Microsoft considers extending Zune services to Apple users



  • Reply 81 of 161
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    Better avoid getting an iPhone or the latest version of OS X. They've already been infected with Exchange!

    I have an iPhone with the latest software and Snow Leopard. I have NOT been infected, and neither has my company. So where is the problem? Could it be Exchange??? Isn't that piece of software from Microshaft??? The same company that thinks OS crashes is a feature, and an open barn door, it the height of security???? Maybe people and companies should stop using MS products, thats if they want a productive workforce, efficient, working network, without hidden IT costs, with an army of techies at the end of the line, in India. If not continue to buy mediocre overpriced software from MS.
  • Reply 82 of 161
    Originally Posted by Fonejacker View Post

    When you look up the word Bulls**t, it says "see Microsoft". PC users are full of BS. Can't handle the truth. Carry on using your bloated Windows (a copy of OS X), 8 billion viruses (uniquely Windows only), malware (windows only), crashes, file incompatibility, software incompatibility, even certain MS products aren't backward or forward compatible. The huge extra cost in staff wages to run networks, solve IT problems etc. iTunes is still nearly 90% of what it was when it was originally released. So not sure where you get bloatware from. It just works, unlike 90% of MS software. If Windows and Ms Office aren't bloatware, I don't know what is.

    An ex PC User.

    It just works is a joke. The last verison of itunes had several problems for people that had large libraries. Everytime Apple puts out a patch you have to pray to god you don't need a reinstall of the entire OS because OSX is not smart enough to backout updates. You download a bad patch from Apple your are stuck doing an Archive and Install. Its a joke.

    What are you an ex pc user from 1970? I haven't had a virus in about 7 years. OSX can't even remotely network as well as Vista. Maybe your just not smart enough to know how to use a PC.

    I like to have options like if I want to use a certain driver my entire computer is controlled by what Steve Jobs wants me to run. If I want to back something out I can without doing an entire reinstall of my OS. Apple puts in a patch and its bad which many times they are your pretty much screwed until they get around to figuring it out.
  • Reply 83 of 161
    yuusharoyuusharo Posts: 311member
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    Unknown? Maybe to you... IBM is a huge healthy company that knew how to continue to grow by adapting.

    They're still only a shadow of the company they once were. Outside of infrastructure, IBM isn't a name that means anything to most people.

    By contrast, there are kids today that associate the name "Microsoft" with things like Halo, Xbox and gaming. That type of mindshare is an invaluable asset if Microsoft wants to remain relevant going forward.


    Clearly Microsoft is "best" with software given everything else they've touched has failed miserably. Apple is not a hardware company, it's a company that knows how to integrate software and hardware to make a compelling device. And the consumer gets all the benefits.

    No... Apple is a hardware company. Period. The reason they develop compelling software is to use it to drive hardware sales. Notice how Final Cut Studio has now been significantly reduced in price, undercutting Adobe and Avid's Pro Tools suites. Look how a full license for their latest operating system was sold for almost half what Microsoft's upgrade license cost during its best sale. *NO* software company would be so foolish to undercut themselves so much if they were not using the hardware to subsidize the costs.

    Frankly speaking, Apple is just another PC company who sells computers capable of running Windows, or any other, operating system of choice. Mind you, they make some incredible packages to go with it, but the guts are practically nothing more than an ordinary PC inside a shiny enclosure.
  • Reply 84 of 161
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    It just works is a joke. The last verison of itunes had several problems for people that had large libraries. Everytime Apple puts out a patch you have to pray to god you don't need a reinstall of the entire OS because OSX is not smart enough to backout updates. You download a bad patch from Apple your are stuck doing an Archive and Install. Its a joke.

    What are you an ex pc user from 1970? I haven't had a virus in about 7 years. OSX can't even remotely network as well as Vista. Maybe your just not smart enough to know how to use a PC.

    I like to have options like if I want to use a certain driver my entire computer is controlled by what Steve Jobs wants me to run. If I want to back something out I can without doing an entire reinstall of my OS. Apple puts in a patch and its bad which many times they are your pretty much screwed until they get around to figuring it out.

    reinstall the entire os? do you have proof of the many users that had to do that?
  • Reply 85 of 161
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by yuusharo View Post

    Frankly speaking, Apple is just another PC company who sells computers capable of running Windows, or any other, operating system of choice. Mind you, they make some incredible packages to go with it, but the guts are practically nothing more than an ordinary PC inside a shiny enclosure.

