What did you get for Christmas?



  • Reply 21 of 74
    the worst i've ever seen was my cousin's grandparents. they're loaded. so what do the grandkids get for christmas?

    a used ugly as sin sweater.

    with the 25 cent price tag still on from the garage sale.

  • Reply 22 of 74
    Well then they "meant" that.

    I hate to say it (maybe I don't) but one part I like is that my inlaws spend way more on me than my mother does. I was rolling off the long list of stuff they got me and my mother's gift hasn't even gotten here yet. :cool: I'm going to hell <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 23 of 74
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    Reading this thread makes me realise how spoiled many people are.
  • Reply 24 of 74
    a10t2a10t2 Posts: 191member
    My girlfriend got me a sweater that is by far the nicest item of clothing I own (to say nothing of the only sweater...) It was mostly cash from everyone else, although nowhere near the amounts other people here are talking about... :eek: I'm just glad not to have the stupid never-going-to-get-used gifts again this year.

    You said it, G4Dude.
  • Reply 25 of 74
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Well I'm not spoiled...I work for everything I have.

    My family and best, closest friends are all 3,000 miles away on the other side of the country and I spent Christmas pretty much by myself today, with the exception of breakfast/gift exchanging/hanging out with my ex this morning (yes, we're still good friends, blah, blah, blah...).

    Whatever gifts I received today were genuine surprises and shockers, based on previous patterns/history. But I asked for - nor expected - ANY of them. My mom sent me a box via UPS that's been sitting here for a few days. I didn't want to open it prior to today so it would feel "right" doing it Christmas morning.

    And I'm genuniely thankful and appreciative of them and made sure the people who gave them to me knew that. I spent HUGE chunks of the day on the phone to friends and family back home making sure of that.

    Not looking forward to my next phone bill...


    [ 12-26-2001: Message edited by: pscates ]</p>
  • Reply 26 of 74
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    - fuzzy slippers that look like bulldogs (very cool, will be used)

    - big apple/cinammon candle (very cool, will be used)

    - 3 groverat-style shirts (very cool, will be worn)

    - 2 nice towels & 2 nice hand-towels (very cool, will be used)

    - a sweet tobaggin I'll never wear because I get hot far too easy (very cool, will never be worn)

    No one gets me electronic stuff, ever, even though they know damned well that I am obsessed with electronics.

    Quoth my mother while handing me the gift the wrapped up slippers, "I saw something called a Dreamcast marked down to $25 at the store (East Texas-speak for Wal-Mart), but I thought maybe you already had one." :eek:

    I am very appreciative, even if someone wraps pocket lint to give to me. I am a sparing gift-giver, you really have to have earned it to get one from me. I'm a little too lavish when I decide that someone deserves a gift, however, and looks like January will be a month of Ramen noodles for this college boy.
  • Reply 27 of 74
    667Mhz TiBook that im on right now with DVD 30GB 512MB of RAM!(read on you see why I am happy), but I earned this little son of a bitch working my ass of in school, plus I been using a Umax Supermac S900 (604e 233Mhz) with 32MB OF RAM! I feel I am on a supercomputer right now, oh wait, I am.
  • Reply 28 of 74
    ybotybot Posts: 329member
    I had a merry little Christmas indeed. I got:

    Â?Â*A 550mhz TiBook with 512mb of ram (which I bought myself and am typing on right now).

    Â?Â*DVDs: Miracle on 34th Street (The original. I love that movie), The Simpsons: Season 1 & Boiler Room.

    Â?Â*Books: "Killing Pablo: The hunt for the world's greatest outlaw" a lovely Christmas tale (hehe) about the US's efforts to find Pablo Escobar the cocaine cartel leader.

    "Cold Zero: Inside the FBI hostage rescue team" sounds interesting, haven't started reading it yet.

