iTunes 9 with app management, LPs, more, unveiled by Apple



  • Reply 61 of 121
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Deleted in recognition of my own stupidity.
  • Reply 62 of 121
    Originally Posted by Porsupah View Post

    Hm. Like the new look, and the iPhone sync tabs are considerably improved, but.. (YMMV, as these may be bugs only affecting me, or everyone born on a certain day of the week, or I could be just being an idiot =

    (1) The green window button (top left of OS X windows) now only brings the mini-window up to normal size - it can't return it to that size. Clicking on it again just toggles between not-quite-fullscreen window and normal size. So shift-cmd-M is now the *only* way to enter mini-player size?

    This is EXACTLY how it should work, IMO, and I'm glad that after 8 revisions, they finally got it right. The green window button is basically a "maximize" button in every other OSX app that adheres to standard Mac UI guidelines; the fact that a core Apple app deviated from this functionality has frustrated me for years. I have often hit the green button, expecting the window to maximize, only to have it do virtually the opposite of what I expected.
  • Reply 63 of 121
    Originally Posted by lightstriker View Post

    Its all good except that the playlist are white. The alternating background is gone. its harder to read with all light shining back at my eyes.

    Originally Posted by swim2383 View Post

    I agree the all white background makes it harder to read list and why the hell does Apple insist on having a different skin for the title bar for iTunes? Whatever happened to maintaining a unified UI?

    The white in the new UI is awful.

    My grid view now looks cheap...

    the black was a lot more elegant.

    Any chance I can make it dark again?!
  • Reply 64 of 121
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    They've changed the browser in iTunes 9 - it's now on the left side instead of the top, like a sidebar. They call it the "column browser" now.

    It's terrible - it takes up columns worth of space that way. It's much more useful to me to have it taking up space across the top, instead of crowding out other columns. Bad move, iTunes people.

    Hopefully someone will find a hidden preference that lets us move it back to the top.

    It's not hidden at all. Go to View -> Column Browser->On Top
  • Reply 65 of 121
    Originally Posted by codog24 View Post

    This is EXACTLY how it should work, IMO, and I'm glad that after 8 revisions, they finally got it right. The green window button is basically a "maximize" button in every other OSX app that adheres to standard Mac UI guidelines; the fact that a core Apple app deviated from this functionality has stymied me for years!

    That is one thing I don?t like about it. I liked having the mini player option without having to use the Menu Bar or a 3-button keyboard shortcut.
  • Reply 66 of 121
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by codog24 View Post

    It's not hidden at all. Go to View -> Column Browser->On Top

  • Reply 67 of 121
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    Making it easier is a big deal, because it is a huge PITA right now. This is almost exactly what I wanted. If I were to buy a song on my pc now, it would only be on my pc. If I bought it on my mac or my iphone, it would only be on my mac and iphone (my iphone syncs with my mac). Now I can have everything on all devices, that is perfect. I can also go to town ripping movies on my pc (which is much faster with more hard drive space) and add them to itunes there knowing that I can easily access and transfer the ones I want to my mbp when I need them.

    +1000. Funny I opened a thread a week ago about this very issue.

    This is by far the best and biggest step for itunes.

    Today we can safely say that itunes has become what it was meant to be, very few glitches to iron out.
  • Reply 68 of 121
    mintmint Posts: 17member
    Originally Posted by codog24 View Post

    This is EXACTLY how it should work, IMO, and I'm glad that after 8 revisions, they finally got it right. The green window button is basically a "maximize" button in every other OSX app that adheres to standard Mac UI guidelines; the fact that a core Apple app deviated from this functionality has frustrated me for years. I have often hit the green button, expecting the window to maximize, only to have it do virtually the opposite of what I expected.

    I agree. It now does what I expected it to do when I first used iTunes! One thing that has made moving over to MacOS difficult for me is various inconsistencies in the way it works (like selecting various messages in mail, trying doing that in the finder without thinking where you are clicking and you end up moving the file somewhere silly) But what about the solid scroll bars? Where do they fit in?
  • Reply 69 of 121
    phizzphizz Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by GREENSKiN View Post

    Ugh, why did they step away from the unified UI? It looks bad and out of place. And come on, make it 64-bit Cocoa already.

    I like the sidebar with artists a lot though.

    Just finally got iTunes 9 installed and I love the new metallic grey with subtle noise window look - makes the "unified" look on the rest of the OSX apps look dull and drab IMO.

