Upcoming Apple tablet is No. 1 priority of Steve Jobs - report
Since his return to Apple in June, company co-founder Steve Jobs has been focused on bringing the hardware maker's yet-to-be announced tablet device successfully to market, a new report claims.
Corroborating information relayed by AppleInsider weeks ago, The Wall Street Journal reports that Jobs has been personally involved with the tablet, even prior to his recent sickness. Citing anonymous sources familiar with the matter, the report states that Jobs killed development of the tablet twice in recent years, once due to poor battery life, and another because of a lack of internal memory capacity available.
Jobs reportedly responded via e-mail to the Journal and said that much of what was reported by the anonymous sources was "incorrect," though he declined to elaborate. The company's chief executive has been back at the helm since June.
Apparently employees had become accustomed to the absence of Jobs this year, after he left Apple to obtain a liver transplant. The report states that his return has been "jarring" for employees developing the tablet, as Jobs is very hands-on.
"Those working on the project are under intense scrutiny from Mr. Jobs, particularly with regard to the product's advertising and marketing strategy, said one of these people," the report states. "The people familiar with the matter declined to give details on the tablet or disclose when the device would come out."
While the story does not provide any specific details on the tablet or its availability, it does reiterate information relayed to AppleInsider by sources, namely that Jobs has been heavily involved and extremely demanding with the development of the device. However, AppleInsider sources have maintained that the project was reset, rather than terminated, repeatedly due to Jobs' own dissatisfaction. Sources have said that the portable device, with a 10 inch touchscreen and 3G connectivity, will be available in early 2010.
In various patents for the design of handheld computers, Jobs' name has been included among the creators, confirming how integral of a part he has been in the design of products like the iPhone, and likely also for the upcoming tablet.
Corroborating information relayed by AppleInsider weeks ago, The Wall Street Journal reports that Jobs has been personally involved with the tablet, even prior to his recent sickness. Citing anonymous sources familiar with the matter, the report states that Jobs killed development of the tablet twice in recent years, once due to poor battery life, and another because of a lack of internal memory capacity available.
Jobs reportedly responded via e-mail to the Journal and said that much of what was reported by the anonymous sources was "incorrect," though he declined to elaborate. The company's chief executive has been back at the helm since June.
Apparently employees had become accustomed to the absence of Jobs this year, after he left Apple to obtain a liver transplant. The report states that his return has been "jarring" for employees developing the tablet, as Jobs is very hands-on.
"Those working on the project are under intense scrutiny from Mr. Jobs, particularly with regard to the product's advertising and marketing strategy, said one of these people," the report states. "The people familiar with the matter declined to give details on the tablet or disclose when the device would come out."
While the story does not provide any specific details on the tablet or its availability, it does reiterate information relayed to AppleInsider by sources, namely that Jobs has been heavily involved and extremely demanding with the development of the device. However, AppleInsider sources have maintained that the project was reset, rather than terminated, repeatedly due to Jobs' own dissatisfaction. Sources have said that the portable device, with a 10 inch touchscreen and 3G connectivity, will be available in early 2010.
In various patents for the design of handheld computers, Jobs' name has been included among the creators, confirming how integral of a part he has been in the design of products like the iPhone, and likely also for the upcoming tablet.
Since his return to Apple in June, company co-founder Steve Jobs has been focused on bringing the hardware maker's yet-to-be announced tablet device successfully to market, a new report claims.
Corroborating information relayed by AppleInsider weeks ago, The Wall Street Journal reports that Jobs has been personally involved with the tablet, even prior to his recent sickness. Citing anonymous sources familiar with the matter, the report states that Jobs killed development of the tablet twice in recent years, once due to poor battery life, and another because of a lack of internal memory capacity available.
Jobs reportedly responded via e-mail to the Journal and said that much of what was reported by the anonymous sources was "incorrect," though he declined to elaborate. The company's chief executive has been back at the helm since June.
Apparently employees had become accustomed to the absence of Jobs this year, after he left Apple to obtain a liver transplant. The report states that his return has been "jarring" for employees developing the tablet, as Jobs is very hands-on.
"Those working on the project are under intense scrutiny from Mr. Jobs, particularly with regard to the product's advertising and marketing strategy, said one of these people," the report states. "The people familiar with the matter declined to give details on the tablet or disclose when the device would come out."
While the story does not provide any specific details on the tablet or its availability, it does reiterate information relayed to AppleInsider by sources, namely that Jobs has been heavily involved and extremely demanding with the development of the device, and that he has canceled or reset its development numerous times due to his own dissatisfaction. Sources have told AppleInsider that the portable device, with a 10 inch touchscreen and 3G connectivity, will be available in early 2010.