    "World War 2 Extra: An around-the-world newspaper history from the treaty of Versailles to the Nuremberg trials" This book looks SO neat. It's the size of a newspaper and it contains full-size copies of hundreds of different newspapers from the WW2 era, very cool.

    Â?Â*CDs: A few classical/jazz CDs by Jean-Pierre Rampal.

    Â? Magazines:

    "Adbusters" I LOVE this magazine. A very intelligent look at consumerism, mass-market advertising and the whole rebellion against letting corporations treat us like cattle. It's a Canadian publication that is responsible for Buy Nothing Day. I don't know if you've heard of BND, but it's taking off all over the world. You can check out Adbusters spiffy site which includes tons of info on BND <a href="http://www.adbusters.org"; target="_blank">here.</a>

    "WiReD" It's the weirdest magazine I've seen yet. Written by and for technology freaks and geeks, yet it has Gucci and Gap ads and the typical reader apparently makes six figures. It's got cool articles and interesting web links. Much goodness within.

    "MacAddict" Got the newest issue, can't wait to try out the CD. There's always something cool on there.

    "Foreign Policy" An interesting global politics and economics magazine.

    "Architectural Digest" Because I can't believe people actually live like that.

    "Harpers" No, not the fashion magazine. This one is an interesting mix of international law, random cool articles and some weirdness thrown in. I'm reading the article on the CIA's experimentation with psychics in the 70's. Interesting read.

    Â? Cash (yay)

    I got more stuff, but I can't remember. All I know is that I'm quite pleased with what I did get.

    Note: Yes, I realized I'm sickeningly spoiled by a family gone overboard in the gift-giving department. But I did reciprocate by purchasing not one but two DVD players for family members, a television for another and a necklace from my mom. Books for others. DVDs for all. Etc., etc.

    [ 12-26-2001: Message edited by: Ybot ]</p>
  • Reply 29 of 74
    [quote]Originally posted by MacAddict:

    <strong>A pair of Grado SR80 headphones, that I decided I wanted after seeing how ugly Sennheisers are. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    You fool! Headphones are to listen to, not look at!

    (listening to brand new Sennheiser HD580 mmmmmm)
  • Reply 30 of 74
    This was an unusually big Christmas....

    I got an XBox, Halo, Project Gotham, Air Force Delta Storm (SUCKS!), extra controller + S-Video cable (for use with my parents TV, you have not experienced an X-Box until you have used S-Video, 'nuff said)

    I'm gonna take $20 out of the $40 in Christmas money I received (which happens to be the only money I have until I manage to get hired somewhere) and take a poor friend of mine shopping for a CD or something.
  • Reply 31 of 74
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    You don't like Airforce Delta Storm? :confused:

    Can't lock onto the enemy fighters, eh?
  • Reply 32 of 74
    my christmas was pretty domestic. the highlights were the ipod (they gave it to me weeks ago, but technically it was for christmas. they did wrap up the empty box ), a really cool michael graves design toaster, an ironing board, (both from my cousin alli - there's ten of us so we just draw names instead of buying everyone something) and some other stuff to help gussy up the ol' bachelor's pad. my little brother gave me his playstation, since he got a gamecube from my parents. my brother is getting much cooler as he exits puberty . My mom bought my dad a new bigass HDTV for the den, so I get the old 27", which i cannot wait to use in tandem with my old playstation.

    I didn't really get any bad gifts this year. Most of my relatives with sub-par taste stuck with gift cards, although I got one gift card "pottery barn," which i've never even heard of until two days ago and am like over 500 miles from the nearest store. i guess i should see if they have an online store.

    So I'll just have to go with the all-time worst gift. This one has a happy ending though. My uncle married this lady, Cheryl, they were together for ehh I guess 3 years. The rest of the family couldn't stand her. She gave the worst gifts. When I was 13, she gave me a sweatshirt that she made for me, with a huge iron-on transfer of a piano and musical notes, and gold puffy paint musical symbols and little wavy things. and it had a huge piano pin on it. My mother made me wear it around the house for the rest of the day. It never got near my body again after that. It was very...Liberachi. It was especially puzzling since we had told her the christmas before that I'd quit piano lessons. Maybe she was trying to entice me to go back.

