to think. Several sources have implied discreetly that they are "in the ballpark" and that only the particulars differ. I suspect their source just extrapolated them from known performance and speculated 970 performance but we may never know for sure. Playing around with my own extrapolations using known numbers for the current G4 and how it stacks up, I personally think we stand to be wowed. The only let-down would be if Apple "doesn't use the 970", at all, ever.
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