Apple plans Mac marketing blitz around Windows 7 launch



  • Reply 121 of 168
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Hey I got news for you NEWBEE- anytime something new comes out- it's the best whatever(FILL_ IN_ THE_BLANK) yet.

    Only time that didn't work was for the iPod shuffle with no controls.

    In that case it was more or less universally panned except by AI.

    TeckDud, Using your "logic", then I guess your next post will be "the best one, ever" I can hardly wait, but I will.
  • Reply 122 of 168
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Wakashizuma View Post

    Well he is a hipster mac noob like the rest of iSheep community! If you listen to Phil Schiller, these are the folks that are unable to do a simple OS upgrade and hence need to spend more money to buy an overpriced mac! They need their hands held and live their life in an Apple "way"!

    They "Think Different"!

    Nice to see that it takes two of you M$ guys to handle one old mac fan ... keep trying, with TeckDud's help you may turn in to a disaster yet.
  • Reply 123 of 168
    Originally Posted by cdyates View Post

    Wow do you write your own material?

    The most interesting thing about this troll is how HE thought of the girl from the windows ad, I am sure there are some government psychologist that would have some theories why when he reads someone talking about a child that is used in a marketing campaign his mind goes right into sexual mode. I think he really outed himself there, if you really want to talk about creepy him bring that up in that context is creepy as hell and I would be willing to bet the court order against him says he can't live or work within X number of miles from any schools.

    I honestly laughed when he first brought that up but now it's fairly disturbing that anyone at all would make that kind of connection in his mind.

    Now that that has been cleared up.

    The actual point of my post was the fact that their marketing campaign revolves around a child playing with windows and saying how easy it is over and over, how do they change that when the masses go to upgrade? Just for the trolls benefit we'll change it to the 60yr old woman who uses the web so she can talk to her family on facebook and see pictures and videos of them, how is she going to go through the upgrade process if she makes the mistake of buying 7, or will she pay the geek squad 100 bucks to install it for her?
  • Reply 124 of 168
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    Yes, you're right ....TeckDud may not say anything intelligent often, but when he does, it doesn't mean anything.

    You needed to edit that lame post NEWBEE? What do you add on here but relentless simplistic attacks on me which are neither witty nor intelligent. Back to your barn now.
  • Reply 125 of 168
    Originally Posted by columbus View Post

    Apple software upgrade process is ahead of everything in terms of user experience. Better than Linux distros, Windows, anything. They've been doing it for years better than anyone, they've had more practice.

    Yes? And why can't you upgrade a 4 year old Mac then?

    Apple did not support upgrade from PowerPCs and Microsoft did not deliver upgrade from XP to 7. Where is the difference?

    It's not really difficult to upgrade from XP to 7: just install Windows 7 over it and your old data is put in a folder called "Windows.old". Move your files over (or use the automated Easy Transfer tool). You only have to install your apps.

    Schiller said the update experience from XP to 7 is a chance for Apple but it's also a chance for Microsoft that PowerPC users can't upgrade to Snow Leopard. Maybe some Mac users will try the newest sexy netbooks, multi touch notebooks, tablets or Blu-Ray equipped (!) desktops and so on with Windows 7 installed.
  • Reply 126 of 168
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    When thousands of users are complaining and computer manufacturers have to offer a downgrade to a previous OS that must tell you something.

    First: they didn't offer that option to Vista users but to people who were frightened to buy a Vista machine because they never tried Vista. And second: it tells me that you have to form your own opinion.
  • Reply 127 of 168
    People who bought Macs 3 1/2 years ago running PowerPC chips CANNOT upgrade to Snow Leopard AT ALL! There is no upgrade route. But just a dead end for Mac users. You got screwed!

    PC buyers with hardware 3 1/2 years old CAN upgrade to Windows 7! And if they moved to Vista, then to Windows 7, each upgrade would not require extra steps. Only skipping a release requires data backup.

    I'll take data backup anyday over a deadend upgrade cycle for everyone using a Mac older than 3 years!

  • Reply 128 of 168
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by experiencemusic View Post

    I'll take data backup anyday over a deadend upgrade cycle for everyone using a Mac older than 3 years!

