Conflicting reports within Qualcomm suggest Verizon-only iPhone



  • Reply 81 of 161
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post


    Actually, Kunar was right after all. Remember that China Unicom only sold 5,000 phones the first day? Not close to what was expected.

    So he gets the last laugh.

    I would say he gets the first laugh. Like the original iPhone with an EDGE as the fastest data in the UK, France and Germany, those carriers didn?t take off so well. The grey market was already in full effect for early adopters and people were waiting for the 3G version. This seems to much more the case in China with WiFi coming soon, can be had with grey market iPhones and over 2 years of iPhones in China.

    By comparson, Carphone Warehouse in the UK supposedly pushed 11k it?s first weekend for 02 and the T-Mobiel in Germany pushed 10k. Now Orange in the UK has reportedly sold 30k it?s first weekend. I think once these issues in China get sorted out we?ll see steady increase in iPhone sales. Not a high volume per capita sales ratio but a steady YoY increase that will be more than a blip in Apple?s iPhone profits.
  • Reply 82 of 161
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    That is the issue, it a power hogs, CDMA uses more power then GSM, generally CDMA phone use more power and less battery light then a GSM counter part. This is the reason that it took two year for Motorola to bring the RAZR to VZ the chipset was a power hog and you could only get about 2 to 3 hours of talk time. It took Qualcom two years to come out with a lower power chip and battery technology to improve enough to all the CDMA RAZR to get at least 4 hrs of talk time.

    I do not think Apple would want to put a combine chip-set and sacrifice battery life. Also, the antenna are different so that possibly means two antennas in the product.

    The difference between GSM and CDMA battery life is really big. There is really no difference between HSDPA and ev-do battery life.

    But if you only have AT&T GSM/EDGE coverage, chances are you are NOT going to buy a 3G iphone from AT&T anyway.
  • Reply 83 of 161
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    So would a Verizon-only phone not have access to visual voice mail? That'd suck, though the new users probably wouldn't know the difference.

    If AT&T holds a patent on it (?), then there is no way they'd let Verizon have access to it. Not after the "there's a map for that" ads...

    Verizon has an extra monthly fee for visual voice mail.

    There is NO simultaneous data and voice on Verizon network because of Verizon's network technology.
  • Reply 84 of 161
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    So you may have a better and faster web browsing experience on a Droid with a slower EV-DO network.

    Until you get a call, then your network connection stops completely until you hang up.

    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    I didn't bring it up to talk about if iphone goes to sprint or not. Sprint's network, right now, is faster than AT&T's, ran by ericsson or not.

    It seems like a lot of talk about not going with CDMA stems from what the future holds, and not what's there now. People do realize you're only obligated to uphold a 2 year contract right? I mean, it's not like picking CMDA today will leave you without any service when you're 80.

    I would be surprised if Sprint was still around to finish out a 2 year contract. Seriously. Their tech people are all Ericsson employees now, or got buy-out contracts. What's left is the corporate shell. Too bad they are going to WiMax as that limits which carriers will buy them and how much they'd be willing to pay.

    Originally Posted by iPOD-9000 View Post

    While talking about chips and bits, whatever happened to PA Semiconductor? Apple bought them for some reason. Perhaps they are making a multi-baseband IC for Apple widgets alone.

    I think PA Semi is for the OS X guts of the iPhone / Touch. Separate issue from cell phone radio chips, which is Qualcomm's forte.

    Originally Posted by iPOD-9000 View Post

    The Droid is the latest salvo, and whether you are an Android lover or not, you can't deny Android is getting better, faster, and on more devices and networks, than anything else in the market (including the iPhone). Apple needs its offerings going head-to-head with these other platforms everywhere they pop up.

    You could be right, you could be waaaaaaaay off the mark. We won't know for a while. Certainly all the Linux-types are buying a Driod, all 100,000 of them. We'll see how it plays out for the long haul. They said the same thing about the Pre, and a number of other smartphones before that. It's too early to tell with the Droid IMO, though a little competition will help keep Apple on their toes.
  • Reply 85 of 161
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    The difference between GSM and CDMA battery life is really big. There is really no difference between HSDPA and ev-do battery life.

