Windows Mobile 6.5 to take on Apple's iPhone starting Oct. 6



  • Reply 81 of 97
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Inkling View Post

    Apple and Microsoft need to get over their schoolyard macho and make their products work together. "It just works" should apply to Windows Mobile phones.

    Why should Apple support Windows Mobile? If you want to use a Windows Mobile "phone" suck it up and get the missing sync like I did before I had a real choice with the iPhone.

    You should easily be able to afford it with all you are saving on airtime...
  • Reply 82 of 97
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    That's a load of rubbish. I have used vista extensively and the updates, hotfixes, antimalware, antivirus, ie patch. no. 1738BD etc. etc. are a daily nuisance, they are obnoxious in their implementations (just say you chose no updates, then the icon of the armor goes red permanently, and you got it sticking it to you there...what a bunch of losers...if they user chooses not to update you morons he just doesn't want to update with more of your junkware, you don't have to vindictively stick a red danger icon to him...and if it's so "dangerous" to not update why are you constantly churning out fix this, security that patches, that means it's dangerous DESPITE your updates...), ultra dangerous in destabilizing the system, resource hogging in their installation and downloading, complicated and intrusive to the average user....

    And what does "will not really influence your work mean", what doe this really stand for. Really as opposed to influencing in an unreal, unbelievably unreal ms type of way....give us a break, at least some of us are here are switchers so we ve been hurt enough for years on end to not be able to tolerate such blatant and obvious lies. As the kids nowadays say "vista sucks", "7 sucks -aka vista service pack 2, the ripping the dock version-", and that's the plain truth, they downright suck, they are a train wreck in terms of user interface and are surprisingly un-evolved in terms of their guts. And btw, where's grand central and open cl equivalent for windows 7? Right, didn't think so.

    If you set Windows updates to automatic, they will apply on their own and not interfere with your work. They will pop up a small notification window saying that Windows has downloaded updates, ant it will disappear in a few seconds.

    Big updates like Service Packs require reboot and will slow down your computer while installing. They happen like once in a year or less.

    Grand Central and Open CL sound like good ideas, we'll see how they work in reality. But where are Apple desktops with Quad Core CPUs and DirectX..?

    Have a rest, mate. You sound very upset.
  • Reply 83 of 97
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Graphics chips problems, "corrupted displays" (not even sure waht that means), and freezing hard drives . . . all affected a minority of users. And all issues have been addressed. Apple gets the the attention because they set the bar for others to follow/copy poorly.

    They also get attention because their products are very expensive and people expect them to be really thoroughly tested before shipped out. Which doesn't always seem to be true.


    For the vast majority, Macs + OS X truly is a glass of icewater for someone in hell.

    Vast majority of 8% of market share. OK...


    Apple doesn't get the highest customer satisfaction rates in the industry, year after year after year, for nothing. And that's across most of their product line.

    One of our client recently presented to us reliability score calculated by company called Rescuecom. According to them, reliability wise (which does not necessarily transfers to customer satisfaction) Asus is leading, followed by Lenovo and Apple. Behind Apple are Toshiba, Acer and HP.


    Vista, on the other hand . . . well, even good old Billy G. was embarrassed by it. 5 years of "development" for something that took no time at all to bomb. And 7 isn't even released yet. But the betas were great, right? That's what all the brilliant (kiddie) Vista beta-teters told us. Then they put their brains back into their heads when it hit the shelves and everyone woke up to "smell the ashes."

    We all agree Windows 7 should have been Vista from the start. That being said, 7 is available for the last few weeks for MSDN subscribers, partners... I am using Windows 7 Ultimate (final) and love it.


    As for the new Macs and Snow Leopard, the results are in. Apple has another winner. Again.

    No clue what are you talking about. I don't have doubts SL will be good product and beloved by Mac users, as I am sure 7 will be appraised by Windows users. At the end of the day, winner will be the one that sells more copies, matter of speech.