    And what is wrong with that?
  • Reply 86 of 161
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    It just works is a joke. The last verison of itunes had several problems for people that had large libraries. Everytime Apple puts out a patch you have to pray to god you don't need a reinstall of the entire OS because OSX is not smart enough to backout updates. You download a bad patch from Apple your are stuck doing an Archive and Install. Its a joke.

    What are you an ex pc user from 1970? I haven't had a virus in about 7 years. OSX can't even remotely network as well as Vista. Maybe your just not smart enough to know how to use a PC.

    I like to have options like if I want to use a certain driver my entire computer is controlled by what Steve Jobs wants me to run. If I want to back something out I can without doing an entire reinstall of my OS. Apple puts in a patch and its bad which many times they are your pretty much screwed until they get around to figuring it out.

    My iTunes library is almost 1 TB and in 2 years I use leopard, by the way never reinstalled it after I bought, came home and installed it on my Mac, I never had a single issue with iTunes or other updates. If something goes wrong I will just revert to latest Time Machine backup.
  • Reply 87 of 161
    yuusharoyuusharo Posts: 311member
    Originally Posted by Fonejacker View Post

    I have an iPhone with the latest software and Snow Leopard. I have NOT been infected, and neither has my company. So where is the problem? Could it be Exchange??? Isn't that piece of software from Microshaft??? The same company that thinks OS crashes is a feature, and an open barn door, it the height of security???? Maybe people and companies should stop using MS products, thats if they want a productive workforce, efficient, working network, without hidden IT costs, with an army of techies at the end of the line, in India. If not continue to buy mediocre overpriced software from MS.

    Seeing as how you can build a fine PC running Windows 7 for about $600, while the lowest end iMac starts at $1100, I wouldn't get into a debate over who is "overpriced" xD. But I digress, in case it flew over your head, the guy was making a joke. Don't look now, but Snow Leopard has been *gasp* 'infected' by Microsoft Exchange! Run for your lives!!

    Point to me exactly where Microsoft said that "crashes [are] a feature." Considering I've been abusing my Windows 7 RC machine for about three months now and haven't experience any stability issues [edit: outside gaming, nVidia's fault], I'd say Microsoft has been working pretty hard cleaning up Windows and making a fine product. And it is a fine product - no two ways about it.

    You want to know why businesses aren't adopting Macs on a regular basis? I'll let you in on a little secret.... Macs are difficult to learn.. I know, shocking words, but its true. Most business people barely understand a computer enough to get through the work day, and that's on machines they've been using all their lives. We've all seen it. Pop a long-time Windows user in front of a Mac for the first time, and watch as they become frustrated at being unable to do even the most basic tasks.

    "I'm pressing control c, but its not copying the text!"

    There was an article released about a week ago about CIOs refusal to adopt Macs in the workplace. One reason being the 'hidden costs' of lost productivity as everyone has to learn their way around the new OS, new software, and the inevitable compatibility problems. On the other hand, the stability and power management features in Windows 7 make the costs of upgrading practically pay for themselves.

    Again, its all about taste. What your preferences are. If you don't mind spending a premium for a machine with amazing benefits, but some trade-offs as well, go with a Mac. If you are on a tighter budget but still want a decent computer, go with a Windows 7 PC.
  • Reply 88 of 161
    yuusharoyuusharo Posts: 311member
    Originally Posted by Povilas View Post

    And what is wrong with that?

    Nothing! That's actually what's made the Mac useful to me - its ability to run Windows alongside OS X.

    I'm just tired of people talking about the Mac like its the holy grail wonderbox of happiness. Fact is, I've had more Finder/Safari/iTunes crashes on Leopard than I ever have on Windows 7, but then again, nVidia's graphics drivers haven't been optimized for the OS yet, leaving me with many random freezes and lockups while playing my games under Windows.

    These things are just computers - all of them. They have their strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps one has an edge over the other, but the degree of fanboyism from both sides is startling and uncalled for.
  • Reply 89 of 161
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    Better avoid getting an iPhone or the latest version of OS X. They've already been infected with Exchange!

    Apple has written interfaces to access Exchange Servers. They have a license to do so. They don't have Exchange running on their clients.
  • Reply 90 of 161
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    As much as I dislike Microsoft and all that they stand for, I hope the Zune is marginally successful. Not because I aspire to ever get one, but simply to keep Apple on their toes and keep price pressure on the iPod. Competition, and all that...

    right. by your logic, microsoft should have been putting out marginally successful products for at least 20 years now.

