Rumored Apple Tablet - what's your wishlist?

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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Given the real prospect of an Apple Tablet soon, I wish for:

- Quick power on/off, akin to the iPhone. I want to use it to follow cooking recipes, etc, where I don't want to wait for OSX to load.

- Sturdiness. Well.. and kid-friendly.

- WiFi-enabled. Access to the internet and other devices.

- Not only finger-friendly, but stylus-ready too. I would use it for note taking on the spot.

- Apps store?? Or perhaps compatibility to existing OSX applications.

What's your take on this? What's your wishlist?


  • Reply 1 of 46
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Before we start though realize that I think Apple could present us with a whole family of tablets. It might not happen all at once but I see many potential tablet devices by this time next year.

    Originally Posted by PhuzzyToes View Post

    Given the real prospect of an Apple Tablet soon, I wish for:

    - Quick power on/off, akin to the iPhone. I want to use it to follow cooking recipes, etc, where I don't want to wait for OSX to load.

    All that is the device is asleep. Actual reboot times on iPhone take a lot of time relatively.

    In any event yes I see this as part of the platform.


    - Sturdiness. Well.. and kid-friendly.

    I'd actually love to see Apple come out with a rugged tablet. However I doubt that will come in the first iteration. The thing that has me concerned is the screen and the fact that it is relatively fragile. Maybe they can come up with an advanced Ceramic that does break easily.


    - WiFi-enabled. Access to the internet and other devices.

    This I suspect is a given. More interesting is the availability of 3G or other wide area networking, this needs to be an OPTION.


    - Not only finger-friendly, but stylus-ready too. I would use it for note taking on the spot.

    I kinda doubt this will happen due to the current tech Apple is using. Instead I see an input method that relies upon the idea of the user holding a virtual pen.


    - Apps store?? Or perhaps compatibility to existing OSX applications.

    An app store YES!!!! However I want a tablet derived from iPhone not the Mac.

    As to app store here are things I like about it:


    One place to go and check on updates. This works really well so far and reminds me of Linux.


    One place to look for software. Granted app store is a bit of a mess right now but the fact remains if you can't find what you need the only alternative is a jail break.


    Low cost software! App store and Apples tight control over installation means developers can make a nice profit and not suffer from exploitation.


    On iPhone I can install an app just about anywhere any time. All I need is a cell or network connection.



    Now you look at those positives and you would have to think that Apple would extend app store. It is one of the few innovations where everybody wins.


    What's your take on this? What's your wishlist?

    My take is that there are many people on this forum with opposing views thus few are going to be happy no matter what Apple comes out with. So here is what I want:


    A device the size of a paperback book or a bit larger. An O'Reilly Pocket Reference is in the right ball park.


    Massive storage. The base model ought to be 128GB and the fat model 256GB.


    I/O ports. Ideally the following: USB, SD, Dock Connector, WiFi, Audio in and out and a card slot for a RF modem of your choice. Extra credit for Ethernet and Video out.


    Dual core ARM or better. Where better means quad core. The preference here is for more cores at a lower clock rate using less power.


    Likewise an enhanced GPU with multiple execution units. This GPU should sheppard in OpenCL on Apples Touch devices. Not to throw numbers about but this GPU needs an 8X performance boost over what is in the iPhone right now. This impart due to the larger screen but also to make sure resources are available for OpenCL.


    Lots of RAM. For this smaller device I'd like to see 512MB at the minimal. That after subtracting any GPU allocated memory.


    GPS and compass tech at least as good as what is on the iPhone right now.


    Sadly I think a camera would be a waste of time but we are likely to get one anyways.


    Atmospheric sensors for pressure and humidity.


    An iPhone derived operating system. Though such a system must provide for more user control. That means a finder to access the file system. It also means apps that can selectively save data to a place outside of their directory.


    Disk mode. So that the device can be mounted as a disk drive and manipulated via a Macs finder. This doesn't have to be access to the entire file system but rather needs to allow for user manipulation of his data.


    iTunes shall not compress photos that are transferred to the device.


    Multi Tasking. This is a big deal and needs to be combined with a Cron facility. Ideally the owner should be able to run scripts at a time of his choosing to do whatever. For example check news sights for articles of interest, compile a weather report, check the stocks, sync, backup and whatever else the owner needs done before he wakes up.