    But let's get back to the other "Vista" of the tech world . . . Windows Mobile.

    As I already said, check Samsung Omnia II review at Looks nice. And that comes from iPhone user, albeit down to earth one.
  • Reply 84 of 97
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    Developers! Developers! Developers!

    Now a hit music video! (+/- 10MB)

    Ok. That Ballmer video freaked me out. The guy has spirit, but the editing made it scary.
  • Reply 85 of 97
    From Wikipedia:


    Windows Mobile 6.5

    Initially confirmed by Steve Ballmer[34], version 6.5 is a minor upgrade to the existing Windows Mobile platform that was released to manufacturers on May 11 2009, and the first devices running the operating system are expected to debut later during September '09.[35] Despite being an incremental update however, it is said to include significant new added features such as a revamped GUI.[36] It will also include the new Internet Explorer Mobile browser dubbed IE "6 On 6".[37] Microsoft unveiled this version at the 2009 Mobile World Congress in February[38], and Motorola expects to release a phone running Windows Mobile 6.5 in the second half of 2009.[36] Devices running this version onwards will be marketed as "Windows phones". Along with Windows mobile 6.5, Microsoft announced several Cloud computing services codenamed "SkyBox","SkyLine","SkyMarket".[39] "SkyBox" has been confirmed as My Phone[40], while "SkyMarket" has been confirmed as Windows Marketplace for Mobile.[41] Some aspects of the user interface have been redesigned with the home screen resembling that of Microsoft's Zune player and the sliding panel interface of Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard. This version was designed mainly for easier finger usage.[42] Microsoft may also be planning to bring some form of Zune software or functionality to this version sometime later in 2009.[43]


    This is no iPhone killer. Windows Mobile 7.0 might have a long shot at it. Windows CE is where Microsoft is making it's money I think. The P.O.S. systems and set top boxes have a good premium to pay to Microsoft for the license.
  • Reply 86 of 97
    Microsoft is so lazy.... You notice how they really never innovative the Windows Mobile market. They just kept re-releasing the same thing with a higher version number. Ballmer even balked that he wasn't worried since they held the majority of the market.

    Now, that the iPhone has taken on some major cool factor and some pretty innovative technology that people are clamoring for, it really showed how clunky Windows Mobile really was all along. I've spoken to many people that had Windows Mobile on their Treo and they hated it saying it was hard to understand and use.

    So now, Microsoft gets some good competition they decide hey, now we have to actually do something to re-gain our market share back. That's the problem with Microsoft, they only act when they absolutely have to and usually it's only half at best since they only try to be comparable in the worst way possible.

    This just shows that this is a company that really does not care about the products they sell... they only care about the profits they make. I don't know why so many people defend MS. I'm not a MS hater, nor an Apple fanboi, I call it like I see it and frankly, MS really shows a lack of interest.
  • Reply 87 of 97
    i have had the misfortune of owning an xda omnia and htc touch (work not choice)both with windows and both drove me to near suicide even with coverflow added to it, the sysyem its just outdated and a sham it needed updating but it needs more than a few menu's being made finger freindly. They need to look at whats out there and think what can we take from them ands make it better (oh wait a minute thats what they do just they, just they dont take the best bits). IM GLAD NOW THAT I NEVER NEED TO TOUCH THEM AGAIN
  • Reply 88 of 97
    "Interestingly enough, we discovered that most people who carry a Windows phone don?t realize it?s running Windows Mobile," the site reads.

    May want to consider that a benefit....
  • Reply 89 of 97
    Originally Posted by talksense101 View Post


    I think if Microsoft ever designed a toaster, there would be a "Getting Started" button.

  • Reply 90 of 97
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    You can find review of new Samsung Omnia II with Win 6.5 pre-production on GSM arena. It doesn't look bad, though I still like iPhone more.

    But then again I haven't seen Omnia in real life, so I might be wrong.


