AT&T upgrades network as wireless traffic quadruples over past year



  • Reply 41 of 87
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Compared to AT&T, how much traffic does Verizon really have on its 3G network?

    I'm sure a lot less. But their coverage is a lot wider then AT&T's.

    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    I believe Congress mandated analog support until Feb. 2008. The carriers would have dumped it sooner, if they had been allowed.

    That was already stated in my previous posts.
  • Reply 42 of 87
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Compared to AT&T, how much traffic does Verizon really have on its 3G network?

    I believe Congress mandated analog support until Feb. 2008. The carriers would have dumped it sooner, if they had been allowed.

    There is too many differences to make a fair comparison. We have different network types with different architectures, we have different time frames when buyouts occurred. For instance, it was still under Cingular in 2006.

    Verizon also completed their EVDO Rev. A upgrade in mid-2007. If that is using an 870MHz spectrum and their analog was on 800MHz (going by memory here) does that not mean that have both while Cingular had to wait until the 850MHz spectrum was free before doing their 3G upgrades?
  • Reply 43 of 87
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Verizon also completed their EVDO Rev. A upgrade in mid-2007. If that is using an 870MHz spectrum and their analog was on 800MHz (going by memory here) does that not mean that have both while Cingular had to wait until the 850MHz spectrum was free before doing their 3G upgrades?

    Verizon currently only operates on the 850 mhz and the 1900 mhz. Same as AT&T.
  • Reply 44 of 87
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Verizon also completed their EVDO Rev. A upgrade in mid-2007. If that is using an 870MHz spectrum and their analog was on 800MHz (going by memory here) does that not mean that have both while Cingular had to wait until the 850MHz spectrum was free before doing their 3G upgrades?

    Verizon currently only operates on the 850 mhz and the 1900 mhz. Same as AT&T. And analog was operating on their 850MHz, just like AT&T's analog. But both of them had digital on 850MHz too.
  • Reply 45 of 87
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    How many cell towers and industrial strength routers does $65m buy? Not many I would have thought.
  • Reply 46 of 87
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    Shutting down TDMA is different then shutting down analog. TDMA is digital. Analog was still active until Feb 2008.

    Is this a strange American thing, as GSM uses TDMA
  • Reply 47 of 87
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    Too little too late. AT&T sat on their asses while Verizon got their shit together.

    Verizon is already deploying 4G and AT&T is just getting around to giving us MMS and upgrading 3G. Whatever. Bye.

    Prove it.
  • Reply 48 of 87
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    From what I've read the problem was that Cingular's old analog TDMA network was sitting on the 850Mhz spectrum. AT&T was trying to push customer off of it onto GSM before they could shut it down. AT&T sent letters to TDMA customers who would not switch warning them that their phone service was going to be discontinued. Apparently there were some number of people who never heed the warning and AT&T was forced to shut it down. That is what held up the 850Mhz transition.

    I never received a letter or any notice OF ANY KIND. One day, my TDMA phone just stopped working and it was at a most inconvenient time. When I called them, they did a lousy job of explaining what happened and just told me I needed a new phone/plan (which of course cost more than my old plan). It's always convenient to blame clueless granny for not being tech savvy or obstinate though.
  • Reply 49 of 87
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by dagamer34 View Post

    7.2 HSDPA by 2011? Verizon will have had an LTE network for a year by then. Way to be behind the times AT&T. =/

    they both claim far more more than what is out there and whatb will ever be out there . SMasll towns will enjoy cmda for ever maybe . and by law any network build is usable by anyone .

    for a fee of course.

  • Reply 50 of 87
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by bklynkid View Post

    Fix NYC, AT&T. I'm in downtown Manhattan and I get my calls dropped consistently and I'm just not able to get online (despite "showing" full bars with 3G) at all? Really?


    When, not if, but when, the iPhone becomes available on another carrier, I will switch. And many others will as well, mark my words.


    as new york goes

    so goes the whole country

    and sprint/ATT have always sucked

    while verizon calls never get dropped in nyc

    except for staten island
  • Reply 51 of 87
    macrrmacrr Posts: 488member
    yea. that's what i thought arsesee.

    being an AT&T apologist serves no purpose... period. unless, you work for them.. and are directly involved and want to hide your suckness.

    Other than that- as a consumer.. stand up for yourself.

    it's sad to see people defend piss poor service. why? makes no sense. call it what it factually is.

    I can't shake my head enough. Why be a corporate patsy? Especially when it gains you nothing. zero. it literally makes no sense on an economic scale. AT&T certainly "loves" it. it makes sense to rail and as a consumer base expect the best.. not the worst. wtf. WTF.

    people today.. I'm glad I am not happy with what i'm served when it's less than acceptable. ask yourself why you find that acceptable. very very sad.

    patsy much?
  • Reply 52 of 87
    Hmmm with all negative spin. I wonder if this is just spin to combat negative press?

  • Reply 53 of 87
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by dagamer34 View Post

    7.2 HSDPA by 2011? Verizon will have had an LTE network for a year by then. Way to be behind the times AT&T. =/

    I think you need to update your information. No 4G networks are not ready. Verizon's LTE will not be ready for launch for at least a year. WiMax is not even around the corner.