    Of course having a Cron facility does nothing for you if you don't have a scripting environment. Here I want Python to become the units scripting language. Python offers huge potential and is on of the best languages going for readability, it is not perfect so optional environments should be supported. A powerful standardized language would be huge on the platform and opens up a world of possibilities.


    A simple alternative DC input. A variant of Magsafe ought to do it if Apple would license the tech. The idea here is that port would be able to harvest power from various sources such as small solar panels. The idea being to extend run time when no other sources is around. It might even allow for a recharge.


    An injection cast aluminum sub frame for regidity. The rear panel would be made of one of the better Ultem resins.


    If they do build in a camera how about adding a laser range finder. Seriously. The optics used for the camera could be retasked for range finding.


    The SD slot mentioned above is for external usage, internally it would be nice to have a card slot for more Flash or whatever the future holds for SSD.


    A Geiger Counter or other device for catching ionized particles. No I'm not crazy, the idea here is that besides the obvious it is a great source of random events. Thus it would find usefullness in games and other fields where random numbers or events are usefull.


    Speach recognition / transcription. This to over come the obvious short comings of text input on a tablet.

    Ok I hope that is enough to chew on for now. Note that this is twenty items and it does look like a lot of stuff. That however doesn't mean it isn't doable. For example RAM density has steadily increased over the years so now 512MB won't take up much room. Same thing for Flash where 64GB on a USB stick is common.

    As for some of the sensors, remember we live in the age of nano machinery. Those special chips could easily be fabricated on one module to solder to the mother board.

    Is it asking for a lot. Certainly in some sense it is. But Apple is just as likely to spend huge dollars on other tech that we may or may not want on this tablet. Of course at this Kate date the design is likely frozen. Maybe they will adopt some of the ideas in the next go around.

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  • Reply 2 of 46
    Weight, form factor and sturdiness are primary for me. I don't want to be stuck carrying a heavy glass plate that shatters easily and is invisible in bright light (no glossy !@#). Laptops are a different as you tend to put them on a flat surface to use.
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  • Reply 3 of 46
    Originally Posted by PhuzzyToes View Post

    Given the real prospect of an Apple Tablet soon, I wish for:

    - Quick power on/off, akin to the iPhone. I want to use it to follow cooking recipes, etc, where I don't want to wait for OSX to load.

    - Sturdiness. Well.. and kid-friendly.

    - WiFi-enabled. Access to the internet and other devices.

    - Not only finger-friendly, but stylus-ready too. I would use it for note taking on the spot.

    - Apps store?? Or perhaps compatibility to existing OSX applications.

    What's your take on this? What's your wishlist?

    Matte screen, a big harddrive, SL, front-facing camera are the basics that I'll really need.
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  • Reply 4 of 46
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Mac OS X touch.


    OLED display.

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  • Reply 5 of 46
    My bets:

    1) Full Mac OS X with touch interface

    2) SSD; 64 or 128 GB

    3) Intel Atom

    4) 8+ hour battery (same technology found in MacBook Pro)

    5) 10" Multi-Touch screen

    6) WiFi and Bluetooth; optional AT&T 3G

    7) One USB port, one Mini DisplayPort, one headphone jack, one SD/SDHC slot. No Ethernet or other ports.

    8) App Store with special touch apps and Amazon Kindle e-bookstore

    9) iPhone-esque "instant-on" express mode with Safari, iTunes, photos, e-books, and more

    10) Pricepoint in the $699-$899 (US) range
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  • Reply 6 of 46
    I don't know about Holodeck, but I think 3-D visualization could certainly be useful for certain applications (e.g., medical imaging) when the technology matures. Not for the first generation though.
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  • Reply 7 of 46
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by GerryB View Post

    I don't know about Holodeck, but I think 3-D visualization could certainly be useful for certain applications (e.g., medical imaging) when the technology matures. Not for the first generation though.

    If they cannot provide a holodeck then I don't want it!
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  • Reply 8 of 46
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by iNtel iNside View Post

    My bets:

    1) Full Mac OS X with touch interface

    I'm not convinced that Apple would want to put Mac OS/X on the device. That is assuming it is of the smaller dimensions some have advocated.