In various patents for the design of handheld computers, Jobs' name has been included among the creators, confirming how integral of a part he has been in the design of products like the iPhone, and likely also for the upcoming tablet.
[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
Now, since Steve Jobs played an important part in the development of the iPhone's aesthetics and designs, making it a booming success, the tablet is going to become the next big thing. ( Although the iPhone is still the biggest success )
The report states that his return has been "jarring" for employees developing the tablet, as Jobs is very hands-on.
Thank god we have Steve to push the creative process at Apple.
And thank god I don't work for him!
Need decent enough screen real estate in a portable device for some serious work? Isn't that what laptops are for? I mean who really believes a 10-inch screen is enough and ARM processors powerful enough for serious work?
I don't doubt that Apple is developing some cool portable technology. Apple, especially under Jobs' watch, has always been about innovation, altering personal computing at a fundamental level. But doesn't there have to be some logic in this discussion? Jobs might well be famous for his reality-distortion-field routine but even he has to yield to the basic laws of physics.
There is no market for a Touch with a really big screen. It's not rational to expect that a device that possesses none of the advantages of laptops, netbooks, and iPods will generate sales. After the initial excitement over a new product, the average consumer would look at this thing and focus more on what it can't do than what it can.
Steve jobs does not decide everything at Apple
Steve jobs is brilliant but there are also brilliant people at Microsoft (God only knows why they are there...)
That in itself does not make a brilliant company.
It is the culture, ethos and management at Apple that allows great things to happen. that is the fundamental reason. not one man - Steve Jobs.
If steve Jobs were not at the helm Apple would continue to be brilliant until that culture, ethos and management evaporated.
Apple's ethos is about being critical (as in to critique) and to not succumb to mediocrity and this is where Steve Jobs has been instrumental in instilling that culture in to this company. Without that Apple would be generally mediocre just like MS. Jonathon Ive would not be able to deliver fantastic industrial design without that culture.
Steve Jobs does not make the TV ads, nor does he specify the finish on the aluminium on macs, or figure out how to make a consistent GUI.
He more than likely critiques a lot of work at Apple.
The question is, what does Jobs have in mind. Seems to me that so far what speculation has implied is that Jobs via Apple is working on a jumbo Touch. Not likely. Put a 10-inch screen on such a device and you pretty much wipe out all the advantages of the existing device's form factor. Portability? Not so much. Batttery life? Forget about it. Movies stored in the form of relatively small files? Kiss that good bye. Ease of handling? Not a chance. Low price point? Nope.
Need decent enough screen real estate in a portable device for some serious work? Isn't that what laptops are for? I mean who really believes a 10-inch screen is enough and ARM processors powerful enough for serious work?
I don't doubt that Apple is developing some cool portable technology. Apple, especially under Jobs' watch, has always been about innovation, altering personal computing at a fundamental level. But doesn't there have to be some logic in this discussion? Jobs might well be famous for his reality-distortion-field routine but even he has to yield to the basic laws of physics.
There is no market for a Touch with a really big screen. It's not rational to expect that a device that possesses none of the advantages of laptops, netbooks, and iPods will generate sales. After the initial excitement over a new product, the average consumer would look at this thing and focus more on what it can't do than what it can.
The reasons you walk through are the reasons why there isn't a successful tablet computer available from anyone today. As we all know, Apple themselves have stopped and started this program more times than I can probably count and it's likely due to some combination of the reasons you cite. When Apple really does come out with something, I suspect that many people will say "wow, that really is useful".
Steve jobs is not omnipotent.
Steve jobs does not decide everything at Apple
Steve jobs is brilliant but there are also brilliant people at Microsoft (God only knows why they are there...)
That in itself does not make a brilliant company.
It is the culture, ethos and management at Apple that allows great things to happen. that is the fundamental reason. not one man - Steve Jobs.
If steve Jobs were not at the helm Apple would continue to be brilliant until that culture, ethos and management evaporated.
Apple's ethos is about being critical (as in to critique) and to not succumb to mediocrity and this is where Steve Jobs has been instrumental in instilling that culture in to this company. Without that Apple would be generally mediocre just like MS. Jonathon Ive would not be able to deliver fantastic industrial design without that culture.
Steve Jobs does not make the TV ads, nor does he specify the finish on the aluminium on macs, or figure out how to make a consistent GUI.
He more than likely critiques a lot of work at Apple.
What are you talking about.
SJ is solely responsible for many of what Apple has brought and its guiding force. That cannot be denied.
SJ owns the glass cube that sits atop the premier Apple 5th Ave store among many other things.
What does Ballmer have that even comes close?
But it's a tablet ! How will you hold it up?
With the iGlove...
There is no market for a Touch with a really big screen.
