As Verizon profit falls, president praises iPhone innovation



  • Reply 41 of 105
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by steviet02 View Post

    Verizon pulls a lot of crap too. Disabling features of phones like bluetooth etc, very well documented.

    Agreed. And am I understanding the article correctly? Verizon looks like they intend to own the app store for their devices. That looks bad.
  • Reply 42 of 105
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    A new switcher from Verizon to the iPhone that the article speaks of-that would be me.

    My new iPhone has kept me busy these days with pure enjoyment- no time for AI.

    Just a quick hello!

    Nice to see you again.
  • Reply 43 of 105
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by dagamer34 View Post

    There must be at least two separate agreements between Apple and AT&T as revenue sharing definitely isn't in their latest agreement. It may be that there initial agreement for 5 years but as of now it is only two years from 2008-2010.

    It's certainly possible that Apple might sign another one or two year contract with AT&T.

    Remember that even though Verizon is moving the LTE times up, they will have little coverage for a good year or more.

    Would Apple want to move into a network where just a fraction of its users would be able to use the phone? I don't think so!
  • Reply 44 of 105
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    And Apple doesn't copy things? Please.

    It depends on what is meant by "copy".

    If copy means replicating most of a product, then no, Apple doesn't copy, as some others do. If it means using some individual idea, then sure, everyone does that.

    It's the degree that matters.

    Small details as opposed to wide swaths.
  • Reply 45 of 105
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    The basis isn't true. Apple has said it's conference call that they are extremely happy with AT&T.

    There's politics involved too.

    Apple can't come out and state that they are dissatisfied with their carrier. This would cause all sorts of problems, big and small.

    There may very well even be a clause in the contracts for both sides stating that neither will publicly denigrate the other.

    If Apple mentioned what they thought were shortcomings in AT&T, then that could even damage iPhone sales.
  • Reply 46 of 105
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    It depends on what is meant by "copy".

    If copy means replicating most of a product, then no, Apple doesn't copy, as some others do. If it means using some individual idea, then sure, everyone does that.

    It's the degree that matters.

    Small details as opposed to wide swaths.

    Fair enough.
  • Reply 47 of 105
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    "This as AT&T chief executive Randall Stephenson is reportedly working behind the scenes to extend his company's exclusive iPhone contract with Apple."

    I work for at&t and Randall (don't call him Randy) Stephenson is about as stuff-shirted and bean-counting as they get. He's an accountant, not an engineer. I can't imagine how Randall and SJ would even communicate with each other as their culture and lifestyles are polar opposites. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in those "behind the scenes" efforts.
  • Reply 48 of 105
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,915member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    The basis isn't true. Apple has said it's conference call that they are extremely happy with AT&T.

    Or it could be that Apple is doing what I posted and is going to simply expand its offerings. Make an AT&T phone and a Verizon one. This "could" explain why Apple isn't saying bad things about AT&T. Maybe it still wants them as a carrier. Giving people a choice is never a bad thing. Not everyone gets great reception with AT&T, or with Verizon. So it would be nice to give people a choice.

    I would take a Verizon iPhone as long as it wasn't Verizon'ized. No Vcast, Verizon apps store crap. Let Apple do what it needs to do with the phone. Apple will bring them lots of customers so Verizon will be making plenty of money off an iPhone. Nickel & dimeing them won't be necessary. I'd gladly pay the termination fee for the iPhone.....
  • Reply 49 of 105
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I'm sure Apple and Verizon are talking. When and if they will come to an agreement, there is no way for any of us to know. You cannot just make up Apple's disatisfaction with AT&T when they publicly say the opposite. I beleive Apple likely hates all of the US carriers.

    While I agree if the iPhone were on Verizon and AT&T, Apple would own the US mobile phone market.

    Did you actually see what went on at WWDC? Apple went out of their way to publicly embarass AT&T. Apple did not have to show a slide with all the carriers except AT&T who support tethering. They could have just said "where it's available". Phil Schiller went on stage and openly joked about AT&T to the audience. You could see the anger on Forstall's face because they were screwing up his baby.

    You have to read between the lines. Businesses don't openly go about saying bad things about their partners. They do it subtly. Apple is a company that never let's their frustrations out publicly. When they did so in a small way at Macworld, it means that they are privately seething.