    I also like the different font used under album art for album title - makes Lucida Sans look even crappier (I was never a fan of Lucida Sans).

    But why oh why are they mixing the two fonts - they should have went with the new font for the whole app. Also the new Play buttons are now different in design to the bottom shuffle/repeat buttons. Come on, I like the new graphics but lets not mix and match Apple!

    Other thing I'm not sure about is the light blue background color of the browser - seems to clash with that of the greyer blue left panel.

    Looking forward to new windows, new fonts, new buttons/scrollbars in 10.7. Shame they didn't make 10.6!
  • Reply 70 of 121
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    All the disk space I got back from SL I gave right back to iTunes! 236MB?

    If it is possible to share Apps with Home Sharing? How do app developer feel about this if you can? (I only have a single library)
  • Reply 71 of 121
    Originally Posted by Porsupah View Post

    (2) No iPhone pages in the applications sync tab? According to the site, I should see an iPhone display-sized pane to the right of the (now sortable) list of apps, but I'm only seeing the list of apps. Hopefully I'm just missing a step somewhere, as iTunes arrangement of apps is something I've been longing for.

    You need to update your iPhone/iPod touch to the 3.1 firmware.
  • Reply 72 of 121
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    I apologize if it?s already been covered?

    ? The mini player can?t chosen from clicking on the green optimized button anymore. Have to use Menu or keyboard shortcut.

    Option click on the button works.
  • Reply 73 of 121
    Originally Posted by Porsupah View Post

    (2) No iPhone pages in the applications sync tab? According to the site, I should see an iPhone display-sized pane to the right of the (now sortable) list of apps, but I'm only seeing the list of apps. Hopefully I'm just missing a step somewhere, as iTunes arrangement of apps is something I've been longing for.

    Originally Posted by Quash View Post

    yeah wtf. I was excited about this feature too, but it is missing. Anyone else got any dice?

    3.1 has to be installed on the device before you can organize Springboard.
  • Reply 74 of 121
    lorrelorre Posts: 396member
    Holy inconsistent GUI, Batman!

    It is indeed a mix 'n match of many different styles, all within one app. What a mess...

    iTunes now looks less native than Photoshop and Firefox.
  • Reply 75 of 121
    Any indication if Home Sharing can work over the interweb? It'd be awesome to have access to my MacBook Pro's iTunes library on my Windows machine at work.....
  • Reply 76 of 121
    My favorite new feature? The green "maximize" button finally works like it's supposed to, instead of activating the mini player mode (which is now activated under the Edit menu).

    In regards to the "improved Syncing", the new iPhone Movies interface is no longer smart enough to grey out those films that aren't iPhone compatible; you get an error message notifying you the first time, but from that point on you have no idea which movies it copies to your iPhone and which it does not until you check the phone itself. Those that are incompatible simply won't be there, even though there is no indication in iTunes itself of any issue.
  • Reply 77 of 121
    I'm not surprised by the lack of 64 bit cocoa. I figured from the beginning they'd wait until version 10 to rewrite it. Hopefully when that comes out it won't be so bloated and clunky on Windows systems.
  • Reply 78 of 121
    Originally Posted by Drow_Swordsman View Post

    I'm not surprised by the lack of 64 bit cocoa. I figured from the beginning they'd wait until version 10 to rewrite it. Hopefully when that comes out it won't be so bloated and clunky on Windows systems.

    And if it's anything like QuickTime X, during the cocoa rewrite they'll axe most of the features they've added over the past decade then spend the next decade re-adding them as "new features"
  • Reply 79 of 121
    Also, upon installing, other than the mix n match bits within iTunes, I like the new GUI look. It's just a shame they couldn't make Snow Leopard have a new UI if they already had this in the works. It seems silly to wait another 1 1/2 to 2 years and have the iTunes interface be so different.
  • Reply 80 of 121
    You can also add tracks AUTOMATICALLY to iTunes now as well! (Folder Watch).

    (Tested on a Windows PC)

    If you browse to your iTunes Music Folder (now hidden in v9) to \\iTunes\\iTunes Media (Music if you upgrade from v8)\\Automatically Add to iTunes\\

    Add some tracks (note: adding folders gives an error about the file already in use)

    and iTunes will automatically move them from this folder to their correct album locations in your music folder!

    Finally, a folder watch function!
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