    But if you only have AT&T GSM/EDGE coverage, chances are you are NOT going to buy a 3G iphone from AT&T anyway.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the reason you can talk and run data on GSM world is because voice doesn't run on the 3G layer? Doesn't it use its own amp, etc. with old-skool TDMA? And if that is how it runs, wouldn't running data and voice simultaneously for extended time be an electron pig?
  • Reply 86 of 161
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by iPOD-9000 View Post

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the reason you can talk and run data on GSM world is because voice doesn't run on the 3G layer? Doesn't it use its own amp, etc. with old-skool TDMA? And if that is how it runs, wouldn't running data and voice simultaneously for extended time be an electron pig?

    You CANNOT talk and run data on EDGE at the same time.

    You CANNOT talk on GSM and run data on HSDPA at the same time.
  • Reply 87 of 161
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,584member
    Originally Posted by iPOD-9000 View Post

    It all depends I suppose on when that AT&T contract ends. If it tanks in summer of 2010, then surely Apple has planned for that. The ability to sell a CDMA device is getting I think more and more pressing for Apple. Essentially, Verizon is turning into a well-funded ecosystem for iPhone competitors precisely because there is no iPhone on Verizon.

    The Droid is the latest salvo, and whether you are an Android lover or not, you can't deny Android is getting better, faster, and on more devices and networks, than anything else in the market (including the iPhone). Apple needs its offerings going head-to-head with these other platforms everywhere they pop up.

    There is also something to this with long-term relationships regarding emerging LTE networks. A poster farther up this thread was hyping 3GPP as competitive with LTE for several years, and he's right in raw bandwidth. But the phone business itself changes with LTE - it goes all IP - which means mucho-cheaper for customers. You also look at who has the better network, and its Verizon...and I don't mean just the wireless service. All the money that Verizon could have been shelling out to Apple these past few years has been dumped into their network instead. Fiber over the "last mile," femtocells, IP voice telephony, Verizon is ahead of AT&T in ALL those things.

    It makes sense for Apple to sell a widget on Verizon's network. They can make a multi-mode phone now. They undoubtedly can get a better deal out of Verizon than whatever terms were turned down back in 2007.

    Oh, one more thing...Apple would make hella cash selling iPhones on Verizon...the money part, almost forgot that one.

    Only question is that exclusivity contract.

    I won't deny anything you've said there, but it's the technical issues that are preventing this. I'm sure that if Apple could have cheaply enough done it, they would have done it already, esp if the doing of it didn't kill battery life as well.

    That's the question here. The technical and cost problems.
  • Reply 88 of 161
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    Until you get a call, then your network connection stops completely until you hang up.

    Web browsing is bursty in data consumption.

    Verizon has ev-do phones for a couple of years now --- you don't see much complaining from people at all. The issue is academic in nature, driving mostly in part by fanbois.

    In 3 months or 6 months, you are going to see millions of Android phones on the Verizon network --- and you probably won't see much complaining about this apparent technical weakness in real life either.
  • Reply 89 of 161
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,584member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I would say he gets the first laugh. Like the original iPhone with an EDGE as the fastest data in the UK, France and Germany, those carriers didn?t take off so well. The grey market was already in full effect for early adopters and people were waiting for the 3G version. This seems to much more the case in China with WiFi coming soon, can be had with grey market iPhones and over 2 years of iPhones in China.

    By comparson, Carphone Warehouse in the UK supposedly pushed 11k it?s first weekend for 02 and the T-Mobiel in Germany pushed 10k. Now Orange in the UK has reportedly sold 30k it?s first weekend. I think once these issues in China get sorted out we?ll see steady increase in iPhone sales. Not a high volume per capita sales ratio but a steady YoY increase that will be more than a blip in Apple?s iPhone profits.

