Verizon continues assault on AT&T with series of holiday ads



  • Reply 141 of 153
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,920member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    In that last post how was I predicting the future?

    Like this:

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Unless Verizon and Apple can play nice the iPhone is going to have a very hard time taking over the Blackberry.

  • Reply 142 of 153
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Let me take care of that for you before you get other, incorrect answers.

    The answer is, no one here knows. All we know is that the two companies could not agree on a way to get the iPhone onto Verizon's network.

    But you of course know otherwise. Give it up dude. Verizon had more muscle than AT&T ever had 3 years ago. They simply did not want it
  • Reply 143 of 153
    Originally Posted by badtux View Post

    Yay, more free advertising for AT&T.

    What school did Verizon's marketing people graduate from? Clown School? Everybody knows that you do *not* mention your competition's name in your ads. You might *imply* who you're talking about, you might say "here's our competition's coverage map" without saying your competition's name, but never mention your competitor's name, because that just improves his name recognition. When people decide to actually go buy cellular service they don't do it immediately after an ad, they do it some time later, and by that time they will have forgotten who is who and often tend to go to the carrier with the best name recognition. "AT&T? Sounds familiar, lots of ads mentioning their name, sounds good to me."

    I mean, I'm not a marketing guru, but this is what was taught to me by people who *are* marketing gurus, which makes me wonder about the sanity of the people at Verizon. And BTW, you want the fastest 3G network? Sprint. By a landslide. I've used'em all, and Sprint's 3G network wins hands-down, coverage isn't great but where there *is* coverage it runs at speeds that Verizon and AT&T can only dream about.

    there once was an advert from apple, it sorta mentioned its competition. They must have graduated from clown school
  • Reply 144 of 153
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Like this:

    That pretty weak.
  • Reply 145 of 153
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    That pretty weak.

    It also answered your question exactly.

    So far, it seems to have been pretty damn easy for iPhone to make gains on RIM (there were even a few quarters when the iPhone outsold them), seeing as it's narrowed the gap substantially with a single device, on one carrier, and on a carrier that is apparently hated almost universally, while RIM is everywhere with numerous models.
  • Reply 146 of 153
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,920member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    That pretty weak.

    Well, yes, it is pretty weak, that's why I was wondering why you do it.
  • Reply 147 of 153
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    But you of course know otherwise. Give it up dude. Verizon had more muscle than AT&T ever had 3 years ago. They simply did not want it

    I'm not saying I know otherwise. I'm not stupid enough to say something that I know I can't prove, and that everyone knows can't be proven. All I said was that the two companies couldn't come to an agreement. Anyone who claims to know more is either committing some kind of NDA violation or is lying. I know hearing it that way upsets you, because we both know you don't have any inside information, which puts you on the other side of that. But I say, embrace it - it wouldn't be anything new for you! Someone has to be the liar on the board, and you've embraced that role with gusto generally. So what's the problem?
  • Reply 148 of 153
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Verizon neglects to tell the full story:
    1. AT&Ts 3G is faster

    2. Where AT&T does not have 3G, their EDGE (2.75G) covers. EDGE is 100% fully equiveilent to 3G except it is slower.

    3. Verizon's CDMA 3G is only compatable here in the US. Good luck going outside the US.

    4. Verizon nickel and dimes....and now they are charging a $350 Termination Fee. Better be sure that you like that Droid.

    5. Verizon's CDMA 3G does not support concurrent voice and data access. AT&Ts does.

    However, AT&T better get on the move. I know that they are rolling out even faster 3G service (7.2MB and then 14MB). This will far exceed's Verizon's speed (< 3MB).

    Problem is that none of it matters when the words no & service dominate your screen.

    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    I think that you are reading the ads wrong. These ads are in no way an attack on Apple or the iPhone -- they are direct assault on AT&T.

    The commercials are basically saying that the iPhone is a great phone hampered by a sh*tty network. They then in a nutshell say, "AT&T's network is such a clusterf*** for data, so why not come on over to our better network and try out some of our phones."

    Remember, for some this is not a company that makes consumer electronics, its a religion. You can't win a rational argument when Apple and its partners are considered above criticism.