    Not bad at all.

    right on. I hadn't kept up with it and for some reason had thought the omnia hd was just another name for omnia 2 lol. Guess there's a difference afterall.
  • Reply 91 of 97
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by jsmythe00 View Post

    In the short term? It's been 3 years and counting almost and no one is closer to competing with the iphone then as they are now. Who is going to step up?

    I didn't say "In the short term"

    I said "In short", as in "To resume".

    Who's going to step up? If I'd know, I'd be rich

    I think right now Palm has right people, but does need more money.

    Google might have people and money.

    MS definitely has money - maybe even good people - but need some soulsearching to bring out the best from the talent they have.

    Nokia is also moving somewhere with their Linux platform, and they do have experience, money... hm...
  • Reply 92 of 97
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    If you set Windows updates to automatic, they will apply on their own and not interfere with your work. They will pop up a small notification window saying that Windows has downloaded updates, ant it will disappear in a few seconds.

    Big updates like Service Packs require reboot and will slow down your computer while installing. They happen like once in a year or less.

    Grand Central and Open CL sound like good ideas, we'll see how they work in reality. But where are Apple desktops with Quad Core CPUs and DirectX..?

    Have a rest, mate. You sound very upset.

    It's upsetting to miscustrue reality. And no the updates don't work seamlessly as you d like others to think, actually in windows updates work ANYTHING BUT seamlessly.

    Apple desktops with quad core cpus? Since when does ms manufacture quad core cpus...see how you misconstrued the whole thing again. And btw, quad core desktops, who needs a quad core desktop with the mac pro around...ssshhh...Too bored to go into directx, is that the best you could do?
  • Reply 93 of 97
    I have been using company-issued Windows Mobile phones since 2006, and they have all sucked to the point that I do not trust them when I am on call and direct the calls to my personal cell phone.

    One of the things that makes Windows Mobile suck is that when they do come out with an update to it, only people running very recent phones can install it-- and when you do, you have to set the phone up from scratch all over again. There is no facility to back up your data and settings, update, and then restore the data and settings. WM 6.0 was so awful that I put up with that to install 6.1 in the hopes it would improve something, but it was just the same crap as before with a slightly different look in certain places.

    A crappy OS like Windows has no place on a phone, which is something people expect to be reliable. I have briefly played with iPhones in the past, but I didn't actually buy one until a month ago. Once I did, I think it took me about one full day of using it for everything before I realized just how much trouble Microsoft is in in the mobile arena. And as long as they keep crafting their software to defeat competitors instead of just to make a good product that sells itself, they're never going to come out on top. Reacting to competitors' products != innovating.

  • Reply 94 of 97
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    snip the ugly pic..

    Why did you have to do that?
  • Reply 95 of 97
    Hello! I have a question.

    I am obviously an Apple die-hard, so please, no flaming!

    but, I am about to buy a Windows mobile smart phone for work (I have Sprint, so, no iPhone for me), and it comes with Windows mobile 6.1 or whatever.

    What I wanted to know is, how does it work with upgrades with the Windows mobile platform? If I am getting a version of 6 with my smart phone, will I be able to get a free update to 6.5 since it is "technically" just the next update for 6? Or will I have to buy it?

    I don't know much about how Windows operates in this way, but would very much like to know, as it might influence my purchase decision.

    And yes, I do feel a little dirty posting such a question here, but I saw this article, and I really didnt want to sign up for some windows forum just to ask this question.

  • Reply 96 of 97
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by AppleComputer View Post

    What I wanted to know is, how does it work with upgrades with the Windows mobile platform? If I am getting a version of 6 with my smart phone, will I be able to get a free update to 6.5 since it is "technically" just the next update for 6? Or will I have to buy it?

    Depends on the manufacturer and/or carrier. They may offer an upgrade. It may or may not be free. You might be able to get an unofficial ROM and upgrade it yourself if there is no official upgrade path.

    The short answer is - it depends

    Personally Windows Mobile was so frustrating I would rather just do without paying for a data plan I never used, or get a blackberry instead.
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