    APPLE is its own competition. they continue to innovate in spite of the competition, continue to raise the technological bar. everyone else is scrambling to catch up.
  • Reply 91 of 161
    yuusharoyuusharo Posts: 311member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Apple has written interfaces to access Exchange Servers. They have a license to do so. They don't have Exchange running on their clients.

    It's called a "joke." Man, I can't believe people aren't getting this. Its staggering!
  • Reply 92 of 161
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by yuusharo View Post

    Nothing! That's actually what's made the Mac useful to me - its ability to run Windows alongside OS X.

    I'm just tired of people talking about the Mac like its the holy grail wonderbox of happiness. Fact is, I've had more Finder/Safari/iTunes crashes on Leopard than I ever have on Windows 7, but then again, nVidia's graphics drivers haven't been optimized for the OS yet, leaving me with many random freezes and lockups while playing my games under Windows.

    These things are just computers - all of them. They have their strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps one has an edge over the other, but the degree of fanboyism from both sides is startling and uncalled for.

    After I'v switched from Windows XP SP2 in 2006 I can honestly say that Mac with Mac OS X both Tiger and Leopard is a wonderbox of happiness to me. Really honestly.
  • Reply 93 of 161
    yuusharoyuusharo Posts: 311member
    Originally Posted by mac_dog View Post

    right. by your logic, microsoft should have been putting out marginally successful products for at least 20 years now.

    APPLE is its own competition. they continue to innovate in spite of the competition, continue to raise the technological bar. everyone else is scrambling to catch up.

    First of all, there has been much innovation in the technology world that Apple has *not* done, so I wouldn't word it as though everyone's been sitting on their hands and knees for the last few decades.

    Second, what's wrong with that? If everyone else "catching up" means better products across the board, why the hell not? I love the iPhone not because its an amazing device, but because it has inspired a boon in the mobile computing market. I'm looking forward to a day not long from now, where nearly every manufacturer has a device to fulfill every niche purpose the market demands for on the store shelves.

    If I have Apple to thank for the upcoming Android explosion, I will certainly thank them from the bottom of my heart ^_^!

    Originally Posted by Povilas View Post

    After I'v switched from Windows XP SP2 in 2006 I can honestly say that Mac with Mac OS X both Tiger and Leopard is a wonderbox of happiness to me. Really honestly.

    And you know what, that's perfectly fine. I purposefully avoid anything before Windows 7 in any of the machines I own now, and I would recommend all others to do the same.

    Windows 7 won't be enough to compel long-time Mac users away in droves, but I will certainly say that it is, by far, the best version of Windows ever made. You should give it a try, I think you'd like it.
  • Reply 94 of 161
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by yuusharo View Post

    And you know what, that's perfectly fine. I purposefully avoid anything before Windows 7 in any of the machines I own now, and I would recommend all others to do the same.

    Windows 7 won't be enough to compel long-time Mac users away in droves, but I will certainly say that it is, by far, the best version of Windows ever made. You should give it a try, I think you'd like it.

    I was using latest beta. Clearly it's way better than Vista or XP, but for me after using Leopard for two years I very much like Mac OS X UI and how simple it is and I can work faster with Spaces and Expose also Quiclook. It's in my blood now I love my Xbox 360 it's a fine game console though hardware could be less faulty.
  • Reply 95 of 161
    allblueallblue Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by Povilas View Post

    After I'v switched from Windows XP SP2 in 2006 I can honestly say that Mac with Mac OS X both Tiger and Leopard is a wonderbox of happiness to me. Really honestly.

    What a delightful turn of phrase! Actually made me lol! It is though isn't it? A Mac is a happy thing.
  • Reply 96 of 161
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by yuusharo View Post

    Okay, how about another history lesson. Remember IBM? They were the top dogs in the industry long before Microsoft had its reign. People laugh and point at Windows 95 as Microsoft's attempt to "catch up" to the rest of the world. Apple was laughing hysterically at Microsoft at the time, making fun of little facts like "Oh, now they can support long-format names, like we have been doing for 10 years."

    No one had taken Microsoft seriously until Windows 95, and do you know why? Obviously someone liked it, because it fulfilled what the technology industry needed at the time in the consumer market, far superior to anything Apple or anything else had at the time.