    When you add that to Stephenson having doubts about iPhone exclusivity and Verizon kissing Apple's ass it means sometime within the next two years that Verizon will have the iPhone.
  • Reply 50 of 105
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    How could the introduction of iPhone possibly be good for Verizon? They and every other carrier still offer inferior phone products. Face it, all other phone manufacturers are scrambling to play catch-up ... and failing spectacularly.
  • Reply 51 of 105
    Originally Posted by phalanx View Post

    Yeah, it is too bad that Apple can't take over every electronic device. Then we can have Apple dictating everything we do. We won't have to be confused about what we run on our devices, Apple will only allow what Apple wants you to have. They know best. Our lives as drones can be happy and bliss. Thanks Apple for controlling ever aspect of our Apple devices.

    Freedom to choose is overrated.

    You are being sarcastic right? the iPhone is the all in one device. GPS device sales are down and TomTom announce a GPS app. Amazon just play Big Brother against George Orwell. OH, THE IRONY kills me. I'll read my e-books on the iTouch.

    You have the choice to use other "smartphones"

    from a choice of carrier like Verizon.

    You can choice to carry a ...

    * Camcorders »

    * Cameras »

    * MP3 Music player»

    * Cellphones »

    * Netbook »

    * G.P.S. device»

    * Nintendow DS »

    * PSP »

    OR an iPhone.
  • Reply 52 of 105
    Originally Posted by JavaCowboy View Post

    It wouldn't surprise me if Apple makes some kind of deal with Verizon...

    I was going to say the same thing, Sounds like he is praising them, because Verizon is trying to get the iPhone and you don't want to insult a company you hope to partner with soon, or possibly already in talks to partner with. I am sure Apple approached VERZ when looking for a carrier and they are probably angry at themselves for denying APPL. All these ATT profits could be theirs.

    APPL has to go beyond ATT, they must get on other carriers if they want to increase profits and users even more. A lot of people wan the iPhone, but refuse to sign an ATT contract (as one of my coworkers), I would be VERY disappointed if Apple signs another exclusive ATT contract and they will be fools.
  • Reply 53 of 105
    thats right VZ, come back begging on ur knees. hahah
  • Reply 54 of 105
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Yes I do realize that. I'm just saying we cannot jump to conclusions based on no real information. I think it more likely that Apple doesn't care for any of the carriers.

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    There's politics involved too.

    Apple can't come out and state that they are dissatisfied with their carrier. This would cause all sorts of problems, big and small.

    There may very well even be a clause in the contracts for both sides stating that neither will publicly denigrate the other.

    If Apple mentioned what they thought were shortcomings in AT&T, then that could even damage iPhone sales.

  • Reply 55 of 105
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    I would imagine Apple would have less problem with giving Verizon the next iPhone if it were not required to be "Verizonized".

    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    I would take a Verizon iPhone as long as it wasn't Verizon'ized. No Vcast, Verizon apps store crap. Let Apple do what it needs to do with the phone. Apple will bring them lots of customers so Verizon will be making plenty of money off an iPhone. Nickel & dimeing them won't be necessary. I'd gladly pay the termination fee for the iPhone.....

  • Reply 56 of 105
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    Did you actually see what went on at WWDC? Apple went out of their way to publicly embarass AT&T.

    You have to read between the lines. Businesses don't openly go about saying bad things about their partners. They do it subtly. Apple is a company that never let's their frustrations out publicly. When they did so in a small way at Macworld, it means that they are privately seething.

    Apple did take a jab at AT&T. But I don't think it was quite as dramatic as you try to make it out to be.

    There certainly are negotiations going on in the background. You cannot invent a conclusion without any knowledge of what the negotiations are about.

    Apple has let out their frustrations publicly. Apple has publicly stated that they stopped using hardware suppliers when they want to punish them or don't like their products anymore.


    When you add that to Stephenson having doubts about iPhone exclusivity and Verizon kissing Apple's ass it means sometime within the next two years that Verizon will have the iPhone.

    They weren't in doubt, AT&T knows iPhone exclusivity will end. Just because it ends does not automatically mean Verizon will get an iPhone.
  • Reply 57 of 105
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I would imagine Apple would have less problem with giving Verizon the next iPhone if it were not required to be "Verizonized".