    Quit your lying! Apple started releasing Intel-based nearly 4 years ago with the iMac in January 2006. If you were foolish enough to buy a PPC Mac at the end of the well known and announced transition then I feel no sympathy for you. I tend to never keep a computer more than a year and like that Apple sheds it's skin more often than can be done with Windows.

    PS: How many of 3 year old PCs could run Vista when it first came out?
  • Reply 129 of 168
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    My point is Apple issue an install disk that doesn't require any of that. It is simpler. You instal on top of everything (yes of course I always clone the drive first but it is not a requirement) ... simpler ... get it? Not having to re-instal the software . ... sorry I thought i what i meant was really, really obvious. I was saying I was surprised M$ didn't make a simpler upgrade procedure. In fact maybe they do, I was saying it was a disaster waiting to happen if they don't for the millions of users who are not Geeks. That's all. Follow me now or still feeling defensive?

    p.s. I run a network of many PCs and Macs and have been a consultant to many large corporations. Try not to insult people eh?

    Actually when Leopard came out many of us including myself did an erase and install. I always feel its better to install a new OS on a clean system. So the fact that Windows users would have to format their drive isnt that big of an issue for most of us. Most people that are going to upgrade have no issue with this. The ones that do will simply do what most Windows users do and upgrade to the new OS when they need or want a new system.
  • Reply 130 of 168
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    Nice to see that it takes two of you M$ guys to handle one old mac fan ... keep trying, with TeckDud's help you may turn in to a disaster yet.

    Do you ever post anything that is acutally on topic? Everytime I see you post you are just following around other members trying to insult them. For someone that says they are 68 you act like you are 13.

    Its pathetic you cant do anything but insult people.
  • Reply 131 of 168
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by experiencemusic View Post

    People who bought Macs 3 1/2 years ago running PowerPC chips CANNOT upgrade to Snow Leopard AT ALL! There is no upgrade route. But just a dead end for Mac users. You got screwed!

    PC buyers with hardware 3 1/2 years old CAN upgrade to Windows 7! And if they moved to Vista, then to Windows 7, each upgrade would not require extra steps. Only skipping a release requires data backup.

    I'll take data backup anyday over a deadend upgrade cycle for everyone using a Mac older than 3 years!


    Except you're upgrading to . . . Windows.

    Might as well hold on to your Mac until you can get a new one, then. As a Mac user, why the hell switch (trade down) to Windows?
  • Reply 132 of 168
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by steviet02 View Post

    And to boot, you only need to read the sub headline.

    "Vista: Worthy, Largely Unexciting - XP Successor Doesn?t Break New Ground on Ease of Use, But It?s Best Windows Yet" is hardly raving.

    That being said, he was right. Vista was/is (considering 7 is officially not out yet) best Windows so far. Smoother and much more reliable than XP, and a bit better looking. True, user experience was not changed much, only tweaked, and MS partners didn't do their homework with drivers etc, but everyone keep forgetting how fragile XP was at introduction.
  • Reply 133 of 168
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Quit your lying! Apple started releasing Intel-based nearly 4 years ago with the iMac in January 2006. If you were foolish enough to buy a PPC Mac at the end of the well known and announced transition then I feel no sympathy for you. I tend to never keep a computer more than a year and like that Apple sheds it's skin more often than can be done with Windows.

    PS: How many of 3 year old PCs could run Vista when it first came out?

    Millions of people bought an iMacs in 2005. You are claiming it is their fault? Regardless, Apple has cut them off from upgrades. How can you complain that Microsoft's upgrade path is too complicated when Apple doesn't have one at all for any computer bought before 2006.

    Given Vista started shipping on every computer since Jan 2007, people upgrading from XP are mostly people who bought computers earlier than 2006/2007. Again, Apple has cut those users off from upgrades. For everyone 2007 and later, both Microsoft and Apple have great, simliar upgrade paths for there users.

    So the discussion is really around no upgrade path (Apple) or one that requires backing up files (Microsoft) for the group of users 2-3+ years out. For everyone else, it is not an issue on either platform.

