Demand for Apple's 13" MacBook Pro may be outpacing supply



  • Reply 41 of 146
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    I am I the only who feels that a 13 inch laptop should not be a Pro laptop?

    Yes, because your definition of "pro" is obviously narrow and slanted.
  • Reply 42 of 146
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    Originally Posted by faithfulFrank View Post

    I have one question NO ONE seems to be able to answer for me. If I buy this new 13" MacbookPro, will it pick up wifi signals from farther away then my 12" Powerbook? I really need it to.

    I am hoping I will not have buyers remorse. I also hope the new laptop will have a better wifi range......but no one at Apple can tell me it will.....

    Well I would think that the wireless antenna has improved recently, but there are other outside influences that can affect your Wi-Fi signal. If too many people are using the same channel, that could interfere. 2.4 Ghz devices could also interfere, so in reality, YMMV. I have had no Wi-Fi issues with my 2007 MBP in regards to signal strength. As far as buyer's remorse, I think you have 30 days to return the product if you are not happy with it.
  • Reply 43 of 146
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,904member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    I am I the only who feels that a 13 inch laptop should not be a Pro laptop?

    Care to explain why?

    And the 12" PowerBook G4 shouldn't have been called a PowerBook?

    I know a few people who have been dying for Apple to replace the 12" PowerBook since they dropped it. This seems to fit the bill and the sales show it.
  • Reply 44 of 146
    neilmneilm Posts: 995member
    Originally Posted by Gmac View Post

    Do you own one and have you tried this? I own one and an HP for work that has a matte screen. I have used both side by side on my backyard deck in the sun. The Mac's was infinitely more readible.

    The glossy screen concern is overblown IMO.

    Exactly. A laptop and its screen can easily be reoriented if necessary to reduce unwanted reflections. It's potentially much more of an issue with something like an iMac, where the choice of location and orientation may be limited.

    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    I am I the only who feels that a 13 inch laptop should not be a Pro laptop?

    1) Yes.

    2) So buy the non-Pro plastic case MacBook instead.
  • Reply 45 of 146
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    The glossy screen is a drawback. Try surfing in the back yard on a sunny day.

    Funny, the matte screen on my powerbook is totally unreadable in sun, but the glossy screen on my 15" MBP is perfectly usable. Far from ideal, but that's because I'm in full sun, not because of a fault of the notebook

    If you actually used the product you are complaining about rather then relying on Internet malcontents for your perspective, you would know your statement is ridiculous.


    But are there not sheets you can buy to put over the screen to make it less reflective? Has anyone tried that? If so how do you like it?

    Yes there are - they have been pointed out many times in threads like this. No I have not tried them because I like the glossy display just fine the way it is.
  • Reply 46 of 146
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    Originally Posted by knownikko View Post

    Yes, because your definition of "pro" is obviously narrow and slanted.

    And tell me how it is narrow and slanted? You are narrow and slanted for perhaps not being able to understand that the needs of many mobile professionals are greater than what a 13 inch laptop can offer. The internals may be the similar, but there is a high number of people who need the biggest screen real estate they can get for many reasons. Some may do 3d rendering and modeling, some may be those ESPN photographers that need more real estate in Aperture than what a 13 inch laptop can offer. Bottom line, everyone's definition of what a "Pro" should be is going to vary. How do you define pro?
  • Reply 47 of 146
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by faithfulFrank View Post

    I have one question NO ONE seems to be able to answer for me. If I buy this new 13" MacbookPro, will it pick up wifi signals from farther away then my 12" Powerbook? I really need it to.

    Absolutely. A lot of changes in WiFi have come around sense the 12? PB was last released. However, that does not mean that the range is what you need. Bring your PB into an Apple Store and then install iStumbler on each machine and see the signal strength or each.

    (I know that holding down the Option key while clicking on the Airport icon in the Menu Bar will show signal strength in Snow Leopard but I am not sure that works in Leopard)


    Also, I'll need to buy a new laptop backpack for this new laptop, but every one I've seen is for a 15" laptop or bigger. does ANYONE make a backpack just for this size laptop?

    Your choices are limited if this is just about the backpack size. I find that the backpacks for the 15? notebooks are sufficient for the 13? notebooks.
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    I am I the only who feels that a 13 inch laptop should not be a Pro laptop?