    Sprint doesn't have the coverage to be a factor. Count on 7.2 HSPDA being the next exciting thing for a while.
  • Reply 54 of 87
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by MacRR View Post

    yea. that's what i thought arsesee.

    being an AT&T apologist serves no purpose... period. unless, you work for them.. and are directly involved and want to hide your suckness.

    Other than that- as a consumer.. stand up for yourself.

    it's sad to see people defend piss poor service. why? makes no sense. call it what it factually is.

    I can't shake my head enough. Why be a corporate patsy? Especially when it gains you nothing. zero. it literally makes no sense on an economic scale. AT&T certainly "loves" it. it makes sense to rail and as a consumer base expect the best.. not the worst. wtf. WTF.

    people today.. I'm glad I am not happy with what i'm served when it's less than acceptable. ask yourself why you find that acceptable. very very sad.

    patsy much?

    First of all, relax, and grow up a bit. Nobody cares about AT&T or Verizon. However, people like myself that have been on AT&T for 3 years can SPEAK to OUR EXPERIENCE regarding service.

    Mine has been nothing short of excellent. I feel bad for people who have purchased iPhones when they know damn well that their area is devoid of AT&T coverage, but stupid people do stupid things. I have never been able to equate some people's experience with AT&T, and thus have no sympathy for people with the wrong impression of their service.

    3 years on an iPhone, and I've had less than 5 dropped calls. The worst service I've ever gotten was during short periods of days (during secret maintenance) where 3G was absent entirely in my area. Beyond that, its been fast and consistent. I don't live anywhere special. Central NJ.

    AT&T service is good. No many how many articles people write about dropped calls in NYC, my AT&T service is still excellent and you could not pay me to give up my Roll Over minutes and switch to Verizon. Not only is the service faster overall, but the data connection during a phone call is ESSENTIAL to my business.
  • Reply 55 of 87
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    Too little too late. AT&T sat on their asses while Verizon got their shit together.

    Verizon is already deploying 4G and AT&T is just getting around to giving us MMS and upgrading 3G. Whatever. Bye.

    Has this place simply turned into MacRumors? Who are you saying Bye to? the iPhone? I guess so.

    Verizon is still testing LTE. They are not deploying anything. Get your facts straight.
  • Reply 56 of 87
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    I feel bad for people who have purchased iPhones when they know damn well that their area is devoid of AT&T coverage, but stupid people do stupid things. I have never been able to equate some people's experience with AT&T, and thus have no sympathy for people with the wrong impression of their service.

    3 years on an iPhone, and I've had less than 5 dropped calls. The worst service I've ever gotten was during short periods of days (during secret maintenance) where 3G was absent entirely in my area. Beyond that, its been fast and consistent. I don't live anywhere special. Central NJ.

    AT&T service is good. No many how many articles people write about dropped calls in NYC, my AT&T service is still excellent and you could not pay me to give up my Roll Over minutes and switch to Verizon. Not only is the service faster overall, but the data connection during a phone call is ESSENTIAL to my business.

    I don?t feel bad for such people and I assume that is what you meant to write. How many stories on this forums alone have we read that AT&T doesn?t cover my area, AT&T is bad in my area just to have someone jump in with AT&T despite the service being bad they still keep the service past the 30 day trial period and still whine about it. I understand if you want to give it a try every year or so to see if it?s improved or just wish they?d cover your area but only idiots who like to complain get into 2 year contracts knowing full well they can?t utilize the most basic network functions.

    My service has been very good. If I compare to other carrier experiences it?s been excellent. Dropped calls and other network issues were only on certain days, some of them expected do to an excessive influx of people to the area. I?ve had great data rates, good call quality on 3G and every time I?ve talked to customer support, Apple or AT&T, it?s been great.

    I?m not going to give up simultaneous voice and data. CDMA is clearly has a better voice codec than GSM and allows for soft handoffs, among other things, but I am rarely ever in a non-3G area these days so I don?t have to worry about that. I hope the iPhone goes to other carriers because I want more freedom on AT&T.

    Verizon and Sprint choose the wrong path for 3G and Sprint has chosen the wrong path for 4G. However, Verizon has seemingly done a great job on their LTE vapourware upgrade statements. People are expecting way too much from this new technology path. AT&T and even T-Mobile have the upper hand now in terms of the most efficient network with the highest data rates.
  • Reply 57 of 87
    Haven't had any issues with my AT&T service either. Been very happy so far.
  • Reply 58 of 87
    The Bay area has 2.4% of the US population. And since about 6.4 million iPhones are active in the U.S, with an Average Revenue Per User of $92, this means that over the past 6 quarters, iPhone customers in the Bay area have spent about $254m in service fees.

    Compare that to the $65m AT&T has spent to maintain their network in that area during that time.
  • Reply 59 of 87
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by fulldecent View Post

    The Bay area has 2.4% of the US population. And since about 6.4 million iPhones are active in the U.S, with an Average Revenue Per User of $92, this means that over the past 6 quarters, iPhone customers in the Bay area have spent about $254m in service fees.

    Compare that to the $65m AT&T has spent to maintain their network in that area during that time.

    I see where you get yout 6.4M figure from Neilsen, but it doesn?t ring true to me. They sold about 35M units to day with more than half being in the US. They even sold over 7M unites last quarter with more than half being sold in the US.
  • Reply 60 of 87
    Originally Posted by kozchris View Post

    Haven't had any issues with my AT&T service either. Been very happy so far.

    +1. I enjoy my rock solid connection here in Houston.

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