Apple tablet speculation: high-end graphics, several models



  • Reply 41 of 180
    With doctors already flocking to the iphone, a tablet devise that integrates patient information, including xrays, cats scans etc... Could be a tremendous home run.

    Also as a high school math teacher, with the right applications the appropriate tablet could be a god-send for both individual instruction as well as collaborative instruction.
  • Reply 42 of 180
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    "zunx" has been posting that same sentence on every single thread on the tablet since day one. I think perhaps they have some kind of mental issue, not just because of the repetition, but because what they are asking for makes little sense.

    He changed it a little bit. He did not mention that his university would buy thousands.
  • Reply 43 of 180
    Originally Posted by jeffmac7101 View Post

    Anyone have a link to some of the "analysts" prognostications that were spewed prior to release of the iPhone? It'd be nice to see how wrong they were.

    i forgot to archive my crystal ball
  • Reply 44 of 180
    A while back AI ran an article quoting someone from the medical sphere who went to see Apple several years ago asking them to build a tablet-type device for use in hospitals. SJ said it couldn't be done, because the tech wasn't there to deliver sufficiently high-resolution images (for viewing x-rays and suchlike). Perhaps that time has now come. The 'different models' could be a standard device, an Ed-model and a Med-model.

    Alternatively Apple could be branching out into pharmaceuticals...

    Edit: eastrowguy posted similar while I was composing. Apple written software for the medical one - iHurt?
  • Reply 45 of 180
    I'd get it. If it filled my needs. What do I need? Steve Jobs called a computer "a bicycle for the mind". I need a device that can be a bicycle for my digital lifestyle. Something I can take notes on anywhere, anytime. Something that has all my appointments and a few apps. Something I can read pdfs and books on. Something that has WiFi and a long (240 hrs) battery life. You say: iPhone/Touch or MBA. And my answer is: forget iPhone/Touch is too small - it is not comfortable to read or type on. MBA - too big and still too heavy... altogether unwieldy. I'd like something the size of a kindle more or less - a slim paperback size (no thicker than 1/4 inch), no heavier than 10 ounces. I can carry something like that in a bag, pouch etc., or a special holster with pretty much immediate access - I can see people slinging that anywhere they go... truly a digital lifestyle indispensable gadget. I'd love that. But the size has to be **just** right. Netbooks are way too clunky and fail on multiple fronts.
  • Reply 46 of 180
    Firstly, most tablet laptops out there range in the $900+.... so it wud interesting if apple can make one that is around that cost... and i expect it to be so, since the tablet is between the iphone and macbook and macbook costs $949....

    the thing i expect most is pen input for hand writing.... and ofcourse an LED backlit touchscreen!!!.... other than that, ive already seen the demos for their lecture and meeting software wherein audio can be recorded along with text that is typed or hand written for syncing.... wud be interesting to see multi touch pen input
  • Reply 47 of 180

    DiDio has the rep for being a Microsoft shill, this outburst from her seems implausible in a technology sense as others have pointed out. Although I don't necessarily agree with the common assumptions for the device's market large screen/great graphics/battery life clearly is an issue.

    But I think this report has come out from DiDio to falsely raise expectations so that should the device be launched the blogosphere can have a field day or week writing about all the things it doesn't do.

  • Reply 48 of 180
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by strawberry View Post

    if they don't call it newton, i'll quietly do nothing.

  • Reply 49 of 180
    Providing it has good options in the way of productivity like document creation and scheduling, then this should be just what I'd look for. My macbook is too big and the iPhone isn't functional enough. Add e-reading capacity, comics and magazines and that makes it a great machine on the go. I'm sure battery life will be pretty decent after seeing the latest crop of macbooks.

    Apple's other market is students. If they could provide a great solution for referencing texts, I'm sure it will be a big hit at universities! I wonder if they will end up taking the e-ink route like other readers on the market.

    One question though, was there this much hype about the iPhone? So many conflicting reports on this tablet, lol.
  • Reply 50 of 180
    Originally Posted by DanielSW View Post

    , and, dare I say, "Flash!", to the mix, thus giving us truly rich content reader/mulitmedia functionality, while making it that much easier for publishers to sell content.

    You will not, guarantee not see flash on the tablet. There are so many reasons; you should just do your research and discover why and thank god it won't.
  • Reply 51 of 180
    According to Peter Kaplan, Marc Andreessen, Bill Keller, and other "in the loop", Apple is aggregating and monetizing the dying print media by developing an "affordable" subscription model. The Mac Tablet will be its delivery mechanism, a replacement for newspapers, magazines, and books.