    That seems like the only hurdle to me.

    I bet that the compromise will be that Verizon get to put their app store on the iPhone where they can push their apps in addition to the iTunes app store. Comcast recently released an iPhone app and I can see Verizon introducing a similar app.

    The fact that ATT execs are admitting that iPhone exclusivity will eventually end is very significant. They have no reason to do this unless its likely to occur because it could negatively impact the stock price. They're doing it now so it won't be a surprise when it does happen.
  • Reply 58 of 105
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Apple did take a jab at AT&T. But I don't think it was quite as dramatic as you try to make it out to be.

    There certainly are negotiations going on in the background. You cannot invent a conclusion without any knowledge of what the negotiations are about.

    Apple has let out their frustrations publicly. Apple has publicly stated that they stopped using hardware suppliers when they want to punish them or don't like their products anymore.

    They weren't in doubt, AT&T knows iPhone exclusivity will end. Just because it ends does not automatically mean Verizon will get an iPhone.

    They took 3 separate jabs at AT&T. Twice with Forstall with MMS & tethering and once with Schiller. It was dramatic. This is not a company that let's out these kinds of things publicly. Even when it's subtle, it is extremely noticeable. Especially when Apple has been extremely polite to AT&T for the past 2 1/2 years. When you purposely make people laugh in the audience at the expense of your partner and carrier, it is very noticeable.

    I'm not aware of them ever publicly scolding a manufacturer. Even through the Nvidia GPU fiasco, they didn't go after them. All of it has been speculation. Even the speculation seemed from sources inside Nvidia.

    I don't understand your last comment. Your saying it will end and saying that Verizon may not get it. Verizon has already been rumored by multiple sites as being the carrier for the tablet. Why would Apple end exclusivity only to ignore the one company who has the highest respect for quality of network, was their initial choice to carry the iPhone and looks to be the carrier of their tablet device.

    I'm not pulling this out of my behind. There are many signs that Verizon will carry the iPhone within two years are there. BTW the way you also have no idea if they're having negotiations or not. You are also jumping to conclusions because you are not there.
  • Reply 59 of 105
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Apple did take a jab at AT&T. But I don't think it was quite as dramatic as you try to make it out to be.

    There certainly are negotiations going on in the background. You cannot invent a conclusion without any knowledge of what the negotiations are about.

    Apple has let out their frustrations publicly. Apple has publicly stated that they stopped using hardware suppliers when they want to punish them or don't like their products anymore.

    They weren't in doubt, AT&T knows iPhone exclusivity will end. Just because it ends does not automatically mean Verizon will get an iPhone.

    They took 3 separate jabs at AT&T. Twice with Forstall with MMS & tethering and once with Schiller. It was dramatic. This is not a company that let's out these kinds of things publicly. Even when it's subtle, it is extremely noticeable. Especially when Apple has been extremely polite to AT&T for the past 2 1/2 years. When you purposely make people laugh in the audience at the expense of your partner and carrier, it is very noticeable. To publicly call them out at an new iPhone event that is posted on their website and downloadable through iTunes for everyone to see is very noticeable.

    I'm not aware of them ever publicly scolding a manufacturer. Even through the Nvidia GPU fiasco, they didn't go after them. All of it has been speculation. Even the speculation seemed from sources inside Nvidia.

    I don't understand your last comment. Your saying it will end and saying that Verizon may not get it. Verizon has already been rumored by multiple sites as being the carrier for the tablet. Why would Apple end exclusivity only to ignore the one company who has the highest respect for quality of network, was their initial choice to carry the iPhone and looks to be the carrier of their tablet device.

    I'm not pulling this out of my behind. There are many signs that Verizon will carry the iPhone within two years are there. BTW the way you also have no idea if they're having negotiations or not. You are also jumping to conclusions because you are not there.
  • Reply 60 of 105
    robrerobre Posts: 56member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    How can Verizon possibly carry the iPhone if they are going to insist on having their own app store? That would seem to be an instant deal breaker for Apple.

    I might be wrong but isn't it true that all of the Verizon phones have WiFi disabled? Who would want an iPhone or an Pad without WiFi? Oh - I just figured it out: EXISTING Verizon customers. Enough for Apple to submit itself to "neutering" its hardware. I hope not.
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