    Originally Posted by ced317 View Post

    Why did Verizon reject Apple's offer of the iPhone in the first place?

    Apple's demands were pretty steep and the iPhone as released was a pretty limited device. Remember, development was something pushed upon Apple by the community. They didn't have a clue they were looking at the next big thing in computing when they released i.
  • Reply 149 of 153
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Then I guess we should throw out all of the market research that contradicts your single experience, right? Did you consider that you didn't even eliminate the phone as the cause of the problems?


    Well yeah, I did try to eliminate the phone as the cause of the problem.

    My point is that most people will likely NOT do this. If the Droid's reception is poor, for instance, the 'Power of the Network' will be quite a moot point.

    My main point is that there are a plethora of variables that determine one's sense of satisfaction with a carrier. With my iPhone on AT&T, I rarely have zero bars and I only intermittently get dropped calls. Compared to my experience with that phone on Verizon, I'm much happier.
  • Reply 150 of 153
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by nondual View Post

    Well yeah, I did try to eliminate the phone as the cause of the problem.

    My point is that most people will likely NOT do this. If the Droid's reception is poor, for instance, the 'Power of the Network' will be quite a moot point.

    My main point is that there are a plethora of variables that determine one's sense of satisfaction with a carrier. With my iPhone on AT&T, I rarely have zero bars and I only intermittently get dropped calls. Compared to my experience with that phone on Verizon, I'm much happier.

    I'm not denying your experience. But the aggregation of the whole market's individual experiences has led to a pretty clear GENERAL advantage for Verizon. There are places where that is not true, but overall, it is, and one look at the coverage map confirms the obvious.

    I've had good enough experience with ATT to stick with them for a long time, though I was close to switching before the iPhone. Now, I plan to switch to Verizon the day I can get a Verizon iPhone. I'm just tired of the dropped calls.
  • Reply 151 of 153
    robrerobre Posts: 56member
    Originally Posted by Andyinc91 View Post

    i dont see why verizon has to keep using the iPhone in their anti-at&t commercials. if they wanna get on Apple's good side in order to get the iPhone next year, why dont they use some of at&t's other smart phones so that they can still show at&t having a lesser network, but not involving the iPhone in that negativity

    They use the iPhone because it gives them the most bang for the [ad] buck. The iPhone is on everybody's mind and well recognized. They don't care what Apple thinks. Remember this - the Droid - is their new and really first iPhone rival (they hope). They do everything necessary NOT to lose a single percentage point to ATT. They know that they are called the company with the dorkiest phones. The Droid might just help them to get out of that hole - I call them almost desperate because they left WiFi intact. It's their killer phone.... but it's just not an iPhone killer.

    The screen is - well - fantastic. That resolution for a browser - wow. The case though - is a different story: The only futuristic sign on the Droid is the TV ad and the Red Eye startup screen. The case reminded me of a small version of a 1992 Sharp Wizard when you slide out the keyboard.

    Here is a little anecdote: While I was checking the Droid last Saturday I found their "Flashlight" app. I had pressed the browser icon and the screen turned white. After 30 seconds I finally found their Home button and got "back" from a stuck browser to a quite cluttered screen.

    Here is the kicker one: By now I had two more guys watching over my shoulder and one said "where's the phone button?" We were all laughing after 20 unsuccessful seconds - we couldn't and called the really motivated VZ clerk over. He somehow found it hidden away by using The Search app.

    BTW: The price out the door was $350 with $100 mail-in.

    I like the Droid's specs - keeps Apple on its toes. Can't wait for a 480 by 800 screen on iPhone 4.0.
  • Reply 152 of 153
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Not for long.

    Apple, with a single device, on ONE carrier, in only two years, enjoying skyrocketing demand unabated, with carriers desperate for the device, is already at 30%, with RIM in decline.

    The iPhone with 30% market share is only available (officially) on one network, AT&T. Whereas RIM is on all the networks and still only at 40%.

    The writing is on the wall.

    Can I ask you something seriously? Answer me truthfully.

    What happens if someone steals someone else's iphone?
  • Reply 153 of 153
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Can I ask you something seriously? Answer me truthfully.

    What happens if someone steals someone else's iphone?

    What are you implying?
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