    2) SSD; 64 or 128 GB

    I really think that Apple can go bigger. The price of Flash is falling like a rock and we wouldn't need the absolute highest performing Flash. Either way it would be nice if the Flash is field upgradable, perhaps on a PCI-E card like some of the netbooks use these days.


    3) Intel Atom

    I really have no desire at all to see ATOM on these devices. It is far to power hungry and far to low in what is integrated on the die. Plus Intel doesn't seem to really want to support ATOM as an embedded processor. Given that it is a nice core you would think that they would support users with a variant that is ready for integration on SoC.

    The reality is Arm is light years ahead of Intel as far as an ecosystem for embedding its cores. The key to a successful table is very high integration and you are not going to get that from Intel. At least it doesn't appear that way as I've seen nothing to support the idea that Intel is willing to do custom hardware.


    4) 8+ hour battery (same technology found in MacBook Pro)

    I'd rather see 12 hours to support my current work schedule.


    5) 10" Multi-Touch screen

    I still think this is way to big for a portable device that is used on the go.


    6) WiFi and Bluetooth; optional AT&T 3G

    Well yeah to the first two but no way in hell to more exclusive contracts with AT&T. Mind you my experience with AT&T is really not that bad and I would say service around here equals Verizon (I was a Verizon customer before iPhone). The problem is contracts reduce choice, eliminate consumer freedom and are simply expensive.


    7) One USB port, one Mini DisplayPort, one headphone jack, one SD/SDHC slot. No Ethernet or other ports.

    I see Ethernet as a port of last resort, something that I can usually get to work when the WiFi option is on the fritz. So it is one of those legacy ports that you really can't do without. Plus it is so much faster that RF links that it is almost required of any machine that stores lots of data.


    8) App Store with special touch apps and Amazon Kindle e-bookstore

    I don't know about "special" but a clear way to find apps for the machine on app store is sorely needed. App store is clearly one of Apples best refinements of recent times. As to Kindle I think that they will just update the current Kindle app


    9) iPhone-esque "instant-on" express mode with Safari, iTunes, photos, e-books, and more

    Yep a tablet that wakes from sleep well is to be highly cherished.


    10) Pricepoint in the $699-$899 (US) range

    Ok lets re-factor this again as our price range is way to high. $699 should be for the packed model, with 3G or 4G optional. The low end needs to come in at around $450 maybe lower.


    Now I didn't respond to this to be a pain in the bum. Rather I wanted to highlight the problem Apple will have making everybody happy. 10 inches right now seems awfully big to me. This results in limitations that a smaller device might not have with respect to usability.

    See my wants revolve around a high capacity device that is very easy to carry about during the work day or when out and about. The idea is something that is as easy to carry as a paperback novel but far more versatile. Like a novel it is not a device you would have with you every hour of every day, but it is something to have near by when you want or need it.

    Frankly I'm all for a family of iPod devices more so than a full blown laptop replacement right now. That simply because I don't think the tech is there to deliver the AI that would be required to make a more useful tablet. Or to look at it another way I just don't believe the tech is there yet to truly make the device useful in the larger more powerful size. Not that a iPod type tablet would have to be anything to sneeze at, they could actually be extremely powerful but I don't see them using AI or other advance features to get past the issue of inputting data and text.

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  • Reply 9 of 46
    Well, you guys know my wishlist.....actually there is only one wish.

    And that is for this device to solve the problem of having a relatively full featured computer be pocketable. And the only way I can see for that to be done is for the device to break new ground by having a flexible display. And I don't care about the technology being "not ready" because IT'S ALWAYS NOT READY!

    Not ready usually means that some incompetent nincompoop in some lab is coming up with some sort of pathetic excuse.

    I wish Steve would dive Apple more and more into designing the components of devices themselves instead of relying on 3rd parties. Hey, Apple says the want to control the software and hardware right? They might as well go all the way.

    Buying PA SEMI was a good start though.

    Oh, and I've haven't been posting a lot lately because it's looking like the "tablet" will debut early next year. So I'm quiet for now. I have been reading most of the posts lately though. Most of the posts of late have been by newcomers excited about the tablet. It's been entertaining reading opinions from all these noobs.
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  • Reply 10 of 46
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    ........Or to look at it another way I just don't believe the tech is there yet to truly make the device useful in the larger more powerful size. Not that a iPod type tablet would have to be anything to sneeze at, they could actually be extremely powerful but I don't see them using AI or other advance features to get past the issue of inputting data and text.