    Long story short, they divorced and she married some guy and they live in a castle in Jackson, Mississippi where they give tours and she wears a princess gown. My uncle has learned to love being a bachelor and now gives us very creatively disguised wads of cash for Christmas (this year I got a box of packing peanuts with 200 one dollar bills stuffed inside the peanuts)
  • Reply 33 of 74
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    UPDATE: instead of saving that $200 towards an iPod I ordered a 24x CD-RW drive this morining because I was sick of the slow speeds of my 4x USB burner.
  • Reply 34 of 74
    From my Wife:

    Gap Wool Jacket (Veryah Nice!)

    a new Belt

    a new Wallet

    and a Palm m100

    From my Brother:

    Pikmin for Nintendo GC.

    From my Dad:

    Starwars Ep. 1 DVD

    Final Fantasy Special Edition DVD

    Drum Corps International Quarters, Semi's, and Finals Tickets on the 40 yard line upper deck!

    From my Mom:

    USB PDA connector (for the Palm)

    House Shoes

    a buncha stuff for the baby (due Jan 27th)

    and best of all a Sony Digital Camcorder (did someone say Final Cut Pro?)

    All in all it was a good Christmas for me.

    Mac Guru

    [ 12-26-2001: Message edited by: Mac Guru ]</p>
  • Reply 35 of 74
    Â? Underwear Boxer Briefs

    Â? Slippers too big

    Â? Cool shoes that are too big

    Â? Peppermint and Cinnamon Altoids

    Â? Cool shirts

    Â? $30 Gift card to the mall

    Â? A desk set which I will never use

    Â?Â*A calendar

    Â? Hair Gel "Mega Mega Hold number 9"

    Â?Â*These cool adhesive mustaches (joke from mom)

    Â?Â*soap from sister

    Â?Â*this calendar/phone gadget that I probably wont use

    Â? A brenthoven carrying case for my iBook
  • Reply 36 of 74
    What i got? well.

    Age of Empires II Gold,

    Star Trek Voyager Elite Force,

    Star Trek Voyager video,

    £20 of HMV Gift voucher.
  • Reply 37 of 74
    An iPod from my girlfriend (whoo-hoo!!!), that she ended up "borrowing." Sigh. Kind of figured it wasn't really "for me," anyway.

    I did reciprocate by getting her a DVD player, which I fully intend to "borrow" by hosting my next kung fu movie night at her place, so I guess I can't complain that much
  • Reply 38 of 74
    BTW Corvette,

    That's Brenthaven

    Nice bags eh?

    Mac guru
  • Reply 39 of 74
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Wow...some of you guys cashed in big-time. Tiger if you're being serious and not just whining, I'm sorry to hear that dude. Hopefully your woman problems will be resolved by New Year's....

    As for me, through the miracle of well-marketed wish lists, I avoided the phenomenon whereby I get a bunch of fancy clothes that I rarely have occasion to wear (and no room for in my small closet anyway), and got some practical stuff such as:

    Edmonton Alternate Jersey (needed another jersey to practice in)

    A Cocoa Programming Book (want to learn the finest of all API's)

    Office v.X Upgrade (self explanatory, and no CD Key troubles luckily)

    and my woman surprised me with an ultra-comfy pair of pj's from Land's End. Will be hard pressed to change out of them every morning....

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    [ 12-26-2001: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>
  • Reply 40 of 74
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    [quote]Originally posted by Lucky:


    You fool! Headphones are to listen to, not look at!

    (listening to brand new Sennheiser HD580 mmmmmm)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yea, and The SR-60s are cheaper and arguably better than the SR-80s...in a way...if you're going to be usiing them with an iPod for example...
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