    Edit: I don't like defending any company based on its past or present history. Vista was atrocious, and Windows 7 is amazing. Just like Tiger was a mess and Leopard is terrific. If a company makes a good product, who cares about its past? Hell, Apple's OS 9 was utter crap. Are you telling me I should judge the company today based on something they made 10 years ago??

    A little historical annotation:

    MS and Apple were both viewed as guys in a garage or dorm room companies by corporate America which was 90% + of computing back in the day when the home PC market had barely begun. Actually MS wasn't viewed as anything as it lacked any compelling products and bought its DOS after meeting with IBM. So tiny MS got its foot in the corporate door via being blessed by IBM for its PC.

    And the public perception of IBM, not MS, made IBM become the home computing standard as well as it could piggy-back off the business and productivity software for the PC. Which marginalized the in most ways superior Apple II,

    Apple, well actually SJ against the wisdom of his own board, viewed a mouse-driven GUI as their ticket back into the game. MS had early and continuing access to the Apple API's as Apple believed having Office Apps would be critical, and this and other factors led to MS foisting its firt attempts at GUI's pasted on top of DOS (I think bits of it still are!) into a corporate and following home market which didn't take Apple seriously as a corporation (and it had no corporate sales force or support footprint) - while MS skills were carried everywhere by Big Blue's entire staff.

    Right up to and even past the point that MS stabbed IBM's OS2 to death, Julius Ceasar style as it also began to destroy most of its original ISV's like WordPerfect, dBase, Lotus, etc.

    So it wasn't Win '95 love, rather corp America's lack of a perception of a viable business-class alternative (the Mac debuted with a "goodies" item on the main menu), and fears about Apple's viability were getting into full swing where they'd stay for over a decade even as Apple placed all its marketing and design eggs into the home and niche markets. And even today, at least from the outside, A, Inc. seems ambivalent about just how and how much it wants to approach-attack-embrace-serve-ignore-nibble at the Enterprise and SMB markets. Interestingly it may be the iPhone that finally gets them in over the transom, with the home market leading the business one in this next wave of computing

    Just giving a little context....

    Also, if Tiger's a mess, ya can't prove it by me. I'm still using and loving it on my iBook, though of course I'd like all the new widgets. My jump will be right over Leopard to SL when I finally give in and buy the next rev MB Pro....... ....and my brief, brief look at Win 7 didn't convince me Vista's atrociousness is entirely a memory.
  • Reply 97 of 161
    yuusharoyuusharo Posts: 311member
    Originally Posted by Povilas View Post

    I was using latest beta. Clearly it's way better than Vista or XP, but for me after using Leopard for two years I very much like Mac OS X UI and how simple it is and I can work faster with Spaces and Expose also Quiclook. It's in my blood now I love my Xbox 360 it's a fine game console though hardware could be less faulty.

    Expose and Quicklook I can do without, but I sure to miss Spaces. I'm a little shocked that Microsoft, nor third party vendors, have taken a lesson from Apple and made a decent virtual desktop application for Windows. I'm slowly learning to cope without it, but yeah, its definitely a killer app in Leopard.

    Put it this way, if you find yourself using Windows as some point, whether at work or at a friend's place, you'll wish it were Windows 7 for sure. For a Windows OS, its the best thing there is.

    ...boy we strayed far from the original iPhone + Zune story, eh?
  • Reply 98 of 161
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by yuusharo View Post

    ...boy we strayed far from the original iPhone + Zune story, eh?

    Everything is connected one way or the other
  • Reply 99 of 161
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Fonejacker View Post

    OK, Microshaft, how much do you want me to pay you, NOT to release any Zune services, software etc

    We don't any bug ridden, user unfriendly software. I know its difficult to change a habit of lifetime, but people are fed up with your sub standard software. Thank You.

    And who authorized you to speak for all Mac users..?

    If you don't like it, don't purchase it.
  • Reply 100 of 161
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by ulfoaf View Post

    One word: History.

    Windows 3 was pretty good, but those were simpler times.

    Windows 9X and XP Home should not have been unleashed on the world without security measures. I believe they thought it too complex an issue for an average user, and chose to ignore the issue. Very arrogant.

    The Windows 95 interface was nice, but they pretty much copied what Silicon Graphics was already doing.

    I'll believe they can write good software when I see it. Windows 7 is being hyped now. Maybe they have been pushed by Apple. Nothing wrong with competition, Microsoft just isn't used to it!

    Because - unfortunately - no one really competes with them.

    To compete with someone, you do need to be in the same league... and neither OSX nor Linux, with their respective market shares, are in the same league.
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