Apple unveils new iMacs with 21.5 and 27-inch displays



  • Reply 361 of 853
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    So blu-ray is a bag of hurt because your PS3 died? So does that mean Apple is a bag of hurt since two of my macs have died and needed servicing?

    No, your Macs didn't die because of a firmware update passed along to hundreds of thousands of people resulting in a class action lawsuit. Big difference. Apple's code is good, Sony's code has always sucked.

    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Blu-ray is not a Sony technology, it is owned by a lot of corporations.

    Apples movie downloads are full of DRM, is it ok to include this DRM?

    It's Sony's DRM scheme and they need to control all hardware to make it work.

    BluRay is not coming to Mac's.

    Who needs it anyway when you got this device?
  • Reply 362 of 853
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Everyone complaining about the price/performance ratio of these new iMacs should at least consider the cost of an IPS monitor. They are not cheap, and LED backlighting only increases the cost. Maybe you don't need/want one, but it comes with the iMac so it is fair for Apple to charge you for it.
  • Reply 363 of 853
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    OK_ LEt's get the record straight now. He said: to push his ridiculous anti optical disc mantra even further.

    And I said to prove him his point is baseless.

    Good God amighty, what is wrong with you? The original comment was about Hulu. The original point of contention was about how significant Hulu uptake is, given the fact that it isn't available for most of the world. Solipsism just pointed out that, given that most of the world doesn't even have optical discs, perhaps, "most of the world" isn't that great a metric.

    From there, you started arguing with the Solipsism that apparently haunts your head, but that's your problem.
  • Reply 364 of 853
    Originally Posted by mello View Post

    My cousin just bought an iMac last week. Does Apple have a 14-day window where he could bring

    back the iMac he bought for a new one?

    As long as he bought it directly from Apple, yes, then call After Sales, they'll help you.
  • Reply 365 of 853
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Good lord. I'm using "digital" as shorthand for "digital downloads, pay per view, and streaming"-- just as it is used pretty much everywhere.

    Well don't, the data stored on an blu-ray disc is digital, just because it is used in a number of places doesn't make it right

    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    DLs, streaming, and VoD account for something like 1.4 billion in revenue as of mid 2009.

    Something like?
  • Reply 366 of 853
    Originally Posted by 4miler View Post

    I can't believe there are no matte screens on these otherwise glorious iMacs. A message to matte lovers. If you haven't got the matte screens you want, it's because we've been slack in activism. There are only close to 600 petitions at - we need to get into the 1,000's.

    Matte/anti-glare coatings are technically distortion. So a serious graphic artist shouldn't want them. Are there any serious graphic artists that want them?

    I could understand if you were a programmer or a writer, who mostly work with text.
  • Reply 367 of 853
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    No, your Macs didn't die because of a firmware update passed along to hundreds of thousands of people resulting in a class action lawsuit. Big difference. Apple's code is good, Sony's code has always sucked.

    hundreds of thousands of people? Man you are funny, it didn't effect anywhere near that number.

    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    It's Sony's DRM scheme and they need to control all hardware to make it work.

    BluRay is not coming to Mac's.

    Why do you say it's sony's DRm scheme, I think you will find the various DRM options used in Blu-Ray come from a number of different companies, infact Apple currently uses some of them with the Mac now.

    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Who needs it anyway when you got this device?

    let's see, anyone who doesn't live in the US would like it rather than that box
  • Reply 368 of 853
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by Maggot777 View Post

    Does this new 27" iMac mean a new 27" Cinema Display is forthcoming?? Now I feel I must hold off on buying the 24" display until I know!

    Hopefully, but Apple is unpredictable.
  • Reply 369 of 853
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Good God amighty, what is wrong with you? The original comment was about Hulu. The original point of contention was about how significant Hulu uptake is, given the fact that it isn't available for most of the world. Solipsism just pointed out that, given that most of the world doesn't even have optical discs, perhaps, "most of the world" isn't that great a metric.

    From there, you started arguing with the Solipsism that apparently haunts your head, but that's your problem.

    I specifically added the ?of any kind? qualifier to indicate computers with optical drives and stand alone appliances. His reading comprehension is so poor that he is being ignored. No use having to re-explain everything just to have him backpedal later. He already dominates the threads with unabated forum noise. If don?t respond to him I won?t see his posts in your replies.
  • Reply 370 of 853
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    And on about Blu-Ray, IT SUCKS!!


    Oh dear oh dear.

    I have a PS3, and it's never given me the slightest problem. Blu-Ray movies look phenomenal on my 50" KURO plasma, really generations ahead of anything else. (including Apple TV 720p downloads, and Xbox 360 720p downloads). There is no other tech out there which can deliver even half the quality of blu-ray.

    So for me, and for any serious HD movie fan, Blu-RAY IS A BAG OF WONDERFUL, JOYOUS, HD SPLENDOUR AND WONDER.

    That these new iMacs, even ones with screens the size of football stadiums and price tags the size of an Aston Martin's, don't have BD drives, is a joke.
  • Reply 371 of 853
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    BluRay is not coming to Mac's.