    An excellent summation of the real problem.....AI. And I mean REAL Artificial Intelligence.

    That is what will truly overcome data input issues.

    I believe it exists. Not the self aware kind (maybe). But a high enough artfiicial intelligence that would make the inputting and execution of data and commands go to the next level.

    If Apple had access to that technology could you just imagine the products that would be produced?

    Assuming that they don't have that technology available to them I still think they might come out with a useful product for us. I guess we'll see soon enough.
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  • Reply 11 of 46
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    Well, you guys know my wishlist.....actually there is only one wish.

    And that is for this device to solve the problem of having a relatively full featured computer be pocketable. And the only way I can see for that to be done is for the device to break new ground by having a flexible display. And I don't care about the technology being "not ready" because IT'S ALWAYS NOT READY!

    This issue of being pocketable or easy to carry is huge to me. The problem is technology is a problem when it comes to folding screens. I hold out hope though that some of the stuff in the labs will see the light of day. I know it has been more than a couple of years since ibstarted to see technical articles on flexible OLED screens. Those where full functional screens too. The problem however comes about when you try to bend them sharply for a folding device. The alternative could very well be a roll up screen though.


    Not ready usually means that some incompetent nincompoop in some lab is coming up with some sort of pathetic excuse.

    This is hardly a way to characterize the problem with folding screens or for that matter any material that folds. The act of folding causes wear or fatique along the fold line. I just think this is a little unfair to lab rats world wide.


    I wish Steve would dive Apple more and more into designing the components of devices themselves instead of relying on 3rd parties. Hey, Apple says the want to control the software and hardware right? They might as well go all the way.

    For some things this might make sense but Apples history here hasn't always been that good. Remember twiggy drives. You also loose economies of scale which can be huge if the tech can't be locked up in patents. For commodity parts Apple would always have a hardtime keeping up as OEMs have more public demand put on them to improve their product and fight off the competition. Finally Apple doesn't have enough internal demand to even support an OLED research team. That could change quickly as respect for Apples products increase and sales go up.


    Buying PA SEMI was a good start though.

    This is certainly a good approach if your current suppliers are boning you (Intel). This approach is not without risk though. For instance if Apple is building a 32 bit processor for these machines I believe that is extremely short sighted of them. Now there are some likely chocking on their cereal right now at that statement but I really think it will be a requirement in handheld devices very soon.

    Now I believe PAs purchase was a good thing but it remains to be seen if Apple can actually maintain an advantage with their designs. If this new platform is an ARM derived unit it would take very little for the competition to pull ahead. Apple will have to be very agressive in attempting to keep PA designed hardware relavant.


    Oh, and I've haven't been posting a lot lately because it's looking like the "tablet" will debut early next year. So I'm quiet for now. I have been reading most of the posts lately though. Most of the posts of late have been by newcomers excited about the tablet. It's been entertaining reading opinions from all these noobs.

    Tablet or big iPod?

    I ask because most of what I want could be delivered by a larger iPod like Tablet. Such a product could come out next week. I don't see hardware as a big problem but rather the software. To meet my needs they would have to extend iPhone OS and the SDK a bit. Since 3.1 is due shortly too, why not a bigger iPod.

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  • Reply 12 of 46
    No real time machine will be a real dealbreaker for me.

    And if it isn't fusion powered, then it will not support my needs. Eight hours of battery life simply will not do for my frequent interplanetary ventures.

    Oh, and 30 proximity USB ports so I can attach all of my gadgets. (Proximity USB: just lay the cable somewhere close to the computer and consider it connected!)

    And a built-in coffee maker that brews a fresh cup whenever I appear drowsy during work (make it fusion powered too as it will be working 24/7).

    Throw in hovering capability so I can just place it in front of me anywhere and it will stay there. and let me skate home.
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  • Reply 13 of 46
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    An excellent summation of the real problem.....AI. And I mean REAL Artificial Intelligence.

    Even a modest start would do much for a tablet. In any event I still think the larger the tablet the greater the need for alternative input technology and intelligent processing of that input.


    That is what will truly overcome data input issues.

    I believe it exists. Not the self aware kind (maybe). But a high enough artfiicial intelligence that would make the inputting and execution of data and commands go to the next level.