    He wasn't bringing the article about Kumar up because of what might happen to future sales, but what he had said about pre-sales. As we know that Kunar was right about that, we can't dismiss him based on what he had said there.

    With the iPhone supposedly getting WiFi in newer batches, we'll see how that affects sales. The question is what Apple and China Unicom will do about the first phones sold that didn't have it?

    Future sales should be better.
  • Reply 90 of 161
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,584member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    You CANNOT talk and run data on EDGE at the same time.

    You CANNOT talk on GSM and run data on HSDPA at the same time.

    But you can run them the same time on any 3G phone from AT&T, however it is done, and it can't be done in Verizon or Sprint.
  • Reply 91 of 161
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    Verizon's LTE build-out is a lot further along than AT&T (and the other 2 carriers as well).

    Yes, AT&T will have higher speed with their 3G upgrades than Verizon. And you will see it in laptop usage. The concern is how much of a difference can you see it in phone usage. The Droid and the iphone have basically the same CPU setup, but the Droid has a newer HTML engine (a newer webkit HMTL5 engine) and has a wider screen (less horizontal scrolling and resizing). So you may have a better and faster web browsing experience on a Droid with a slower EV-DO network.

    Well, let's just say, with all else being equal (phone, location, signal strength, etc), I'd rather have 3.2Mb (or 7.2Mb or 14Mb) than 1.4Mb. How can anyone argue against that? I'm sure some Verizon fanboy (read employee) will try.
  • Reply 92 of 161
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    But you can run them the same time on any 3G phone from AT&T, however it is done, and it can't be done in Verizon or Sprint.

    The iphone can run on 2G mode (GSM/EDGE but not at the same time) or 3G mode (HSDPA voice and data).

    So any battery life discussion is moot --- because you have to physically switch your iphone to 2G mode all the time to save battery life and then manually switch to 3G mode whenever you use data (and then immediately swtich back to 2G mode after you finished using data).
  • Reply 93 of 161
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I won't deny anything you've said there, but it's the technical issues that are preventing this. I'm sure that if Apple could have cheaply enough done it, they would have done it already, esp if the doing of it didn't kill battery life as well.

    That's the question here. The technical and cost problems.

    I think it has more to do with AT&T contract. Since Verizon is only carrier in CDMA land that really matters they wouldn't bother without them.

    Originally Posted by John B.

    You could be right, you could be waaaaaaaay off the mark. We won't know for a while. Certainly all the Linux-types are buying a Driod, all 100,000 of them. We'll see how it plays out for the long haul. They said the same thing about the Pre, and a number of other smartphones before that. It's too early to tell with the Droid IMO, though a little competition will help keep Apple on their toes.

    The problem Apple has with Android in general is bigger than Motorola and the Droid. There will be two different re-inventions of Android in the next six months for sure, and then another over the next six months, and another...each one a different swing. Its like fighting Rocky Marciano or Mike Tyson...neither one were particularly good boxers per se, flat-footed, plodding, and no style. But they keep coming, keep hitting you...again and again and again with no rhyme or rythm until one finally lands...then its a long slide down the rabbit hole just like with Apple and PC's two decades ago. Another Rocky/Mike feature was the thick skulls, you'd hit them and they didn't care. Sounds like Android to me.
  • Reply 94 of 161
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Well, let's just say, with all else being equal (phone, location, signal strength, etc), I'd rather have 3.2Mb (or 7.2Mb or 14Mb) than 1.4Mb. How can anyone argue against that? I'm sure some Verizon fanboy (read employee) will try.

    Because you are talking about max theoretical numbers that don't have any real life meaning at all. A 14.4 mbps HSPDA network has a average download speed of 2-3 mbps. Verizon is saying that their 4G LTE network will have an average download speed of 7-12 mbps.

    Right now --- you have Verizon's 3G network with average speed of 600-1400 kbps and AT&T's 3G network with average speed of 700-1700 kbps.

