Apple unveils new multi-touch $69 Bluetooth Magic Mouse



  • Reply 81 of 134
    What is the fetish with not offering a wired product?

    This idea that everyone wants to buy crappy batteries to keep feeding the cost of a wireless product when you are just putting it on a damn desk is a waste of "innovation."
  • Reply 82 of 134
    stevehsteveh Posts: 480member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    After the horror that the Mighty Mouse was, I will never buy another Apple mouse.

    Such a delicate flower.

    Out of five Mighty Mouses, three of them purchased shortly after they were introduced, we've had 0 hardware failures. They're ergonomically fine (I'm a technical writer and spend a lot of time using them).

    If the scroll bean hangs up, turning the mouse upside down on a fabric surface and sliding it a bit brings it back to normal function.

    Another case of YMMV.
  • Reply 83 of 134
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    That's it! MaxiMouse!

    Does it come in red?
  • Reply 84 of 134
    . . . .
  • Reply 85 of 134
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by akhomerun View Post

    . . . .

    it's the monthly curse of the MaxiMouse!
  • Reply 86 of 134
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Mr. honest.
  • Reply 87 of 134
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Instead it looks like a maxi pad.

    OMG- solipsism is really Stewie Griffith!
  • Reply 88 of 134
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    I'm glad it's a fingertip mouse instead of one of those "ergonomic" things that you glom your hand on to (that's not ergonomic, it's just a last-ditch corrective for people who refuse to use a mouse ergonomically, with their fingertips). It also makes the mouse easier for kids to use, which is important for their K-12 customers (I assume, though, that they will deploy wired keyboards and mice to schools?!).

    The nice thing about having it be a touchpad is that new features and capabilities are just a firmware update away. Then it won't just be 'Book users who get all the toys.

    It looks better than the Mighty Mouse and it doesn't have that damnable little ball. It looks like context-click is a two finger tap, like the trackpads. This would be a huge win over the Mighty Mouse implementation if true.

    Of course, it's impossible for me to say whether I like this mouse or not until I've actually tried it, but from what I can see it's a winner.
  • Reply 89 of 134
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Apple caters to the artistes and not the financial world sadly.

    I use the numeric keypad everyday and I'm not an accountant - the lack of a full featured wireless keyboard mystifies and annoys me every time I think about it. S'crazy there is no such thing.

    Otherwise, the mouse looks like a pretty nifty little device and one would expect additional functionality could always be unlocked via software revision. Next step: use two and put the keyboard on the floor and learn to type with your toes, or employ a telepathic monkey to run the keyboard.
  • Reply 90 of 134
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by msmapple View Post

    I use the numeric keypad everyday and I'm not an accountant - the lack of a full featured wireless keyboard mystifies and annoys me every time I think about it. S'crazy there is no such thing.

    Otherwise, the mouse looks like a pretty nifty little device and one would expect additional functionality could always be unlocked via software revision. Next step: use two and put the keyboard on the floor and learn to type with your toes, or employ a telepathic monkey to run the keyboard.

    I stopped fighting this battle a long time ago. It's the dumb down of evertything and Apple is included here. You can always get the older one like I have.Any kid who gets that chopped off wireless keyboard in the box is not off to a good educational experience as far as science and math are concerned. I saw a guy in the APple store and the salesman was trying to convince the buyer that it was better- so sad.
  • Reply 91 of 134
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    MagicJack is a fairly spotty service... have you heard of or tried Ooma?

    I love OOMA! I had a MagicJack and thought it was terrible, but love the clarity of the OOMA and heck no more phone bills, beats Vonage anyday.

    Back on topic. I disliked the Mighty Mouse, I could never use it so I always swapped it out for a Logitech mouse. Looking at this new Magic Mouse, I'm excited to try it out. I say it's very innovative in it's concept and use but I will have to try it out to see if I like it or not.

    Oh, did you see they still sell the Mighty Mouse renamed the Apple Mouse as a wired version of it in the Apples online store.
  • Reply 92 of 134
    Originally Posted by nofear1az View Post

    I love OOMA! I had a MagicJack and thought it was terrible, but love the clarity of the OOMA and heck no more phone bills, beats Vonage anyday.

    Back on topic. I disliked the Mighty Mouse, I could never use it so I always swapped it out for a Logitech mouse. Looking at this new Magic Mouse, I'm excited to try it out. I say it's very innovative in it's concept and use but I will have to try it out to see if I like it or not.