    I guess it depends on what PROfession you are in. For me, the 13? MB, even before it was Pro, was a better for me than the larger 15? machines.
  • Reply 48 of 146
    duskdusk Posts: 36member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    The glossy screen is a drawback. Try surfing in the back yard on a sunny day.

    But are there not sheets you can buy to put over the screen to make it less reflective? Has anyone tried that? If so how do you like it?

    Yeah there are and they are brilliant. I have one on my Samsung Notebook. It is about 50 bucks I guess for such an already prefectly cut highend film. And also putting them on wihtout any bubbles takes some patience and a room as dust free as possible. But you can clean it and try a few times till you get it right.

    Once it is on the screen you have all the pros of a matt screen but inside the difference in color is very small imo. Contrast is sometimes even better in some light settings.

    I used my Notebook with glossy outside too and never understood those people who say, they are completely unusable. I could use it under direct sunlight. A big problem was when there are different thinks behind you. If it is just heaven and nothing else you could still read a pdf. I was most annoyed in those semi light setting, where you sit on the university and while the screen would be more than bright enough those reflections are annoying or at home where a t-shirt with too much white in it can already be annoying.

    Anti reflective it's awesome indoors (where you could still use it without, it was just annoying) and in the garden it is brilliant.

    I use the Vikuiti ARM200. I think it is in some regards better than usual matt screens. Because of the real anti reflection layer (vs. only the matt surface) it swallows more light and you have less grey misty overlay what ever you'd call it. When a light source in your back is just spread over a greater surface but might just make the whole area of the screen more difficult to read.

    If I buy a 13" MacBook Pro, I will definitely buy such a sheet, film whatever you call it again. Actually I most likely will buy one in 2 months. The only thing I don't like is OSX which I'm not sure I'll like. Played a little with it. I can understand why people like it but it's seems inferior to Windows in some ways that matter to me (not gaming, but customizabilty and software). If there would be Lenovo T400 like Windows Drivers, it could just try without any risk. But if I don't like OSX a Lenovo T400 is the better option, better Windows batterylife and a brighter screen.
  • Reply 49 of 146
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    It is amazing what happens when you lower prices and add significant features.

    Can't wait until the iMac is refreshed to see what Apple has in store for it.
  • Reply 50 of 146
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    I am I the only who feels that a 13 inch laptop should not be a Pro laptop?

    Why? There once was a 12" PowerBook.

    I feel all the MBP's should have an option for matte now -just like the 17". Then the problem is solved. I mean how difficult could that be to produce for a "Professional" line of computers? There obviously is a demand for matte if the 17" came out with one. Give the option to the 15" and 13" - and this story goes away. Is it about the enviro rating that we only have glass screens?
  • Reply 51 of 146
    oneaburnsoneaburns Posts: 354member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    I'm strongly thinking about selling my Aluminum MacBook and 24" iMac and just get a 13" MBP with the 24" LED Cinema. I haven't yet decided though. The 13" MBP is probably one of the best laptops Apple has released in quite a while. Everything about this laptop is awesome!

    I have the aluminum 13" MacBook and 24" LED Cinema display now. I'm not sure if I need to upgrade to the MBP. If I did, it would really only be for the improvement of the screen (when it's not conected to my Cinema display) and the SD slot. Anyone have an idea of what these are being sold for? I'm at work so can't check ebay at the moment.
  • Reply 52 of 146
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    It does seem Apple wants to remain the minority in computer systems

    What a stupid statement. Apple wants to make a profit, and excellent products focused on end user experience.

    That right there immediately tells you they aren't going to produce hardware to cover all market segments, because not all hardware segments make sense. And they are fine with that.

    It's only pundits and internet wags that get their panties in a bunch over market share. Apple is more profitable then other top tier PC manufacturers, so while I imagine they wouldn't mind having more market share, they aren't loosing any sleep over it.

    Besides, desktop and notebook PC's are passé. Mobile devices are "where the puck will be" and guess who is there, innovating and dominating?

    If you want to focus on market share that is truly relevant, watch the portable "personal electronic in your pocket converged computer/digital assistant" space.
  • Reply 53 of 146
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by WhiteRabbit View Post

    The glossy screens are sexy looking, and that's the bottom line. Most of us are shallow.

