Ballmer teases iPhone-toting employee; iTunes LP comic book



  • Reply 81 of 98
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I think that SJ should personally call this kid and offer him a job!

    Wouldn't work.

    He probably has SQL & .Net experience. Might be a network Admin.

    None of which work in an Apple Environment.

    He should probably apply at Google where is talents will be used.

    It's obvious Apple doesn't have a clue about Network Security, Mobile Security, Cloud Security or putting out Stable OS or mobile OS software anymore.

    EPIC FAIL on iPhone 3G stability on 3.1.

    Commercials are old, Steve is old and Apple's FanBoys are getting tiresome. I'm moving to Android as soon as my contract expires.

    Apple & AT&T deserve each other. Both promise more than they can deliver.
  • Reply 82 of 98
    Originally Posted by cdyates View Post

    Agreed - I just don't see this as a big deal. I doubt Ballmer actually cares - sounds like he was just using it as a funny off-the-cuff way to rally the troops a little - get some boos.

    Yeah that is my take on it too. Much as i dislike Ballmer this just sounds like an attempt at humor --- that is has come off as heavy-handed and inept should surprise no one. But a few points for trying, nonetheless.
  • Reply 83 of 98
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post


    Heck, you probably could say that Jobs, instead of placing the phone on the floor and pretending to jump up and down, would probably body slam the employee and actually jump up and down on the employee.

    With Steve being as thin as he is, I think Jobs would just bounce off and end up on the floor himself.
  • Reply 84 of 98
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    Remember this when Steve Jobs invited Ballmer to MacWorld 2006

    Ha that made me smile - what a jerk Ballmer is and long may it continue.
  • Reply 85 of 98
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Wouldn't work.

    He probably has SQL & .Net experience. Might be a network Admin.

    None of which work in an Apple Environment.

    He should probably apply at Google where is talents will be used.

    It's obvious Apple doesn't have a clue about Network Security, Mobile Security, Cloud Security or putting out Stable OS or mobile OS software anymore.

    EPIC FAIL on iPhone 3G stability on 3.1.

    Commercials are old, Steve is old and Apple's FanBoys are getting tiresome. I'm moving to Android as soon as my contract expires.

    Apple & AT&T deserve each other. Both promise more than they can deliver.

    there there little pig, there there.

    On serious note, when you actually post some factual evidence to your constant ranting, we may take you seriously, you are developing into a troll!
  • Reply 86 of 98
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Commercials are old, Steve is old and Apple's FanBoys are getting tiresome. I'm moving to Android as soon as my contract expires.

    Please go away. I am sure Apple (and all of us) will miss you mightily.

  • Reply 87 of 98
    Steve Ballmer is mad now ! =)
  • Reply 88 of 98
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Commercials are old, Steve is old and Apple's FanBoys are getting tiresome. I'm moving to Android as soon as my contract expires.

    So you're trading down, then.
  • Reply 89 of 98
    Originally Posted by b1937 View Post

    Another child like outburst. This is what we have come to expect from this guy. He certainly produced some good publicity for the iPhone out of MS's headquarters.

    Ballmer consistently portrays himself as a buffoon, and he does it so naturally. This only seems to help Apple by acknowledging the iPhone as a thorn in Microsoft's side.

    It just amazes me that Bill is OK with this guy leading the company. Just amazing.
  • Reply 90 of 98
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I think that SJ should personally call this kid and offer him a job!

  • Reply 91 of 98
    Who can blame Ballmer? Apple started this stupid pc vs mac war a looooooong time ago.
  • Reply 92 of 98
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    there there little pig, there there.

    On serious note, when you actually post some factual evidence to your constant ranting, we may take you seriously, you are developing into a troll!

    Dude... calling people a 'pig' is not cool, grow up and quit acting like a rabid fanboy.
  • Reply 93 of 98
    Originally Posted by Crankenstein View Post

    Dude... calling people a 'pig' is not cool, grow up and quit acting like a rabid fanboy.

    It's more that you're like techstud. Except techstud offers something remotely intelligent once in a great while.
  • Reply 94 of 98
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    Are you kidding? Jobs would probably laugh. I know I would - seeing a Zune anywhere would crack me up.

    I'm guessing Jobs would question the person's intelligence, though, and suggest he seek therapy.

    Which would be much more insulting and personal than good old thuggish "GET OUT NOW".
  • Reply 95 of 98
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    But this was at a MS corporate function. What does it say about MS products when their employees show up at functions or in public with competitor's products? People aren't stupid. If MS won't eat their own cooking why should they? I certainly wouldn't.

    That's why it was stupid for Ballmer to draw attention to it IMO.

    I would agree with you, but only if MS is providing their employees with WinMo phones and employee contracts clearly state that employee is obliged to use provided phone during the work hours and official functions.

    But I think SB was just trying to make a joke, clumsy as it might have turned out. If he really had grudge against that guy, he'd probably just quietly take a notice of him and deal with him later on equally quietly (like putting the guy at the top of redundancy list).

    As it is, drawing attention to that guy is making him virtually impossible to fire without some nasty backfire.

    Additionally, MS has shown in the past they are not that much fuzzed with what their employees/contractors are using, thus we had couple of those "sensational" articles about MS marketing people doing it on Macs etc.
  • Reply 96 of 98
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    "Ballmer grabbed the Apple device from the employee and made some funny remarks as everyone booed, while quickly making sure their iPhone was not visible to Ballmer"


    So they all had one, err, collective iPhone..?

    Sound like some kind of crazy Communist conspiracy going on there.
  • Reply 97 of 98
    Sigh. So it appears it only took about 6 posts before a link was made between homosexuality and pedophilia all within the confines of a Steve Ballmer/iPhone story. A new record. Although I'm not sure for what.

  • Reply 98 of 98
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by ravedog View Post

    Sigh. So it appears it only took about 6 posts before a link was made between homosexuality and pedophilia all within the confines of a Steve Ballmer/iPhone story. A new record. Although I'm not sure for what.

    You're right, it is embarrassing, I've since blanked out those posts.
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