Apple unveils new multi-touch $69 Bluetooth Magic Mouse



  • Reply 121 of 134
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Kishan View Post

    My Logitech revolution has buttons on it that I can use to bring up Dashboard and Expose. Would like to see such features in this mouse before ditching the revolution.

    Not anymore they can't, unless you have a magical version of Logitech Control Center that works with Snow Leopard.
  • Reply 122 of 134
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by webraider View Post

    My only disappointment is that you can't zoom in/out via pinching.

    Its done via Option > Flick Up. The pinch is awkward and ridiculous, had they forced its use here, it would have been a big disappointment, not the other way around.
  • Reply 123 of 134
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Mike Fix View Post

    Apple continues to ignore the professionals.

    3 BUTTONS!! Ever use 3D software? THREE BUTTONS!!!

    I was really looking forward to this mouse. But i'm stuck with the mighty...

    I do understand, they're a consumer electronics company now and I shouldn't expect professional hardware from them anymore. They're quite successful at what they do, I just need to find the high end gear that I make a living using somewhere else now.

    Yeah. Sure. Ok. You do that. And when you find superior "high end" gear, please clue us all in. Somehow the rest of us professionals are managing just fine with Apple gear.

    Edit: You use the mighty mouse? And you're trying to tell us you're ok with that, but you need something much more "high end" than this new Magic Mouse? good luck with that
  • Reply 124 of 134
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    I like the fact it has sides and that they removed the stupid side-button (two buttons that acted as one and nearly made your hand spasm trying to press it). The surface will be so much better than the little ball.

    I suppose you're going to have to do alt-left-click for middle-click now though. Also, it still has 2xAA batteries. That is too heavy for a mouse. It should be 1xAA or 2xAAA. It remains to be seen if their laser will match Logitech's or Microsoft's latest offerings but finally better than the optical one.

    I'm so happy to see the end of the Shighty Mouse but I don't think I'd get one. I'll decide after I try it though. I like having 4-buttons and I prefer the lower weight of having fewer batteries. It's also a bit much at $70. Plus the name is really dumb, I don't want to have to walk into an Apple Store and tell them my Magic Mouse is broken - I suppose that could help lower their return rate.

    Nah, I'll be happy when it doesn't go flying across the room from two finger side-swiping.

    Seriously, if you've thought about it the two-finger gestures, they are only comfortable if your thumb and pinky are not required to also hold the mouse in place........
  • Reply 125 of 134
    bucetabuceta Posts: 141member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Nah, I'll be happy when it doesn't go flying across the room from two finger side-swiping.

    Seriously, if you've thought about it the two-finger gestures, they are only comfortable if your thumb and pinky are not required to also hold the mouse in place........

    Nah, I will be happy if there isn't lag from the bluetooth uplink and powersaving feature.
  • Reply 126 of 134
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    . Very interested to try it. I just wish it wasn't so thin. I'm skeptical as to how it will feel in the hand.

    Of course, until I try it in store I have no idea how it will feel, but I'm guessing the flatter it is, the lower and straighter the fingers have to be ( so your finger is not always curved and poised, ready for scrolling) .. just guessing, am anxious to try.
  • Reply 127 of 134
    We'll be experiencing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in it's most extreme form after smacking our fingers for eight hours on a hard surface then doing the double-reverse axle finger swipe to go back and forth between web page tabs.... Ouch!
  • Reply 128 of 134
    I can't wait to upgrade my mighty mouse with this beauty.
  • Reply 129 of 134
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by talksense101 View Post

    I can't wait to upgrade my mighty mouse with this beauty.

    It?s elegant, but I wonder if it?s great to use. A learning curve for new tech is fine, but you shouldn?t have to force yourself to learn something unnatural. I use notebooks so I don?t have to field it, but I think that keeping your finger tips on the mouse and pressing down to click is more natural than lifting to do a capacitance touch. Maybe the chip inside can figure that out. If it can, good on Apple. If not, I think people will be disappointed with very nice looking mouse the way they were with the Mighty Mouse.
  • Reply 130 of 134
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by buceta View Post

    Nah, I will be happy if there isn't lag from the bluetooth uplink and powersaving feature.

    Neither have ever been actual concerns on the Mac. Lag? What lag? Imaginary, sure.

    Power saving... Not sure what you expect here. It's battery powered. If you are concerned with power saving, use Re-ch-ar-ge-ab-le batteries.
  • Reply 131 of 134
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    After first saying that I couldn't see myself using the new mouse I have changed my opinion after a visit to the Apple store and trying it first hand. It works very well and indeed the one thing that I was skeptical about was that it had no physical click proved to be untrue. It does have an actual click action as all mouses (mice) do. No noticeable BT latency and it just works great. Pity they didn't have any for sale or I would have picked one up right away.
  • Reply 132 of 134
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    After first saying that I couldn't see myself using the new mouse I have changed my opinion after a visit to the Apple store and trying it first hand. It works very well and indeed the one thing that I was skeptical about was that it had no physical click proved to be untrue. It does have an actual click action as all mouses (mice) do. No noticeable BT latency and it just works great. Pity they didn't have any for sale or I would have picked one up right away.

    Agreed. Much better than previous Apple mice. You have to lift your left finger to enable right clicking, but it works much, much better than on the Mighty Mouse. The inertial scrolling is great, and the two fingered left/right swipe enables good functionality on the stock apps-- like moving through iCal screens, Finder paths, and Safari histories.

    On the Apple Store counters, at least, having the mouse shift around under your hand when doing gestures didn't seem to be a problem. I didn't think to check if or how you can access Expose or Spaces, but is flicking the cursor to a corner much harder than some hidden mouse functionality?

    I'm kind of wondering if this isn't a transitional item, and the next Apple "mouse" will be an actual track pad. My only concern with the Magic Mouse is that it seems to be a slightly awkward hybrid of touch surface and conventional mouse, and I'm not quite sure why we need to be moving a mouse around on a desktop when we could be moving our finger on a small surface, ala Apple's notebooks. Keeping the mouse form factor also forces some differences from the familiar notebook gestures, which is a shame. It would be nice if Apple could start to build a library of consistent gestures across all of its devices.

    At the very least I think Apple should offer such a desktop trackpad as an option.
  • Reply 133 of 134
    They look very good, I will need to try one out before I buy though, as £55.00 is quite a heavty price to pay for a mouse.

    I emailed my local KRCS store, which is only three miles away from me and they said they haven't got any at the moment, but they are expecting a delivery on Tuesday afternoon, which should hopefully include the new Magic Mouses.

    Tempted to sell my Mighty Mouse on eBay. It's in brilliant condition, and only a couple of months old.
  • Reply 134 of 134
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,294member
    The trackpad and the mouse are fundamentally different things. I suspect this hybrid is the best solution given the available technology. A trackpad is stationary, thus requiring the simplest gesture be reserved for simply moving the pointer. The mouse is, by definition, mobile. No touch gesture is required to move the pointer. If the device was stationary, then it wouldn't be a mouse. Some applications will alway be better with a device that moves.

    Scrolling is one of the most important things a mouse needs to do and has never been mastered, IMO, with the current form factor. The Magic mouse may well be the best solution to date. The gestures should come in handy for moving through pages and images. The great thing about the touch sensitive surface is that functionality can be added as time goes on. Apple can feed us a few new gestures at a time.

    I'm really excited about this product and am impatiently waiting for mine to arrive. I ordered it the day of the announcement. Anyone know why its not available yet? How long will it be before everyone replaces the scroll wheel for a touch surface? I'm betting MS will be the first out of the gate.
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