    AI is far enough along that it should be able to help with understanding and processing user inputs and commands. No the issue is effectively putting enough processing power into that tablet to smoothly handle AI. That is likely a bigger issue.

    This goes back to PA Semi and Apples rumored new chips. I'm wondering if this new hardware is a pure ARM play or wether they have a special sauce in mind to accelerate AI. This doesn't seem to be something that OpenCL is really optimized for except for possibly audio processing.


    If Apple had access to that technology could you just imagine the products that would be produced?

    I don't think it is a question of access but rather the need to develop it. In anyevent yeah it could lead to impressive hardware.


    Assuming that they don't have that technology available to them I still think they might come out with a useful product for us. I guess we'll see soon enough.

    Yeah considering the iPhone is very useful already even if the processor is overloaded. Beyound the processor short comings (3G), iPhones biggest issue is it's small screen. Blow that screen out to fill a pocket any you have a very handy device. Put a quad core in there along with OpenCL hardware and a guy will have one hell of a pocket computer.

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  • Reply 14 of 46
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    No offense to those in love with the App Store but I for one would rather NOT have Apple making application developers jump thru hoops before they are deemed worth of being installed on a tablet.

    Q: Would you buy a Mac today if the only way to get software is by an App Store as restrictive as we now have with the iPhone and iPod touch?

    I'm sure plenty would say yes but I'm simply not one of them.

    To paraphrase a quote from Ben Franklin; "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither."

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  • Reply 15 of 46
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    No offense to those in love with the App Store but I for one would rather NOT have Apple making application developers jump thru hoops before they are deemed worth of being installed on a tablet.

    Q: Would you buy a Mac today if the only way to get software is by an App Store as restrictive as we now have with the iPhone and iPod touch?

    I'm sure plenty would say yes but I'm simply not one of them.

    To paraphrase a quote from Ben Franklin; "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither."


    I hear you. And no, having to get apps approved through the app store for this device would suck because of the approval process. That is why I'm hoping that it will be a hybrid device. Yes, you can get apps from the app store but at the same time you would be able to load other apps on it just like any mac......or personal computer for that matter.
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  • Reply 16 of 46
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    No real time machine will be a real dealbreaker for me.

    And if it isn't fusion powered, then it will not support my needs. Eight hours of battery life simply will not do for my frequent interplanetary ventures.

    Oh, and 30 proximity USB ports so I can attach all of my gadgets. (Proximity USB: just lay the cable somewhere close to the computer and consider it connected!)

    And a built-in coffee maker that brews a fresh cup whenever I appear drowsy during work (make it fusion powered too as it will be working 24/7).

    Throw in hovering capability so I can just place it in front of me anywhere and it will stay there. and let me skate home.

    Battery life will be priority #1
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  • Reply 17 of 46
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    my wishlist:

    1. hands-free porn surfing.

    2. hands-free porn surfing.

    3. hands-free porn surfing.

    4. hands-free porn surfing.

    5. hands-free porn surfing.

    6. hands-free porn surfing.

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  • Reply 18 of 46
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    my wishlist:

    1. hands-free porn surfing.

    2. hands-free porn surfing.

    3. hands-free porn surfing.

    4. hands-free porn surfing.

    5. hands-free porn surfing.

    6. hands-free porn surfing.


    Are you spamming or something?
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  • Reply 19 of 46
    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    my wishlist:

    1. hands-free porn surfing.

    2. hands-free porn surfing.

    3. hands-free porn surfing.

    4. hands-free porn surfing.

    5. hands-free porn surfing.

    6. hands-free porn surfing.


    Tsk tsk. Apple does not make such nice stuff for people like this.
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  • Reply 20 of 46
    At the end of the day, I have no idea why I (or anyone else) would want a tablet.

    For writing-based tasks I would like an ultra-lightweight notebook with a large screen. Running Mac OS X.

    For mobile use, I want a pocket sized device. Running a UI designed for that format.

    And for my main workhorse, I want a super-fast computer with a freaking huge screen.

    If Apple is indeed working on a consumer device in this form factor, I think there is something we do not know about it.

    It is either destined for schoolkids, as an all-in-one textbook, worksheet swiss-army edu-tool.

    Or it's a carputer.

    Or it's has some other primary function.

    I doubt that it is a simply netbook with no keyboard.

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