  • Reply 134 of 168
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by steviet02 View Post

    The sub headline says it's the best Windows version yet. Do you agree with that rave?

    Of course. Once drivers and initial bugs were sorted with SP1, Vista beats the crap out of XP. Better in every way.
  • Reply 135 of 168
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post


    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    Well I, and many others, have an Epson printer with no problems, so I'm guessing it's more than likely ... your fault.

    It is not Teckstud fault, since Apple/Epson have released via Software update the new printer drivers for Epson for SL.

    see link:

    It is clearly discussed on Apple's site and I had the same issue with my wife's brand new Epson printer.

    Reason why I made the comment to Teckstud, he should have his Apple Software update on auto mode.
  • Reply 136 of 168
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Actually when Leopard came out many of us including myself did an erase and install. I always feel its better to install a new OS on a clean system. So the fact that Windows users would have to format their drive isnt that big of an issue for most of us. Most people that are going to upgrade have no issue with this. The ones that do will simply do what most Windows users do and upgrade to the new OS when they need or want a new system.

    The biggest users is the corporate world and their are not going to do a fresh install or buy new equipment unless the previous equipment is 5 years old. Many are using Windows XP professional, so this will be very interesting times.
  • Reply 137 of 168
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    My point is Apple issue an install disk that doesn't require any of that. It is simpler. You instal on top of everything (yes of course I always clone the drive first but it is not a requirement) ... simpler ... get it? Not having to re-instal the software . ... sorry I thought i what i meant was really, really obvious. I was saying I was surprised M$ didn't make a simpler upgrade procedure. In fact maybe they do, I was saying it was a disaster waiting to happen if they don't for the millions of users who are not Geeks. That's all. Follow me now or still feeling defensive?

    p.s. I run a network of many PCs and Macs and have been a consultant to many large corporations. Try not to insult people eh?

    It is not really that much of an issue.

    Enthusiasts of any sort - gamers, IP pros... - will have no problem upgrading or installing clean. We have tried both in our office and came to conclusion that upgrade can actually take more time than doing clean install of 7 and Office, a few more apps on top of that and of course user data migration to network location and back to new 7 installation; 7 spends significant time analysing installed apps and settings during upgrade, though result is spotless and process doesn't require any user's input.

    People who simply use their computers to get things done will likely wait for hardware replacement anyway since they still can do everything on XP/Vista.
  • Reply 138 of 168
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Quit your lying! Apple started releasing Intel-based nearly 4 years ago with the iMac in January 2006. If you were foolish enough to buy a PPC Mac at the end of the well known and announced transition then I feel no sympathy for you. I tend to never keep a computer more than a year and like that Apple sheds it's skin more often than can be done with Windows.

    PS: How many of 3 year old PCs could run Vista when it first came out?

    Many, I think. Microsoft did include drivers for older hardware in Vista's installation. If I remember correctly, more problems were related with (at the time) recent hardware missing good quality drivers from hardware manufacturers..?
  • Reply 139 of 168
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    The biggest users is the corporate world and their are not going to do a fresh install or buy new equipment unless the previous equipment is 5 years old. Many are using Windows XP professional, so this will be very interesting times.

    Windows users don't get very excited about an OS release, unlike Apple users. While I have never had any real issues with Vista x64, Win 7 should be a nice release but I doubt anyone is going to get too excited about it, including myself.

    Most windows users simply use what they have and go with what happens to be the current OS at the time.

    Apple users get far more excited about a new OS release. I honestly think its a waste of money for Apple to put out any new ads based on the Win 7 release.

    Honestly I still don't even see Apple and MS as competitors.
  • Reply 140 of 168
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by VinitaBoy View Post

    "Windows 7 has earned rave reviews from some, including known Apple advocate Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal."

    Uh, huh. Right. Let's all not forget that Uncle Walt ALSO--ALSO!--raved about Vista! And how did THAT work out for him and the Journal? Credibility gap, anyone?

    Rave has two definitions.

    Walt's rave matches a word in the title of a popular song by Red Rider
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