    Your absolutely right - I don't like glossy screens because they are sharper and have better saturation and color. I like them because I'm shallow.

    Just like I only like Apple because they are popular and make shiny, good looking objects and not because they offer superior solutions?

    Do you even read this stuff before you post it?
  • Reply 54 of 146
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    .. not being able to understand that the needs of many mobile professionals are greater than what a 13 inch laptop can offer....How do you define pro?

    By whatever equipment meets my actual requirements instead of relying on useless labels?

    Last time I checked, Apple offered choices other then the 13" so I really don't understand your complaint - other then you are one of these shallow people that feel your own computer is devalued if other "lesser" computers get to share the same silly label (i.e. "Pro")?
  • Reply 55 of 146
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    By whatever equipment meets my actual requirements instead of relying on useless labels?

    Last time I checked, Apple offered choices other then the 13" so I really don't understand your complaint - other then you are one of these shallow people that feel your own computer is devalued if other "lesser" computers get to share the same silly label (i.e. "Pro")?

  • Reply 56 of 146
    Originally Posted by faithfulFrank View Post

    I have one question NO ONE seems to be able to answer for me. If I buy this new 13" MacbookPro, will it pick up wifi signals from farther away then my 12" Powerbook? I really need it to.

    That would first of all depend on the signal strength of the WiFi and not what kind of card your MBP had. But your signal in the other direction will be stronger and reach further due to the N standard. Think about getting a new Airport Base-station to boost your WiFi Signal.


    Also, I'll need to buy a new laptop backpack for this new laptop, but every one I've seen is for a 15" laptop or bigger. does ANYONE make a backpack just for this size laptop??

    The size difference is not that big, but you should be able to get a sling back pack.


    I think I'll get the entry level one....should be good enough for me, since I'm still extremely happy with my 8 year old imac....

    Don't forget to buy a firewire cable 400 to 800 to transfer all your settings/passwords and such.

    And btw I work for Apple.
  • Reply 57 of 146
    night9hawknight9hawk Posts: 104member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    Care to explain why?

    And the 12" PowerBook G4 shouldn't have been called a PowerBook?

    I know a few people who have been dying for Apple to replace the 12" PowerBook since they dropped it. This seems to fit the bill and the sales show it.

    Count me in the "upgrade" group. I held my nose and bought one of the white MacBooks at the end of March because my 12" Powerbook just didn't do what I wanted it to do. I wanted a small Mac laptop that had built-in Firewire and the white one was the only one unit that fit the bill. It did what I wanted it to do but I never really felt comfortable with it. But when the new 13" MacBook Pro systems came out I figured a way to buy one and pay for it by selling off the old one. It's the best decision I've made in a long time! I love the new aluminum unit. It feels more solid, looks better and does feel a bit faster. It's a tiny bit more difficult to upgrade than the old plastic MacBooks-I have upgraded the hard drive and memory on the unit since I picked it up last week.

    The glossiness of the screen isn't a problem for me. I'm sitting in a room with a lot of overhead fluorescent lights and I don't see the lights on the screen. I can see my fingers reflected off the black bevel but most of the time I'm so focused on the content of the screen I don't pay attention to the stuff around the edges. Not having a matte screen isn't a problem for me.
  • Reply 58 of 146
    What about the 250GB Hard Drive, try any of the MacBook Pro's with that hard drive and see what happens to the delivery. Delivery drops down to standard CTO time with any of the other drives. Ooops
  • Reply 59 of 146
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    (I know that holding down the Option key while clicking on the Airport icon in the Menu Bar will show signal strength in Snow Leopard but I am not sure that works in Leopard)

    Cool! I didn't know this. On Leopard it gives the signal strength for the signal you're currently connected to. Will Snow Leopard show the signal strength for all wireless networks that the computer can see?
  • Reply 60 of 146
    jb85jb85 Posts: 33member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    I'm strongly thinking about selling my Aluminum MacBook and 24" iMac and just get a 13" MBP with the 24" LED Cinema. I haven't yet decided though. The 13" MBP is probably one of the best laptops Apple has released in quite a while. Everything about this laptop is awesome!

    I just got rid of my 12" powerbook G4 and my imac and bought a 13" macbook pro and i got a refurbished 24" display and it is awesome. im so glad i did it. i also got the wireless keyboard and wireless mighty mouse. definitely worth it.
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