    Oh, did you see they still sell the Mighty Mouse renamed the Apple Mouse as a wired version of it in the Apples online store.

    Good to know about Ooma. A relative wants to buy it.

    Nice to see Apple dropped the Mighty Mouse moniker too. No reason to pay that stupid licensing fee.
  • Reply 93 of 134
    Re: What's needed is a Bluetooth keyboard and trackpad...

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Wacom, sir. Google it.

    I don't want a great big ugly graphics pad that I have to use a pen with.

    The closest thing might be the Logitech MediaBoard Pro, but it would look a lot better in silver rather than black, and it's not obvious whether it's 100% compatible with Mac OS X.

    The demand is clearly there. Googling for "bluetooth keyboard and trackpad" shows a lot of people who have have Mac Mini media centers and are asking for exactly the same thing, just not many solutions...
  • Reply 94 of 134
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by msmapple View Post

    I use the numeric keypad everyday and I'm not an accountant - the lack of a full featured wireless keyboard mystifies and annoys me every time I think about it. S'crazy there is no such thing.

    Otherwise, the mouse looks like a pretty nifty little device and one would expect additional functionality could always be unlocked via software revision. Next step: use two and put the keyboard on the floor and learn to type with your toes, or employ a telepathic monkey to run the keyboard.

    Now that they have the Magic Mouse, I wonder if they could make it a virtual numeric keypad itself. You wouldn't have the actual numbers as a reference though. Or maybe eventually they can come out with another Super Magic Mouse that has little lights under the white shell that light up numbers when you go into "keypad mode" with a certain gesture......just a thought.
  • Reply 95 of 134
    Originally Posted by ediedi View Post

    It would seem logical, yes (the no lifting for left click).

    And if they also implemented the right click without lifting the finger, this mouse is genius.

    Actually, it doesn't seem logica. Here's why... There are no buttons on this mouse. In order to not lift a finger, you have to apply tension to a spot. You also need the tactile feedback from the device. This device doesn't appear to have that. Therefore, lifting the finger and putting it back down seems to be the only logical solution. This is just like using the two finder gesture on the new Mac trackpads. you have to pick the fingers up and put them back down because there is no physical "button". You will have to get used to it but once you do, my bet is people will like it much better.

    My only disappointment is that you can't zoom in/out via pinching.
  • Reply 96 of 134
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    Now that they have the Magic Mouse, I wonder if they could make it a virtual numeric keypad itself. You wouldn't have the actual numbers as a reference though. Or maybe eventually they can come out with another Super Magic Mouse that has little lights under the white shell that light up numbers when you go into "keypad mode" with a certain gesture......just a thought.

    I think you're not far off. Personally, I believe this mouse is coming from research they've been doing for an eventual multi-touch keyboard. Apple tends to build on successes and lets the losers fade away in the historical records. This little mouse is very, very interesting.
  • Reply 97 of 134
    Originally Posted by ediedi View Post

    In the presentation video it seemed that in order to achieve a single (simple) click, the guy lifts his finger off the mouse first.

    If that proves to be the case, then it's a major no-no.

    Anyone knows how this actually works?

    Otherwise, the mouse is pretty intriguing (in a good way).

    You will have to lift your finger, just like you do on the new Trackpads on the Mac Laptops. The reason for this is there is no physical button on this mouse. It's all touch activated, using Capetence sensors. Once you get used to it, My bet is you'll like it.. just like the touchpads.
  • Reply 98 of 134
    xgmanxgman Posts: 159member
    There has got to be a way to enable expose on this without touching the keyboard. Otherwise I really don't see how this mouse could replace any other one.
  • Reply 99 of 134
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Magic Mouse gets the Flip Off Gesture from me. Can't see using it for real DTP work. I read in this thread that you don't have to lift your finger but I can't see how it would work otherwise. How does it know how hard you are pressing? When I click on my Logitech, the button is spring loaded so I just stop pressing to release, but with no physical button how does it know I'm done pressing unless I lift my finger (as demonstrated in the video).
  • Reply 100 of 134
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Magic Mouse gets the Flip Off Gesture from me. Can't see using it for real DTP work. I read in this thread that you don't have to lift your finger but I can't see how it would work otherwise. How does it know how hard you are pressing? When I click on my Logitech, the button is spring loaded so I just stop pressing to release, but with no physical button how does it know I'm done pressing unless I lift my finger (as demonstrated in the video).

    Give it a try... you might like it!
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