    I've read several leaks, dating back at least a year, that major media companies -- like the NY Times cited below -- have signed NDAs with Apple to explore a paradigm shift in print delivery. The Tablet is that delivery mechanism and it will use iTunes as server. Sound familiar?

    The Tablet is not an e-reader, per se, it's a subscription server that will revolutionize print and media delivery. Amazon and Sony have endeavored to replace books. Apple aims to replace the newsstand and library! From what I glean from Peter Kaplan and Marc Andreessen, Apple is in the process of reinventing print the same way it reinvented the phone. Dare I suggest, that's the Tablet.

    Saw a segment on Charlie Rose with Peter Kaplan that hints at the secret of the upcoming Tablet. Apple is doing for print (magazines, books, newspapers) -- by subscription with the Tablet -- what it did for music with iTunes and MP3s. The NY Times leaked similar info last week. ( ? beans.html)

    The interview is @ (
  • Reply 52 of 180
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by R3negade View Post

    Yes! I managed to comment before teckstud did!

    Perhaps he's lying in bed sick today.

    His Psystar clone is likely acting up.

    Wow! Lots of greats insights with the comments, too bad the analysts didn?t have any.

    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Oh crap. I thought the tablet was going to be good, but if the analysts are in favor of it I am deeply worried.

    That is a good point. Analysts having an understanding of and supporting Apple bringing a new product into the market is unusual. Luckily, the rest of the article shows they have no idea what they?re talking about.

    Originally Posted by RichyS View Post

    How many other tablets have provided users with any clear benefits? None that I can think of. I remember assessing some of the original XP tablets with an organisation that would have really benefited from the tablet concept. Only the execution was so poor. Too heavy. Too poor a battery life. Too clumsy (with the required stylus input). Too much of a general purpose OS with 'pen' features tacked on.

    What Apple do well is look at an existing problem, and take it back to first principles. They then create a tightly focussed device that generally (initially, at least) does a few key things well, while being simple to use and understand.

    Personally, if the tablet has a Cocoa Touch type GUI, with a full HD display, and is small enough with a decent enough battery life to only need recharging overnight, then I'm interested. Make it a combination of the iPod Touch (or iPhone, if you need more than wifi) for the web browsing, email, and apps, and the Apple TV in terms of media, then I'm pretty much sold.

    All good points, but I can?t be sold until I see the device. There are too many questions still left unanswered.

    If they are moving to replace a paper-based medium with a tablet I maybe interested. Having newspapers and magazine subscriptions automatically downloaded and ready for me would be nice. Also, the popularity of Apple products at colleges may make a digital reader that has very well designed annotations for these readers could be a huge hit. However, I think this may be one that will require a more open format for protected files, unlike their FairPlay DRM for iTS. Having Apple control it all may not be the best business model this time around.

    Originally Posted by Daniel B View Post

    DiDo doesn't know Diddley.

    Seriously, while the screen resolution on a 10" device obviously will be higher than on a 3" device, I think low power consumption will be more important than high-end graphics.

    That is what I thought, too. If they said a new dot pitch or ppi it would have made more sense, but even the iPhone in it?s 3rd iteration with the same resolution display is woefully behind it?s competitors. I think a higher resolution display ifor next year s pretty much a guarantee.

    Originally Posted by Roc Ingersol View Post

    "Several different models"?

    When's the last time Apple debuted a new product in 'several different models'?

    Here's a crazy prediction: If Apple introduces a tablet, there will be one. One configuration, one way to get it. There won't be 3G subsidized and unsubsidized. There won't be different screen sizes. There won't be mix-and-match internal components. It will be one proposition.

    Variations might show up later, but not at launch.

    I'm still not sure if most analysts are knowingly link-baiting with nonsense, or whether they truly are that ignorant of the companies and industries they write about.

    I thought the same thing. This analysis is wrought with issues.
  • Reply 53 of 180
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    How many other tablets have sold 2 million in their first year?

    How many other smart-phones sold as well as the iPhone in their first year?

    That is a question not a statement since I don't presume to know....
  • Reply 54 of 180
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    You will not, guarantee not see flash on the tablet. There are so many reasons; you should just do your research and discover why and thank god it won't.

    I wouldn't be so adamant about that. While the tablet may not have flash, I wouldn't suggest that as a sure thing. Many of the problems associated with flash and the iPhone would be largely alleviated with a tablet device with a larger battery and a better CPU. I'm not an advocate of flash by any means, and I don't really miss it on the iPhone (for the most part), but with so much flash only web content still out there, not having flash on a device as large as a tablet would be a disadvantage.