    (I am just throwing numbers here.) What's the difference of going to new york times website --- one is 5 seconds and the other is 4.9 seconds (and that's not even accounting Droid has a newer browser and wider screen so it can display a webpage without horizontal scrolling and resizing). What's the difference of downloading a ringtone --- one is 10 seconds and the other is 9 seconds. What's the difference of downloading a song --- one is 30 seconds and the 27 seconds.
  • Reply 95 of 161
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,584member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    The iphone can run on 2G mode (GSM/EDGE but not at the same time) or 3G mode (HSDPA voice and data).

    So any battery life discussion is moot --- because you have to physically switch your iphone to 2G mode all the time to save battery life and then manually switch to 3G mode whenever you use data (and then immediately swtich back to 2G mode after you finished using data).

    No. I can listen to streaming music and receive a phone call, and it continues afterwards. Same thing with browsing.
  • Reply 96 of 161
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,584member
    Originally Posted by iPOD-9000 View Post

    I think it has more to do with AT&T contract. Since Verizon is only carrier in CDMA land that really matters they wouldn't bother without them.

    People in the industry seem to think the contract will be over soon. Even AT&T stated in their filing that they expected to lose exclusivity before too long.


    The problem Apple has with Android in general is bigger than Motorola and the Droid. There will be two different re-inventions of Android in the next six months for sure, and then another over the next six months, and another...each one a different swing. Its like fighting Rocky Marciano or Mike Tyson...neither one were particularly good boxers per se, flat-footed, plodding, and no style. But they keep coming, keep hitting you...again and again and again with no rhyme or rythm until one finally lands...then its a long slide down the rabbit hole just like with Apple and PC's two decades ago. Another Rocky/Mike feature was the thick skulls, you'd hit them and they didn't care. Sounds like Android to me.

    I don't know. Seems more like the iPhone. It's been hit a number of times so far, and it's still on top.
  • Reply 97 of 161
    Of course you know, even though CDMA is a dead end technology, Apple could surprise (me included) and release a CDMA phone. If you think about it, there are die-hard Verizon customers (not sure why) who would snap these things up in a heartbeat if available on their network of choice.

    The upside here is that if it's a CDMA only phone, it will have to be replaced in about 3 years anyway with the change over to LTE... So Apple could conceivably sell twice as many phones to that group.
  • Reply 98 of 161
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by iPOD-9000 View Post

    But the phone business itself changes with LTE - it goes all IP - which means mucho-cheaper for customers.

    That is quite an assumption. Don't you think the phone companies will just raise the prices for LTE coverage to compensate for the loss of a separate voice line item on their bills?
  • Reply 99 of 161
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    No. I can listen to streaming music and receive a phone call, and it continues afterwards. Same thing with browsing.

    And the same thing happens to CDMA network.

    There are millions of LG Voyager's and RIM Storm's on the Verizon network --- and you don't hear much complaining about how they can't talk and do data at the same time. It's an academic problem that only surfaces up in fanbois arguments.
  • Reply 100 of 161
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    He wasn't bringing the article about Kumar up because of what might happen to future sales, but what he had said about pre-sales. As we know that Kunar was right about that, we can't dismiss him based on what he had said there.

    With the iPhone supposedly getting WiFi in newer batches, we'll see how that affects sales. The question is what Apple and China Unicom will do about the first phones sold that didn't have it?

    Future sales should be better.

    Actually, all that I was pointing out was the mess our "analyst" friend Kumar made on Baron's blog.

    I have sources inside Qualcomm that say Kumar's sources aren't as good as mine, and I live in San Diego. They also say there will be chicken served in the cafeteria tomorrow, but they're not sure if it will be in curry or soup, it would be a "stretch," but don't rule out chicken salad. Get my point?

    The China sales numbers are irrelevant. Anyone who can afford an iPhone in China and wanted one already has it. They either bought it full feature in HK or on the black market and are now paying $15/month to China Mobile.
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