Nor was there for a $600 touch-screen 2G phone in 2006.
And burning down a straw man is unnecessary. Of course it won't do everything every rumor has ever said it might.
Of course, in my opinion, the only way that this will work is to offer Bluetooth options for the keyboard, I know I wouldn’t want to always type on a large touch screen. Just my thoughts.
What are you talking about.
SJ is solely responsible for many of what Apple has brought and its guiding force. That cannot be denied.
SJ owns the glass cube that sits atop the premier Apple 5th Ave store among many other things.
What does Ballmer have that even comes close?
Apple has approximately 35000 employees. If Apple is a one band man, where Steve decides everything, they why bother employing 35000 employees? Yes he is a guiding force but that is what my post is arguing.
Without its culture, ethos and management Apple is nothing.
Steve Jobs did not design the glass cube that sits on 5th Ave. He owns it. Which is more remarkable, the fact that he owns it or its aesthetic and dramatic qualities. Yes Steve scrutinised the design but is was some fantastic architect who conceived the design and resolved the detailing. Yes Steve has a pretty good eye for aesthetics.
In my post I made no comparison to the achievements of Ballmer.
Jobs you ass get on with it. I need the Table!!!!
Take the chair too, and go away.
The question is, what does Jobs have in mind. Seems to me that so far what speculation has implied is that Jobs via Apple is working on a jumbo Touch. Not likely. Put a 10-inch screen on such a device and you pretty much wipe out all the advantages of the existing device's form factor. Portability? Not so much. Batttery life? Forget about it. Movies stored in the form of relatively small files? Kiss that good bye. Ease of handling? Not a chance. Low price point? Nope.
Need decent enough screen real estate in a portable device for some serious work? Isn't that what laptops are for? I mean who really believes a 10-inch screen is enough and ARM processors powerful enough for serious work?
I don't doubt that Apple is developing some cool portable technology. Apple, especially under Jobs' watch, has always been about innovation, altering personal computing at a fundamental level. But doesn't there have to be some logic in this discussion? Jobs might well be famous for his reality-distortion-field routine but even he has to yield to the basic laws of physics.
There is no market for a Touch with a really big screen. It's not rational to expect that a device that possesses none of the advantages of laptops, netbooks, and iPods will generate sales. After the initial excitement over a new product, the average consumer would look at this thing and focus more on what it can't do than what it can.
And no doubt you'll be in line ahead of me if such a think goes on sale
This is the next revolution in computing a reader you can take to bed and on the sofa and on trips to read all types of digital content the papers, books, the web, and also listen to music, videos, games, email. Who needs a keyboard for light writing, I use an ihone to write this and it's dead simple. And how do you hold a laptop to read content? You don't, you take the tablet instead.
WAKE UP some of you this is truely steves lifelong work culminating here it will be THE MACINTOSH of the new DECADE, this is the device that's missing from the puzzle. Slim ultraportable, with a superb custom made chip by pa semi (let's not forget these guys had super piower efficient pocessors to put both that joke atom and arm to shame, CPUs they built for the us army three years ago).
This will be by far the most amazing product from the past years, it will be a true revolution that as usual apple and Steve will be the first to issue it and others will copy. It will propel apple to mythical status, having the best laptops, desktops, phone and a revolutionary reader which I am 100% sure everone after its release will wonder how we ever managed withou it: we managed by squinting and hunching over a laptop instead of the book form ease of reading in our recliners this will bring along, not unlike the ease at which I am writing this lying in bed with my iPhone.
Apple should not allow third parties to create native iPhone applications. Nobody cares about third party iPhone applications. Web apps are really SWEET.
Apple will not make a 3G iPhone. Nobody cares about 3G.
Apple will not add GPS to the iPhone. Nobody cares about GPS.
Apple will not add copy and paste to the iPhone. Nobody cares about copy and paste. Anybody who wants copy and paste is a whiner.
Apple will not make a multibutton mouse. Nobody cares about a multibutton mouse.
Apple will never switch to Intel processors.
Apple will not make a video iPod. Nobody wants to watch video on an iPod.
Apple should not allow third parties to create native iPhone applications. Nobody cares about third party iPhone applications. Web apps are really SWEET.
Apple will not make a 3G iPhone. Nobody cares about 3G.
Apple will not add GPS to the iPhone. Nobody cares about GPS.
Apple will not add copy and paste to the iPhone. Nobody cares about copy and paste. Anybody who wants copy and paste is a whiner.
Apple will not make a multibutton mouse. Nobody cares about a multibutton mouse.
Apple will never switch to Intel processors.
no offense to anyone who mentioned it, but apple won't make a "jumbo ipod touch". it will have distinctive features (maybe run OSX?) which will make it more than just an oversized ipod touch...