    While I wouldn't be surprised if the tablet didn't have flash, I also wouldn't be surprised if it did. I do wish for flash content to die, but I would also like to see the content that is available on the web.
  • Reply 55 of 180
    Originally Posted by camroidv27 View Post

    I'll believe it when I see it. And so far, I see nothing.

    Of course, I will never buy one, but who cares. Many other people will waste hard earned cash on the device (and most likely those who have both an Apple laptop and iPhone). If it doesn't have full blown OS X, it truly will be a waste. If it is just the iPod Touch OS, it will be horribly crippled as a device. If it has its own version of OS X that isn't compatible with the iPod Touch OS, then you'll make Devs angry (well, more angry than they are already over the App Store crap.) for having three systems to develop for.

    This could be an amazing device, but I fear that it'll be Apple'd up to the point where its just another fancy toy that Apple tells you how to play with (iPod Touch, AppleTV for examples). Kinda like that kid growing up who told you exactly how to play. "No, your car must go this direction!" or "No, your doll can't act like that." etc...

    Funny, that mentality has made a business such an empire and a boat load of cash! Who would-a-thunk! Go Apple I suppose. \

    Translation: I've had an unhappy experience with Apple so I think everyone else should too! Anyone who actually enjoys using Apple products doesn't mind being controlled. If so many people are being controlled, why does Apple have the highest customer satisfaction ratings time and time again? Also, how are they continuing to post record revenue and sales? Because they're driving people away with their controlling nature?
  • Reply 56 of 180
    Originally Posted by FineWine View Post

    I'd get it. If it filled my needs. What do I need? Something that has all my appointments and a few apps. Something I can read pdfs and books on. Something that has WiFi and a long (240 hrs) battery life. You say: iPhone/Touch or MBA. And my answer is: forget iPhone/Touch is too small - it is not comfortable to read or type on. MBA - too big and still too heavy... altogether unwieldy. I'd like something the size of a kindle more or less - a slim paperback size (no thicker than 1/4 inch), no heavier than 10 ounces. I can carry something like that in a bag, pouch etc., or a special holster with pretty much immediate access - I can see people slinging that anywhere they go... truly a digital lifestyle indispensable gadget. I'd love that. But the size has to be **just** right. Netbooks are way too clunky and fail on multiple fronts.

    Expecting 240 hours out of something that will be smaller and thinner than an MBA is just lunacy. What element did you discover that will enable that kind of battery life in that thin of a form factor?
  • Reply 57 of 180
    Originally Posted by DKWalsh4 View Post

    Translation: I've had an unhappy experience with Apple so I think everyone else should too! Anyone who actually enjoys using Apple products doesn't mind being controlled. If so many people are being controlled, why does Apple have the highest customer satisfaction ratings time and time again? Also, how are they continuing to post record revenue and sales? Because they're driving people away with their controlling nature?

    Well obviously it's the ultimate form of control -- mind control!
  • Reply 58 of 180
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Expecting 240 hours out of something that will be smaller and thinner than an MBA is just lunacy. What element did you discover that will enable that kind of battery life in that thin of a form factor?

    Didn't you hear? The new tablet will have a 10 inch screen with a battery the size of a Mac Pro.
  • Reply 59 of 180
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Oh crap. I thought the tablet was going to be good, but if the analysts are in favor of it I am deeply worried.

    i wouldn't worry. seems more like they feel the need to say something so they combed the major boards, picked up the common guesses and are now claiming them as 'insider predictions'

    as for some of those predictions. hopefully by the time 3g turns up it will be an optional mode and unlocked so we can go where we want. some folks that don't have the iphone might want to get the tablet and being able to add it to their t-mobile account is a plus. in fact I wouldn't be shocked if that is what this GSM/CDMA/LTE chipset might really be about. not the phone which is more likely to stay GSM or GSM/LTE

    and also, I'm wonder if that graphics comment was meant to say that it would be higher than the iphone (ie, you could play those 720 videos on it that you can't on the phone. NOT what the phrasing implied which sounds like they think it would have the same graphics as a Mac.
  • Reply 60 of 180
    [QUOTE=R3negade;1521698]Yes! I managed to comment before teckstud did!

    Perhaps he's lying in bed sick today.

    I wouldn't know since I have already blocked him. I would suggest everyone else do the same
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