    Can I quote you on this? The Blu-ray burning support in Compressor, the Blu-ray note in iTunes, the Blu-ray being pulled at the last second from this refresh rumors, and Apple being a member of the Blu-ray Disk Association clearly mean nothing at all. Apple wants to introduce Blu-ray, the DRM scheme and licensing issues may be holding Apple back right now (or they could be waiting until their secret iTunes store to 1080p upgrade is complete), but there have been some rather large hints that Apple has plans for Blu-ray.
  • Reply 372 of 853
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Um...because there are more HDMI displays than DP displays?

    I wouldn't care at all if Apple did audio over DP.

    My current setup is a mini connected to a 1080p 32" HDTV in my office.

    I could easily see dual monitor setup of 27" iMac for work display paired with a larger 40"+ HDTV in the den. Also useful if your office has a conference area with a HDTV...which some of the management have. You can push your PP over to the HDTV if you want.

    Well, you're not completely out of luck. From the tech specs:


    The Mini DisplayPort lets you connect an external display, including the Apple LED Cinema Display, to your iMac. On the 27-inch iMac, the same port offers input, too. So you can connect any external source that has DisplayPort output ? including a MacBook or MacBook Pro ? and use your iMac as a display.

    So you have the functional equivalent of HDMI, although of course you'll have to do some adaptor-fu. I wonder if Apple has gotten around to implementing the audio spec?
  • Reply 373 of 853
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Well don't, the data stored on an blu-ray disc is digital, just because it is used in a number of places doesn't make it right

    I don't know why, but this strikes me a very funny.
  • Reply 374 of 853
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    Heh. Good catch. You're right. I remember all that. Bitch fights about the lack of Glossy and how Apple was losing out to gorgeous sony displays etc, etc.

    I concur with your post. I never have a problem with the reflections on my iMac. I have to concentrate to see any at all!

    *Shrugs. It's glossy all the way for me. I hate matte plastic displays with no glass. Plastic that scratches? No thanks. Feels real cheap too. 'Oh look, I can press the screen and make swirling colors...' Real crap in schools as children like to play ice skating with plastic screens. I hate HDTVs for this. Big plastic displays. Real cheap looking. Put glass in them. Glass is just sand. Plenty of sand on the planet...not so much oil knocking about...

    Heh. The lack of glass in an iMac stopped me buying the white plastic ones. I'm glad Apple went with glass in the alu iMac.

    Lemon Bon Bon.

    Take the iMac glass off and underneath is a cheap matte screen.

    After all if the screen itself was glossy, then you have double reflections. One from the screen and one from the glass and most likely a reflection from the back of the glass onto the screen too.

    Like looking into those infinite mirrors with lights.

    The matte screen cures most of the reflections, except the one from the glass into your eyes..

    One word. Gimmick.

    Flashy shiny objects sell well, 80% of luxury goods are impulse sales, Americans rank high on impulsive buying.

    Glossy screens rank lowest on practical functionality, people will put up with them, not knowing any difference unless it becomes a problem, like listening to loud music and smoking for years.

    You'll see.
  • Reply 375 of 853
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Sorry these iMac are awesome without Blu-ray. Blu-ray is not the future for movies - Netflix HD downloads are. SD is great for rewriteable operations where Blu-ray is not. SD will long outlive Blu-ray.
  • Reply 376 of 853
    Apple just instituted a new 27" screen that supports the HD videos that you can download in iTunes. Also, they made the screen more environmentally friendly and long lasting. They put in an ungodly fast processor. This thing could run Crysis on all high... With Snow Leopard and Windows compatibility, this is more than sufficient for any normal consumer who is not doing high quality movie editing or something. Yes, the iMac may not look like you designed it to be your dream computer, but Steve Jobs designed it, he likes it, and if you don't then don't buy it!
  • Reply 377 of 853
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Glossy screens rank lowest on practical functionality, people will put up with them, not knowing any difference unless it becomes a problem, like listening to loud music and smoking for years.

    You'll see.

    Long term use of glossy screens lead to blindness and cancer?
  • Reply 378 of 853
    Meh. I can see where they're going with the specs- early next year (say February/March) the Core 2 Duo models will get new guts using the i5 dual-core/four-thread Clarkdale processor, with its integrated graphics on the low end. It's a good thing Apple finally decided to use desktop processors.

    The monitor resolutions are interesting- Apple didn't want any complaints about people losing vertical space moving to 16:9 so they increased the resolution by quite a bit. 1920x1080 replaces 1680x1050 and 2560x1440 replaces 1920x1200. I've never heard of a 27" display with that resolution before, it must be a new part.

    No Blu-Ray: lame. No easy access to the hard drive: lamer. Four SODIMM slots are good, though.
  • Reply 379 of 853
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    Can I quote you on this? The Blu-ray burning support in Compressor, the Blu-ray note in iTunes, the Blu-ray being pulled at the last second from this refresh rumors, and Apple being a member of the Blu-ray Disk Association clearly mean nothing at all. Apple wants to introduce Blu-ray, the DRM scheme and licensing issues may be holding Apple back right now (or they could be waiting until their secret iTunes store to 1080p upgrade is complete), but there have been some rather large hints that Apple has plans for Blu-ray.

    BluRay movie disk playback is not coming to Mac's.
  • Reply 380 of 853
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Fair enough the 27" screen is huge but who really needs a screen that size, especially when you can't adjust it? No height adjustment, swivel or tilt and only glossy.

    Are you certain about that? It looks to me like it has tilt.

    Height adjustment would be a big plus though, swivel a plus too, but not as necessary as the height, with the IPS.
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